Can Republicans get their fucking shit together?

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that's not how it works.
tax revenue is always coming in and the debts are always covered, as are many other critical things.

>what is a deficit

>Republican intellectual

What're they gonna do, end welfare? Hike taxes to slavery levels?

>A fucking leaf says the fault lies with Republicans with the deficit has been around for decades and tripled under Obama


Tax until revolt.

Rinse and repeat.

The leaf was merely linking an article for your perusal, American.

oh yeah, were definitely running out of money.

if you stop entitlement payments the gov't will bring in more than enough money for all essential services and paying back all bonds

are you fucking retarded? do u know reckless it would be for the US to default on its obligations?

And yeah not paying out Social Security payments will go over well with the millions upon millions of old voters, both Democrat and Republican.

You fucking retards are begging for the US to lose global reserve currency status with your recklessness

Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3

this is in reference to the Republicans not raising the debt ceiling, which is retarded

entitlement programs are nondiscretionary spending, govt legally can't suspend those payments unless congress changes the law

Moody’s: U.S. can forget about Triple-A rating if it violates debt ceiling

>Can Republicans get their fucking shit together?
no, voters didn't get read of the cucks

desu we should default on some foreign debt and ban trade with China.

Buy T-Bills cheap, then.

>First budget is $900 billion larger than usual
>Manage to almost get it back to where you started

This is now considered an accomplishment for a nigger.

good luck getting anyone to finance your future deficits then

Especially when Trump gets revenues with massive tax cuts

This is why Republicans can't be trusted with money.

Almost like Bush crashed the economy and handed Obama a $1.4 TRILLION budget deficit

How do right wing retards not know this? I swear to god right wing retards don't even know what happened to the economy in 2008.

Even the fucking CATO Institute agrees on this.

Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit


non-consecutive digits confirm.

Something we've had for like 100 years

What does this have to do with Trump or Republicans

>doesn't understand that the "deficit and surplus" have nothing to do with money gained, only a projection of how much the federal government will need to spend to operate.

Oy vey

>good luck getting anyone to finance your future deficits then
whatever lol
American consumers power the world and we're the ones with the guns and the globe-spanning navy.

>2015 and previous
>ancap retard thinks this is a projection

I swear to god ancaps are the dumbest class of right wing retards and that is saying something

>this is why right wing retards can't be trusted with money or running govt

have u looked at your budget deficits? have u looked at your trade deficits?

your plan is fucking retarded

just raise the debt ceiling, don't cut taxes on the rich by trillions, and america will be fine

republican autism is the worst

>How do right wing retards not know this?
Because the only difference between Bush and Obama was Obama bombed more countries and got a peace prize for it. Bush is a neoX just like Obama and just like Clinton. Eat shit neoshill.

Obama ended Bush's wars and brought the troops home.

inb4 right wing retards think a few drone strikes in Yemen is equivalent to Bush's invasion of Iraq

Trump is Bush 2.0

Just stop spending so much fucking money. At this rate the us govermnent will spend more money on debt interest than on its military within a few decades. Cut benefits. Slowly roll back medicare etc. and let them negotiate for better fucking prices. Sell goverment land and privatize infrastructure and sell it.

>unlike dubya, obama practiced peace through violence you right-wing retard

tax rates should be 0 on income, sales, and property

The goal should be autarky and killing ching chongs.

right wing retards are still triggered that Obama used surgical, tactical strikes to kill America's enemies instead of invading and occupying entire countries like the GOP loves to do

>taxing internal production
completely insane

you know they're shitting themselves to death with cholera right now, right

nice job

> invading and occupying entire countries
Where the fuck is my plantation on the Euphrates, dickhead?

>he doesn't know about Bush's Iraq War

Where are all the white colonists in Iraq and Afghanistan? I'm fairly sure those countries are still full of ragheads who don't even speak English or wave American flags.

>he doesn't know the US got btfo in Iraq

So you admit it's not an occupation.

It was an occupation. Then it failed.


Obama doubled the debt

No he didn't. You must be thinking of Reagan.

>he doesn't know the difference between military occupation and colonization
