>be HRC
>steal nomination from Bernie
>lose presidency to Donald J Trump
>blame Bernie
Shes often confused.
She still has no idea how much she's hated in red states.
Wtf is this
OMG this is gold. Where did it come from?
... what?
The book she claimed she wrote even though it someonewho followed her around during the election so they could write a book about it after and give her all the credit.
is bernie /ourguy/
There has to be some context to this. What the fuck.
This is so hilarious I dribbled coffee down my chin.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
She's right though, that jew is a socialist.
Honestly I prob would've vote for Bernie instead, but they decided to cheat him of the election so I went with Trump.
Is this a real book?
I don't think you read the image friend.
City folk in their (((apartments))) be jelly of all our property. Come to my ranch and say it to my face.
fuck off normie
>implying anyone that votes democrat votes for any other reason than handouts
This is real?
nah im pre sure the same guy who made this made the creepy zuckerburg posts, its the exact same style of writing pic related
oh mighty algorithm, what shall you have me do next?
G*d bless whoever wrote this
is this the timeline where there is no such this as surreal?
Is Sanders one of us?
holy kek
>"What if I ate a big chunk of beef on stage?" I helpfully suggested.
Helpfully? This can't be real. Is she mad.
Sanders was as national socialist as possible
He was basically a jewish Hitler
what state user?
Does pizzagate get a mention? Does she mention the frogs?
>I squeeze the trigger
>its not fair i faced competition
entitlement sure is ugly
Was this written by Vermin Supreme?
lmao, I hope people start making these and leaking them on twitter. It'll ruin her book before it even comes out
Bernie and Trump are anti-establishment good cop/bad cop.
the only people who voted for Hillary are poor scum
Actual successful people voted for Trump when you break it down by income brackets
She is quite possibly the most disgusting pile of shit I can imagine. Up there with John Wayne Gacy and Jeffery Dahmer. Just a foul cunt of a creature, and that god awful whore of a daughter...*shudders*
I wish this caught on
hahahahahahahahahahaha keep these coming
user, I....
this is like those zuckerberg posts
Holy shit
this guy really ought to write a parody book of clinton's
So between losing 6 million "voters" between now and 2020 due to Trump purging the voter rolls, Trump turning out more whites than ever in 2020 and Sanderistas going full third party in 2020 I guess the Democrats are finished.
She was trying to become president of the United States. If she couldn't handle a rough primary and general, how the fuck was she going to handle world leaders? Do people think the negativity didn't have a lasting effect on Trump? There are people who will never give the guy a chance. It's life Hillary. Holy shit get over it.
Preconditioning her followers to accept AI death sentence.
these are great
>pixelated boat memepost
raging cunt
Somebody type the text into a search engine, I can't be stuffed.
I want to read this book.
If this is every fucking page I'll unironically buy it for the comedy goldmine that it is.
Wait a minute, the book hasn't released yet.
I'm betting it's a genuine comedian having a laugh (eg: shooting the guy) but it's all written in such a way you could perfectly see Hillary doing all this shit that you're laughing anyway.
it's hillary's new biography. she spills all the beans.
What exactly did she say about him that's considered "blame"? Nothing in your image is false.
>Wait a minute
Of course it's fake you moron. That doesn't mean it isn't hilarious.
I know but I wanted to believe so badly....I just wanted to believe. ;_;
(They're not even the same book, spacing is different, it's just printers having a lol)
What program is used to measure the emotions?
There are legit leaks and then there are the parody pages
>kill bill siren.wav
How are the Bernie cucks accepting this? With ass wide open like they always do?
>Robby Mook
>so smart
I knew it was fake the moment I read "Robby Mook is so smart".
>he was LIKE a computer
oh for fucks sake she's still banging on about losing the election? does she have anything, ANYTHING better to do?
Fuck I would have voted for this smug.
spill the beans
Trump's spilling beaners
are you tired of winning yet user?
>takes credit for Roosevelt and Johnson
>but I thought the parties "switched" in the late 60's and that's how they say republicans are racist and they aren't
Maybe you shouldn't have used him to try to fire your own base up.
He drank his own koolaid and fucked your whole shit up.
Is it really 512 pages long? Holy shit. How many pages do you need to say "fuck drumpf and fuck white people"?
Uhhh actually it was originally the opening tune of Ironsides, staring renowned actor Raymond Burr of Perry Mason fame.
Most of the Bernie cucks who actually believed in his core were so alienated they've been pro-trump since the DNC. I don't even know if they're away of it yet.
This guy needs to write a whole book of this.
Then print it and put it in the real cover
Then replace the real copies in bookstores
Trump is president because of her
>it's not me. it's the algorithm
This satire is surprisingly poignant. Nice work user
She doesn't seem to want to go away.
She may actually think she'll get another chance in 2020...lol
British autism strikes again
I need this in whole book form.
He looks like Hillary just farted in his face.
Well he has a ring mark on his cheek, so close.
I wanted it so bad I deluded myself.
i remember that meme