What is everyone's definition of neo-nazism?
My views
>white nationalist (though I don't want mass genocide)
>support National Socialism (if the nation was 90+% white)
socialism as Hilter described it
Am I a neo-nazi?
What is everyone's definition of neo-nazism?
My views
>white nationalist (though I don't want mass genocide)
>support National Socialism (if the nation was 90+% white)
socialism as Hilter described it
Am I a neo-nazi?
Yes, you are a Neo-Nazi.
Now go to the streets and kill a nigger!
If you believe in dividing people into groups based on rqace, gender, hight, porn preferance, then you are engaging in collectivism, which is the enemy. Liberal collectivism has created droves of disenfranchised white males. By harboring collectivist ideals yourself, you are being baited by the left. Dont let commies win. They want you to hate people different from you.
shut up senpai... it was a hard redpill to swallow, but in the end it turns out that collectivism can be good or bad depending on the purpose for which it is used. Collectivism for industry and profit is negative, whereas collectivism for strength, community, and culture is positive.
you sound like a loser faggot tbqh. what are you currently doing with your life? I'll bet it's nothing.
It has nothing to do about what (((they))) want, even if (((they))) want us to hate people of a different color. All races are different, I see and understand that. If you think we are all "created equal" then I can not help you, you will have to research for yourself. I can also imagine how different the US would be, if it was over 90% white which it was actually created to be 100% for free white people. I do not see why we should not be entitled to a place of our own if that is what we want.
Right now I'm on lunch break until 4 pm. I'm actually a chemotherapy nurse with a hospital in NC. I'm doing plenty with my life. I'm married and have a 7 year old son, and 11 year old daughter with a red pilled blonde. What are you doing? I'll bet it's nothing.
Individual > collective. Community collectivism in protection of individual property rights are the only acceptable collectivism. Its like government, a necassery evil. Go nuke yourself
I was only asking what your definition of a Nazism is, compared to Googles definition.
>the political principles of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
> extreme racist or authoritarian views or behavior.
"supporter of national-socialism who idolizes or emulates nazi germany"
>go nuke yourself
I believe ancaps are the ones who advocate for unlimited individual weapon ownership, not nazzies.
Go have your own space. Just dont assume that people have to do what you think is right. Go make fucki nazi land and leave the rest of us alone. But it wont work like that will it? because eventually someone from nazi land will figure out why the people of nigger land are holding them back. then nazi land invades nigger land and collectivist thought has won again. Violence enforced to uphold collectivist ideals. Collectivist arent happy unless they are the last man standing.
Did not come to debate, only asking for your definition of a Nazi and Nazism / Neonazism
You have been brainwashed by Jews
maybe this will help?
Indeed. If everyone had weapons they would be much less likely to commit crimes
You have been brainwashed by Bigotry. Now that we are all brainwashed, where do we go from here? lets try more Nazism...Lets try more communism... Hold on, i think there's a train coming big enough for humanity to jump in front of
Show your flag.
Non evil National Socialist.
No imperialism, no violence.
The only definition one race one state.
>Someone who supports the misconceptions about Hitler and Nazi Germany
Basically a white nigger
>What is everyone's definition of neo-nazism?
An anti-White/anti-National Socialist buzzword to describe a person who is a National Socialist but wasn't part of the NSDAP.
if you label yourself neo-nazi then everybody, or about 95 percent of people think that you support new holocaust and that you hate jewish people
>or about 95 percent of people think that you support new holocaust and that you hate jewish people
Well first off, in order for there to be a "new" Holocaust that would mean that there was an "old" Holocaust. Everyone who has actually researched the subject knows that the Holocaust didn't happen.
Second off, there's nothing wrong with hating Jews.
>A hybrid of socialism and facisim
>Distinctly not marxist socialism
>Uses socialism to achieve what the party believes to be a common good for its people.
>May not directly re-distribute wealth directly in the form of money to the common man, but in infrastructure, subsidiaries, and services.
>Doesn't have to be ethnic nationalism
I still hate it.
Every people must keep itself pure and make no compromise or shortcomings regarding the greatness of its future.
Any lethargy is grand treason against your grand children.
A war of extermination is far more humane than numerous wars over the course of centuries and generations.
Let solutions be final.
>Your definition of Neo-Nazi/sm
Subhuman garbage.
Gas Kikes
Pretty much this, when it comes to there idea of an ideal citizen that is law to follow. And frankly most neo-nazis are so fucking delusional they are easily manipulated by the deep state to create events like Charlottesville.
racially,socially and economically conscious conservetism
I wonder ((who)) could be behind this post