You do not need guns to protect yourse-

>you do not need guns to protect yourse-

what goes through the mind of someone who robs a gas station?

>moved to South Carolina as a kid
>wonder why all the gas stations have bullet proof glass surrounding the clerk
>clerks walked around the store when it was only white boi me in the store
>immediately return to their bunkers when the niggers walked in

God damn do I hate niggers

but why rob a gas station? very poor risk/reward, especially with the cameras everywhere.

assholes like these are why we're under constant surveillance

>but why rob a gas station? very poor risk/reward
They lack the piss-poor cognitive abilities needed to come to this conclusion.

they would put cases of beer under their coats and waddle out the store

Nig nogs

With a police car right outside nonetheless!

Since they're open so late at night. It doesn't require the ability to plan for an event, you just walk in, show your gun, and get about day's worth of pay at minimum wage.

>Since they're open so late at night.
It is clearly daytime

He fucked up by attacking the cop, shoulda ran instead

>They lack the piss-poor cognitive abilities needed to come to this conclusion.

anyone can come to that conclusion. even most pets understand consequences: "i'll get yelled at if i eat that plate of food"

do they not care about going to jail? is that the reason?

Wise choice

Did that nigga roll up with a katana or odachi?

They just want their next hit of drugs. They aren't planning on getting rich and gas station employees usually just hand over the money while pressing the alarm. So they have time to escape unless a cop is near by.

>their next hit of drugs.

i thought the crack epidemic was over.

The cop was trying his hardest not to shoot someone who didn't have a gun, but the nigga was literally literally starting to beat him as he was on the ground.

A 9mm round.

What's the story with this?

>Go to gas station to commit crime
>See cop car parked out front
>Proceed anyway

Niggers are fucking dumb man.

It's never over,user.

How is it even possible to be that retarded? He attacked a fucking cop that had his gun pulled with a fucking stick.

Welp, as Shakespeare said: "All's well that ends with a dead nigger."

Um, you misspelled "high as a giraffe's toupee."


9/10 cm post.

They're fucking stupid obviously, there will never be a black equivalent of the pink panthers.

i h ope that nigger is DEAD


I think the leaf is speaking more generally. I did IT work for a large police force, and we always had to make our changes to the live systems in the day because most of the crime and thus demand was at night.

kek i'm capping that one

dat nig wuh cray cray

that was the obsidian samurai
he wont be respawning

>anyone can come to that conclusion
have you ever met a nigger? you'd be surprised

they're always located on a major road so getaway is relatively easy. same reason why LA was the bank robbery capital in the 90's

Bro there's a fucking prowler parked outside. Get on his level.

It's like walking in a central African Jungle. Human comes up against a wild chimp unarmed... human severely injured or dies...every-time.

Even in captivity they can just go pop and its back to the Congo in the blinks of an eye.

suicide by cop or drunk/drugged so hard he was seeing double.


How love watching a cop from kelso get beat the fuck down. I know people that have died by that gangs hand.

Engrish please?

A glimpse into the mind of a nignog

Learn to fucking read you nigger.

The guy was a wingnut he flipped his shit a immigrant iirc.

Niggers are incapable of thinking 5 seconds ahead. Their entire existence is driven by impulse. They are worse than domesticated animals. Arabs tried for thousands of years to domesticate niggers and failed.

Most nigs are criminals because they're simply stupid. They turn to crime because they can't make it in the legitimate professional world. My local grocery store had an attempted robbery a few months back. It happened in the morning and I found out about it that afternoon after work. I sat there in the checkout line being told all about it and then wondering how anyone could think this place was a good location to try to rob.

1) To rob a store you have to approach the ordeal as a military operation and 'hold' the store on lock down for between one and two minutes...just enough time to get the cash and run. This was impossible in my local shop because it's too big with too much obstruction to get a head count and properly hold the place.
2) The police station is literally 200 yards west. The cops can be there on foot in under one minute if they wanted.
3) The big money isn't in the register but in the outcropping behind bars on the far side of the store where you can also send Western Union telegrams or get large denominations of bills broken into smaller denominations. You have to find the person with the key to that "station" so you can get in.

Anyway the nigs picked a bad place to try to rob and it didn't go well for them. No injuries. No loss to the store. Nig incompetence. Although, I started planning a robbery in my own mind. I enjoyed it.


Settle down, ok?