Syria General /sg/- We /DeZ/ Nao Edition


>SOUTHFRONT Sep5 (Afghanistan)

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Akarabat Sep1
>Op Lavender Sep1
>Raqqa Aug31
>DeZ Aug31
>Dara'a Aug20
>E Ghouta Aug11

Developments Sep 5
>SAA LIFTED SIEGE ON DEIR EZZOR, linked up with Brigade 137
>Issam is boiling coffee right now
>Iraq: Reports that Hawija op has begun
>Pro-opposition media: 40 plus Islamist groups to form "unified national army" in Syria
>SAA enters Uqayribat, IS counter-attack to expell them. Reports SAA withdrew from Jruh, Uqayribat& Naimiyah, fighting ongoing
>RU FM:Rebel forces preparing to use chemical weapons in Daraa
>Hez, IS to exchange prisoners near DeZ border
>Ru FM:Sy de-escalation zones pose no danger to Israel’s security
>Kurdish, Assyrian forces clash in Qamishli City
>Jihadist rebels launch surprise assault in west Aleppo
>US-backed SDF recaptures Darayeh area from IS in Raqqah
>Rebel civil war in Idlib: HTS fights against al-zenki movement
>US-backed forces in SE syria sell arms to IS – fsa defector
>Taliban leader claims that group controls over half of Afghanistan
>/sg Army 2017 album


Other urls found in this thread:


assad will be bombed soon



Fuck that Barzani cunt. BIJI YPG !


Nothing free about Kurdistan.
It will be costing western tax payers plenty for years to come.

8th 4 world peace!


I still can't believe that Tiger is semi-open gay and nobody bats an eye in the SAA ...

where does /sg/ stand on Venezuela?
Is it another Syria under attack from the west, or a legitimate dictatorship?


*Chews on bubblegum cigarette*
Reminder that this general is only for BASED badasses who hate kikes and like seeing terrorists get blown up and don't take shit from anyone.

If you're not one of us, go hang with the reddit kids over at /ptg/, we don't have time for your children's games

>"It's ok, you still have time to make it up to the noble and brave Kurds Assadist"

He's incestic gay actually.

How many total ISIS deaths?

Good pic if you ignore the fact that SDF then took 65% of Raqqa in 2 months

FUCK Syria
FUCK Assad
FUCK Muslims

We will wipe you all out you scum. Assad will fall. Syria will disintigrate. Muslims will die
Fuck you all, from America with love


Reminder to not give Evapolack (you)s

The fuck is that supposed to mean ?

Did you notice this faggot bitch ?

Fuck off, you american cunt

We hate your kind. Go back to /ptg/

>when your general is so shit you go to /sg/ and larp


not real Socialism™, but alas the eternal jew is everywhere
I had a better one but I can't seem to find it



notice how the autist names every file?


there was a thread about revolution in iran, what about it?

>when the general became so shit around october that I stopped even lurking there

The guy he has so many intimate foto is his son (or nephew)

sorry i can't read vodka runes

Assad isn't a commie.


They're secular, after all.

Yeah, he scored 2 goals against you.

Add this to OP, our proudest achievement

Boy, we blew those fucking jihadies to hell and back, huh? Based Ivan even gave us a shout out!

Allahu akbar!

It's the Suheil-Issam "hot coffee" conversation.

I have high functioning Autism. So what ?

It helps to organize his shilling folder.
From what little I've heard from /ptg/ posters who come here /ptg/ doesn't like him either. I think he was making split threads and encouraging raiding on us and many of them turned on him.

post best Asin songs

If you are excel at your job nobody cares what you put in your ass on your spare time

Remember this

Translate plx

>Eternal Persian strikes again.
Juan, plz.. Anyways;
Tiger: Issam, can you hear me?
Druze Beast; Yes, brother!
Tiger: Prepare coffee, I am coming!

It's based, they're the good guys

He's an ethnic Turkmen, not Persian.

>tries to make a program that prints a diamond in '*' signs in Java through using for loops
>can't do it


wtf I love commies now

Doubt there is a unified "SG" opinion on it, i personally see it as US puting their nose where they shoudnt (AGAIN).

You deserve a rope

This is for my veteran /sg/ lurkers. I wrote this E-mail.

So that's his son?
His son is supposed to be younger!

Muh childhood

last line is sumail saying "get some cofee going, I'm coming"? I'd feel mad educated if I got this right

Venezuela problems come from oil price drop. If they overtrow their government and erect pro-western figure, nothing will change and will probably get even worse as revolts produce chaos. Which is why it's better to side with Maduro.

Topkek. You had the image all along. You were waiting for it, weren't you?

The power and the glory!

nah, I'm one of the good guys, I stand with based assad!

Do you know what the big fight near the end of the match was about ? I have no idea.

bringing in some evapolack mems from /ptg/ archives...

I looked him up ..tfw all of them make fun on him and filter him each threads...what a lowlife plebbit faggot he has to be

Motherland will not forget your service begleiter

yeah, fuck those "Moderate" beheaders

We should make the news more often, more people need to sing praises for based assad

Пocлyшaй, их тaм нeтe!
Дa, cнyc.

>oil price drop

Also corruption of the Chavez regime. Particularly, theft of monies allocated to oil machinery maintenance.

I don't browse r/ptg, sorry to burst your bubble

fuck drumpf

I 'member.
Such a cunt.
/ptg/ did good making fun of him

Anyways summary of new Raqqa vid...

Lots of drone attacks on SDF, drones stalking SDF + some SVBIEDs (mostly on buildings so cant see how effective, but some are definately very powerful) + some sniper footage. Also shows ISIS helplessly using various AA guns trying to destroy coalition airpower.

The most interesting part was an ISIS fighter saying "We have prepared against you something big. It allows us to take down your jets.. Just wait".

Obviously this is 1945 level wunderwaffe tier delusions but latest ISIS magazine talked about how they "might deploy new and secret weapons in Raaqa soon". Maybe this is the same thing?

It will be interesting to see what they come up with.

fucking radical

South America is a synonym to corruption. Pro-western government would be as corrupt as this one if not worse.

Nah, we don't need more plebbitors or normies here. Let's be sekrit squirrel.

>New secret weapons

>Lots of drone attacks on SDF
where did ISIS get drones from? I know Israel make them but is it known how they got their hands on them?


гдe cнyc?!

How does this make you feel ?

Lister's article on how to "save" Idlib. He wants somehow to deny Al Nusra or whatever they call themselves now to take over 100% so SAA wouldn't have rock solid arguments for taking the fight there.

thank you very much

Just saw that clip and you can see how people are still alive after it blows up on them, goes to show how ineffective SVBIED's are against humans.

>их тaм нeтe
This is SSO, they officially support the offence. Vagner is under Akerbat now.

>I looked him up ..tfw all of them make fun on him and filter him each threads...what a lowlife plebbit faggot he has to be

>Young Pollack shills hard on his home general, comes to /sg/ to get (you)s because his friends hate him now, kills self. SAD!

What the hell even happened to the Syrian National Transitional council or whatever it was called anyway? Essentially copied the Libyan NTC and promptly fucked off to Istanbul and vanished forever.

pls stap iam dying of laughter

>"We have prepared against you something big. It allows us to take down your jets.. Just wait".
Condom bombs?

Pic related said Syrian players cursed our players and they said some bad things about mother and sisters of Iranian players.

they make some of those themselves, most of the others are off-the-shelf chinkshit

Basically someone figured out this shit won't fly with direct Russian and Iranian support, so they disappeared.


So, since Saudi Arabia won their game, Syria will go into the face-offs against the Australian shitposters.

Maduro niggers own policy's brought this situation on him, now foreign players are taking advantage of this and trying regime change his ass.

Flying goats.

A disciple of Suheil? Impressive!

They are cheap off the shelf drones modified to carry small grenades.

Their combat effectiveness isint very good, but the recon they provide is excellent.

Heres an example.

It's a Cessena with a dshk attached.

Hmmm the same cunt.. I don't really believe that. It looked like syrian players and managers were very angry, not the opposite.

I missed the game, did we win?

>Condom bombs?

>Vagner is under Akerbat now.
And what about Turan battalion?