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Kids just got redpilled the hardway.

Snitches get snitches muhfug-- OH NO THEY SAID NIGGER!!!

Dill Scott, you little snitchin ass motherfucker. You're gonna bleed for this...

He gonna get Dilled fo snytchin

If a kid did this to me in high school I woud legit put him in hospital

>land of the free

If these kids really did get expelled and blackballed. They and others need to know kids who were fucking around, just got their futures sold for someones delicate feelings.

>expelled for saying you want to FUCK niggers

>this PC carp pisses me off, I hope they get a lawyer

A blck man once stole my lunch and started eating it. I had never heard the word nigger before I instantly said gimme my fucking lunch back you nigger in class in front of everyone. No one gave two shits and he gave my lunch back.


that's modern black people. the biggest bitches in human history.

>engaging in group chats in apps
gen z, you aren't too bright really
learn some opsec howabout? you dumb faggots, this is a fucking WAR we're in, it would behoove you to behave like it if you want to make it out alive

White leftists.

You think he's actually offended because a random person said ''nigger''? They are just aware of the fact that a person can lose their job for saying that word. I don't know why's that but yeah, land of free.

>further inspection
its a nigger getting mad at a bunch of nonwhite mystery meat probably nigger ameriniggers getting buttmad about them trolling him over him getting buttmad about the word nigger
and he still won't ever get that no one is going to stop using the word until you dumb niggers stop giving it the ultimate power to make you chimp out on a dime

nigger - say it with nigger

Holy shit. Are they racist trolls or are they serious?

I googled their names, all white girls part of the schools gymnastics team.

Don't let your daughters use the internet or be involved in any extracurricular besides academics.

I honestly don't think they were being racist for the hell of it. They were honestly trying to sext him. One girl says "show me". One girl says I love nigger cock, and the other agrees.
Pretty fucking disgusting. They're around 14. White parents are fucking retarded.


>paying the toll before burning the coal
kek what a world


>the only girl not slobbering over nigger cock is Leticia
Based Mexican girls.

>saint louis
nothing of value was lost





They're little fucking girls lusting over BBC. Jesus Christ. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if the got expelled. They deserve some punishment for being filthy degenerates.

Let's bombard the school with phone calls until they let the kids back in.

You know they were just joking right? No need to be autistic about it

Completely unjust.

Still, they are coalburners ...

You're defending the wrong kids. These little girls were being sluts not racist. They're a bad influence and deserve punishment.

Haha being retarded was such a great joke right? They fooled people into thinking they like nigger cock AND got expelled! Genius, really

You're in denial. My girlfriend works at a school, kids these days regularly talk about watching porn. I've heard so many stories of black boys fucking girls in the restrooms. It's just so depressing.

If your child has a phone, they've looked at porn. Inevitably they will see interracial porn that's always featured on the front pages.

The school is turning to trash.

"For the past ten years as Head of School—and especially in the last two years—I have seen and walked alongside our School as we have worked through the growing pains of becoming an increasingly diverse and inclusive community. "

We have been raised on white self hate. The likelihood of those girls just joking is only because they got caught. If they were at his house they would have been fucking him and talking about how much better niggers are than white boys.

Then if they got caught after they would cry rape and manipulation. White self hatred knows no depths in the Kwa. The girls could even get a lawyer to prove that they are tolerant and diverse and were just showing their appreciation for the superiority of black men and get money out of the school for being racist to them.

that's one seedy looking nig nog

>0.02 shekels deposited

>Cuckposting unironically

Kids say insanely degenerate shit all the fucking time. Did you not have friends growing up.

A bunch of rich staceys just got expelled for being typical retarded staceys waiting to be plowed by chad and letting Leticia into there chat.
Moral of the story
>dont let nogs into the chat

Where does it say they were expelled? Even for coalburners that punishment is too much, but it doesn't say they were expelled.

The guy that posted it ... shaking my head.

I'm genuinely curious as to how you think I'm trolling. They were being whores. They deserve any punishment they get. Hopefully this was a wake up call for there parents.

>14yo girls say "I love nigger dicks" all the time

I'm glad I don't live in America then.

St louis here
Let me tell you MICDS and whores go hand in hand

You would send a kid to the hospital for a word? Nah you wouldn't, Sup Forums isn't the place for edgy LARPs and neither for niggers.

>get expelled for being mean outside of school
yeah bullshit
Ive gotten in trouble twice for calling a girl a nigger and all I got was a slap on the wrist

>tfw not sure if theyre being ironic or not

Niggers can be some of the most fragile self-victimizing emotionally wrought children I have ever seen.
>don't say dat word or I'll get you removed from school!
>no wrongthink or no education for you!
fucking fragile niggers are a cancer upon this earth. fuck political correctness, it is a poison upon our nation and a death sentence for humanity.

grateful no one ever snitched on for hate speech but if this is a new thing for kids, they are probably going to start a big divide between faggots and everyone else

They're jews.

Burn the Coal Pay the Toll

Yeah, I think two are. The others are definitely white.

>doesnt know that every highschool in st louis has been clamping down on bullying in any form
>schools in Ladue have it the worst because mass majority white
>private schools even worse because almost all white
They are going to get expelled to remind them of their white privledge. If not they fugged the whole board of education

But all the young children in France are niggers and mudslimes.


>yfw a whole generation of white kids are getting a dose of realism
>yfw they bring back lynching

True, they were scum

then some fine white youths will spray paint swastikas and "kill all niggers" on the walls and everything will be even steven
have u never been in highschool before?

they're drooling over nigger dick
generation z was a mistake.

What a fucking pussy, look at his twitter he barely even uses it. He just hopped on, posted something where they are in the wrong, there is no other or excusable side to this. Poof gone, new schooling and worse quality for you. The left/minorities really do want this tribal/race war to go down.


The school had a white guilt assembly about it today

Who fucking cares. Micro-jewesses getting bit by their pets.

Honestly, the internet and every kid having a phone and access to porn is the problem.

of course the nigger's first instinct is to snitch. they do this all the time irl while talking shit about cops through the other side of their mouth

>tfw you forget you're not on Sup Forums

>The 1st ammendment proctects m-

Yeah, (((sophia))) looks like fucking (((shia))), kek.
I guess heeb whores really do love the bnc (big nigger cock) lmao. Must've been from being (((slaveowners))) wives, go and fuck all the bucks when (((herschel))) isn't around hahahaha.

>snitches get snitches

(((((((((((((((((free speech)))))))))))))))))))

Yes you dumb nigger i went to webster highschool and graduated 3 years ago
Thats not what will happen in current year. If that happened
>school will hold an assembly like
>say stern things about white supremecy
>here come dayqon and the chimps to educate us about how evil white people are
>restate 0 bullying or hate speach policy and is immediate grounds for expullsion

you're such a fucking retarded piece of shit. you've gotta be some 18 year virgin old shrimp dick delusional faggot as well.

any little fucking whore that's 14 and saying she loves nigger dick is already fucking gone and it isn't a joke. do 14 year old boys joke about fucking spic women and nigger women? sure. will they fuck them? absolutely they will you little retard virgin cuck.

america and the west is degenerate and deserves to burn. 14 year old girls are

>dey getting the redpill fellow pedes!
>literally 14 year old girls trying to get a bbc hookup and the fucking retard nigger outed them instead of fucking them cause he's so stupid
if trump wasn't president causing him to especially hate white people and want to hurt them then he wouldn't have even cared and instead fucked them. literally the only reason these girls didn't get blacked is casue trump is president and he pissed the niglet off so he wanted revenge against whitey

It doesn't say anything about being expelled.

Anyway, Sup Forums acting like they care had the girls been expelled is a joke. If Sup Forums found this they would want the girls expelled over it just because they are white girls talking about craving black guys, ie "coalburners. "

Disgusting little whores. Luckily this will be on the internet forever.

the only people who care about them getting expelled are the /r/the_donald retards who are talking "dey redpilled now xD" and denying these little white whores were trying to get blacked

Lmao what a joke



likely a stern warning and an in-school suspension, do you really think those morons were expelled?

More like Uppity School Assembly

The overwhelming majority of girls have no actual real attraction to nigs, even with shlomos propoganda campaign. Likely saying BBC as a joke/pity to make him feel girls want to date/fuck him (they dont)

This is why you can't say it, it puts the kikes pets in their place, which is not where they want them.

Do you dutch even go with niggers to high school? I mean whites usually go to grammar school(gymnasium) but niggers and foreigners usually end in lower status schools.

young white girls use the n-word constantly. this is nothing new, all the white girls in my high school called one another 'nigger'

(((Increasingly Diverse Culture))) just means it's a suburb close to a city. Trust me I went to one of those suburban schools right next to a major city. 15 years ago it was 95% Caucasian. Today it is 45% Caucasian. It's literal White replacement. When I was in high school was when the white kids officially hit the minority status, while blacks hit the majority. White kids would stick together and date but AS SOON as they crossed that 50% mark the White Boys adapted to survive and the white girls submit themselves to the new dominant group of males. It's human nature, just like if a bunch of Whites moved into a black school, eventually the blacks boys will act white and the black girls will fuck the white dudes. Just how it goes. Fuck Cleveland.

How the hell is what I said in any way "kikish"? You idiot.

No they do not, shill faggot.

turns out its easy to fake stuff

can some one post this to their twitter?

i can look for more if interested

That's what they get for being coalburners. Payed the toll, if you ask me.

imagine them getting split open by some thick nigger bbc

Dillon Scott; token diversity student at exclusive prep school trying to "do the right thing."

Every girl craves BBC. It's a fact of life.

>growing pains
Increasing diversity is painful? At least they admit it's a shit social experiment.

nothing wrong about a nigger ousting coalburners.

>>dont let nogs into the chat

Good thing I'm not in some nigger-infested hellhole

>One girl says I love nigger cock, and the other agrees.
can you blame them?

Our niggers from the former colonies are less problematic and fewer in numbers than yours. Though we are importing actual Africans from Somalia and Nigeria so that very well could change in the near future if they don't go back and have offspring here.

back, im about to dump a paste of alot of their compromised accounts stand by

Webster Groves is full of pussies though; real County don't play that way. They'll get a stern talking to, maybe suspended; Post-Dispatch said school will talk with families, "appropriate action will be taken," and principal will address school. Dillon will spend the remainder of his year a social outcast and bitching about it.

Good work weev

This, I remember when reddit got a guy fired for calling someone a nigger and making chimp noises at him a couple years back

> If your child has a phone
then you've made mistake number one.

Soooo..... Anyone want to work for Google? :)

not weev but stay tuned

They had a whole assembly over it