What can we do about the "black problem"?

What can we do about the "black problem"?

kick their ass and treat them like they deserve, like we've always done

>What can we do about the "black problem"?
Create a White-only country from the ashes of amurrica so we don't have to live among those subhumans anymore.

You sure it's not the other way around

Nah, we used to chop off your kid's hands if you didnt comply or do what we told you to do, remember?

this what happens when you are only used to fight 10vs1, 1vs1 you get the living shit kicked out of you.
We used to beat the shit out of niggers for no apparent reason back where i'm from lol.

The Golden One really is strong...

Stop paying for it.
Pieces of human garbage have been living off the backs of hard working taxpayers for too long.
I would love if Trump or whoever else has the balls to actually lead got behind a podium and said "If you are able bodied and on welfare, your benefits will expire six months from today."
And that just goes to show how cucked we are that even in my wildest dreams I give the animals six months severance.

>Niggers enslaved the white Europeans like cattle and brought them to america.
You live because of our mercy and you know it.

tbqh if you're mom was packin' that much thiccness in the trunk you'd squeeze dat shit to

hand chopping is the way to go

Reparations and your white daughters you racist

Fuck yeah it is!

such intelligent species

Just send them back or kill them all, killing is cheaper

If there's one thing I've learned from these it's try to grapple them to the ground because they're worthless at that point.

>you will never have a hot mom and grab her by the ass and brag about it on social media

>be nigger
>whitey pays you to shovel dirt
>shovel dirt from one pile to the pile next to it
>you now have infinite amounts of dirt to shovel and are therefore paid an infinite amount of money

Pure genius


lol now that you mention it, you're right. I've seen this many times before.
Go for the legs. Niggers dont know how to use their knees apparantly

Is is true that the Golden One attacks whenever he sees a nigger on the street?