Now the spics can't say that their country doesn't want them back. Return home brown man.

They are Mexican I don't get what's the big deal about it. Their parents took them to another country illegally, obama just made a mess just to virtual signal like every single thing he did

They shouldn't be crying over coming back to Mexico with their families

>The Mexican Cartel will gladly take 800,000~ young and able bodies to help do slave labor in their country.

I bet they will.


Didn't realize they had a fucking choice...

>*buys all his shit across the border*

this, its complete bs when they cry about no having nothing to go back to, they have families here, they real reason they don't want to come back its because they will be just another mexican... also no gibs

>Mexico send immigrant childs to the US
>the American taxpayers fund their education, health, and professional training
>Trump ends DACA
>now hundreds of qualified workers go back to Mexico even though Mexico didn't invest a dollar in them
Mexican 4d chess

>Hey juan, you did that computer shit in america right?
>Heres 4000 pesos, set me up a system to keep my grow house at these temps and humidities and deliver water at these intervals or ill decapitate your sister

This. The Mexican government is going to love this huge boost to their economy.


>not buying all your stuff from the internet

Fucking finally Mexico taking responsibility.

We'd also probably help you guys get rid of the gangs and make Mexico nice like it used to be

But they never ask

wow, I guess mexico threw DACA folks under the bus for them NAFTA bucks

>tfw spic
>tfw not spicky enough to speak spanish
>tfw not spicky enough to have a spanish name
>tfw not spicky enough to get deported

with the attitude of a teenager that's just been scolded by his mom

>fine whatever we'll take them back

Never been to Mexico but I find it hard to believe that it really is that bad a place to go back to.

Why is this even an argument? If you knew your family was from another country wouldn't you want to at least go visit the country??

Just like you help us by providing arms to criminal groups, yeah.

Also we don't want no chicanos. You can dump them in the ocean for all we care.


Please do, i don't want more immigrants here in canada

Trudeau is cucking us all, we need a break and someone to kill him

They are trying to psyche us out by making us think they are excited to receive all of these doctors and scientists

>Internally destroyed by your anglo wannabes that couldn't stay in america cause that's what wannabe means.


Mexico needs all its best people back, educated, wealthy, whatever. It will never improve if the best of its people dont return.

They are big cry babies.

Dammit. I wanted them to go to Canada. Leafs deserve it.

How about we send them to Canada instead?


Piece of advice 'tho: no gibs or PC here. Now shut the fuck, get to work and blast some El Sonidito for your country, Mexico.

> stuff is the same as people

>The Mexican government said on Tuesday it "profoundly laments" U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to phase out a popular program that shields hundreds of thousands of young unauthorized migrants from deportation.

Is Mexico a meme country? Why would a foreign government lament a sovereign country with it's illegal immigrants? Also, you notice the language they are using -- referring to it as "Donald Trump's decision" and not that of the United States? "Not my president" terminology, but if they want you to go to war with another nation, they will refer to all words uttered by leaders, heads of state or otherwise as, "Country says". This isn't "Trump's decision", this is the United State's official position as Trump represents this nation.

Spic, any idea on how to actually get rid of the cartels? I know ending the war on drugs would help a little, but I have no idea on how to take out a group like the cartels (other than targeting how they get money).

Idk, any ideas?

You think the cartel and gangs are just summoned monsters or something? The gangs are mexicans. The cartel are mexicans.

If you kill them, that creates openings in the drug industry that more mexicans will happily fill and you'll end up with gangs and cartel again.
It's better to just leave Mexico as in, and let the CIA try to stabilize things as best they can.

Believe me, mexicans aren't going to change. They're going to continue being irresponsible and blaming everyone else forever.

>providing arms to criminal groups
Why is it that all the darker skinned people can't seem to grasp that what the fucking CIA does in other countries is not a direct reflection of the US citizens because we have no real fucking control over the CIA or any alphabet agency? Why? Do you realize just how stupid this is? Do you realize how little it makes sense?

DACA was created with the intentions of making illegal parents have to return to their home country, but allow their kids to stay. That way they had a supply of undocumented kids they could use for their sacrifices and or sex slaves

Just kill them on the spot, same for chicANOS

>no gibs or PC here
>*uses Seguro Social*
Pinches chilangos, como les gusta creerse blancos.

Ok, am I supposed to applaud them for taking care of thier own poor people?

You should be happy the DACA will educate your dumbass country and cut the racism.

>we have no real fucking control over the CIA
And it's a good thing too, since the average American is an ignorant airhead and the people that get elected aren't that much better.

>The gangs are mexicans. The cartel are mexicans.
Trained and equipped by corrupt institutions, both American and Mexican*

Yes, little crack addict Johnny is guilty of furthering the trade. But then again, or free market xD

why arent we shipping them to Israel which is so racist like all Jews are that they have taken zero mexican immigrants.

We must cut all funding to Israel until they start meeting quotas for taking refugees.

If any Mexican anons here have connections to the cartel and come in contact with a dreamer, please try to get the smug bastard dreamers killed. Thank you.

Why would Mexico "profoundly lament" this decision...well because the real goal of illegal immigration is stealth colonization. Just like Muslims are doing in Europe.

The CIA gives power to the cartels so more stability can be maintained. Would you rather have many small gangs or 7 major cartel gangs all with clearly defined territory?

Its not even poor people its prime aged working individuals who want to send that USD to mexico. Fuckers leeching off our currency i swear.

My parents brought me to Canada legally and I'm a full-fledged citizen, over 20 years now.

I'm 6'2", 240 (Chad), White, well educated, quad-lingual, wealthy and contribute greatly to the economy. Too bad Canada hates me because I'm White and successful.

So I've decided I will be taking my capital (several hundred thousand USD), my business, my skills and moving back to Poland and having a family there.

Good bye, Canada. And Fuck you.


America is a dangerous, racist country where all the little brown people are at risk. Israel must take its fair share of refugees in this time of crisis.

They're going to bring shitty nigger music back with them. Be prepared to hear a lot of ebonic mumbling and heavy bass.


but now this raises and important question:
will canada turn mexicans gay or will mexicans make canada less gay?

This, I would imagine this is a good thing for both sides. The US is saying good bye and their original country is welcoming them back with open arms. Instead of lamenting they should be trying to make mexico great again together with an american provided education to boot.

And what're you going to do when Poland becomes a highly attractive country for everyone, and you get California-tier whites moving there? Ask any state about Californians and you'll see what happens.

I don't think running away is going to solve our problems.

I won't go back to the shit hole that is Mexico. I make good money here.

ayy i like this

>dude the cartel is like better than nothing lmao
Thanks for admitting said institutions are corrupt and furthering the activity of the cartels.

You consumer man children demanded blood, and Trump Augustus gives you the circus. Enjoy your petty cruelty with your ignorant grin. Shadilay, your country is still in terminal decline.

The deportation it's going to heavily reduce their operation capacity, you can strike when they are recruiting new members to sell in the US.

Fuck you.

Mexico just literally cucked

What made Mexico bend the knee?

Thank God, if only Trudeau can keep his mouth shut for about a year

A'right, lads? Someone gimme a quick run down of this DACA lark, cheers.

Holy shit Mexico AND Canada want them. Are we going to see a bidding war for these educated and proud Burritostani refugees?

This benefits Mexico just as much as it benefits us. We no longer have to take care of them with welfare. It forces more companies to hire American and raise wages. For Mexico's benefit it provides them with their people returning home who have better educations which will heavily improve their economy. Win-win for everyone.

They're all gonna be coming to canada...Fuck you guys let us win once a while...

They want the mexicans back.

I will kinda miss DACApedes :( they are pretty BASED

mexicans are catholic, chicanos are gay

sorry, you're getting more gay

No they thought they were being fucking cunning, fucking retards they should have kept their fucking traps shut, this guys are literal fucking brainless.

(you) have to go back

>be mexico
>be filled with bright and amazing individuals
>don't want them in your own country

Mmga. I am all for it

We need to just declare war on Mexico and bomb them into oblivion already.

Paco, you guys literally elect the most corrupt leaders in the world. Almost all your politicians are in bed with the Cartels

>better than nothing lmao
"No cartel/gangs" is impossible for you. You're Mexicans. You believe that if there is a black market demand for something, you can't be faulted for meeting it. You'd rather blame everyone else for your problems than accept that maybe it's the responsibility of the Mexican people to resist temptation.

But no, you'd rather say "Oh woe are we! It is not our fault we tear apart our country to sell drugs, it is the fault of those who buy them!"

We see you for what you are. You are animals that cannot help yourselves, and unfortunately because you're our neighbor, your problems spill into our country, destroying our stability.

Now be a good mestizo and go drink yourself to death.

no need, just HAARP up a hurricane and wash the sin away so we can start over

>Fagistani flag
>Says faggot word based
>Implies shitty shitskin illegal rapists are even remotely good people

Get the fuck off this board you shilling kike it's too obvious.


We don't know what your ugly spic words mean.

huh everything turns out well for everyone, we get rid of people who don't belong and leech upon our government and mexico get educated workers.
good job everyone involved.

That won't make me go back

No Justin broke down the fake charade and said we are a nation of laws. LMAO. Canada cant handle a few migrants let alone millions of Hispanics.

what are you on nigga, norteƱo here. Gibs in the american sense are much different from having healthcare here. You and your employer pay a monthly fee so you can at least have some sort of shitty care in case SHTF. Even then, I honestly don't have seguro social, but I wouldn't be embarrassed if I did: big difference between that and filling some forms to get coupons to buy lobster and cigarettes with, like welfare queens in America do.

You'll get no argument here. But the point is, people are blaming the wrong people, and that is by design.

well now all these "dreamers can go back and revolt against a corrupt system. mexico was built on bloody revolutions

that is, until the illegals try to run away again

But paco you're making our country a shithole

ignorant fuck here who doesn't care about the country and just lives a fairly comfortable life without caring about mexico.

How is this gonna affect me? are things gonna be even more expensive now?

It's a net gain for their country. Countries spend a ton of money on public education and medicine getting children up to adulthood, then as adults (some) pay pack what was spent on them as taxes, then as elderly they mooch again and all but a few end up being a net loss on the system with those few having to carry everyone else. If you could skip step one and have educated, healthy tax payers come to your country they'll have a much higher chance of being a net gain on society (the original premise behind immigration). Somehow along the way we forgot that we don't need manual laborers anymore and need people with degrees and technical skills.

Chicanos are the darker Amero Indian ones right?
What are light skinned Messicans called?

Mexico is acting like they had a choice in the matter. They were going back no matter what.

Enjoy your 'skilled' liberal arts majors you fucking spics.


>Not wanting 800,000 skilled workers with first world skills to come back to boost the economy and improve the state of Mexico.

You're in the wrong.

eyyy ese your stuck with us gringos and niggers now

>The United States' southern neighbor will strengthen efforts to guarantee consular protections for affected Mexican youth, Mexico's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

This means the Mexican government will finance more protests and lawsuits so illegal immigrants can stay in the US.

Mexico already sent 50 or so million dollars to their consulates in the US a few months ago. They don't want these people in their country and are doing A LOT to make them stay in the US.

no your shitty peso will go up and you can live like ameriburgurs thanks to all those illegal dreamers coming to your country

The CIA aren't to blame for Mexico's problems.

Meanwhile in Mexico...

Seguro social saved my ass when i was unemployed, i got in a nasty motorcycle accident and was for a solid month in the hospital i only paid about 5000 pesos for food because the food that i was getting was shit.

I don't care. I'm making money and advancing my career. Did the Spanish consider natives feelings when they conquered them? Why should I care about what you think of me? You have no power over my destiny anyways. Might makes right. By the time this repeal is supposed to take effect it will be struck down by the Supreme Court just like the travel bans. We are here to stay gringos.

>I honestly don't have seguro social,
So unemployed and possibly underage. You're one to talk about parasites.

Don't forget that they're going to bring microagressions and what not.
The Mexican government is going to love them because they been given actual educations will be useful for the economy, unlike 'actual' mexicans.