Are there any right wing alternatives to SV? I don't really want to work for some evil megacorporation hell bent on committing white genocide (not that they'd even accept me). Are there any alternatives to the SF Gay Area with similar appeal to younger people like myself?
Right wing alternatives to Silicon Valley?
Alternatively, there's Austin which is the containment zone for faggots in Texas but at least taxes aren't retarded and you have a chance of hiring more similar thinkers here than in commiefornia.
>white genocide (not that they'd even accept me)
go back to Sup Forums with all of your fellow brownfags
Google wants you to think America is communist China, I wonder what the reason for that could be.
I don't give a fuck what Google wants me to think when I have a functioning brain of my own.
Clearly, that isn't the case for you.
Are you stating that it is not the case that Google wants to commit white genocide?
>anybody who isn't full retard is hell bent on white genocide.
Are you saying that Google does not want to commit white genocide?
Go to Russia and hack targets in the US?
Even if the US finds out who you are you won't get extradited. You'll just never be able to go on a foreign vacation.
The trades? Business?
Libtard communism and censorship is stronger than ever:
Fuck no, Russia is full of drunks who knows that their race is dying because their women all want to run off with a black guy.
Silicon Valley style social media is the worst thing to ever happen to the web, and a "Right Wing" version of it wont be any better.
The military have been and will always be for the right-wing/conservatives.
That's not really going to work for me, being a chink it will be tough for me to get TS/SCI which is what all the good jobs require.
amazing thread
>silicon valley
>Where the world's brightest and most intellectual STEM experts go to work
>is overwhelmingly liberal
Really makes you think...
Brightest CS memers, maybe.
>Tfw chemical engineering and it's over whelmingly conservative
>>Where the world's brightest and most intellectual STEM experts go to work
I would not consider any of the people I've encountered during my stay at SV to be such, they are good con artists though.
>being a chink it will be tough for me to get TS/SCI which is what all the good jobs require.
Completely false. I've known and worked with people who have relatives in hostile foreign nations who've attained clearances. It takes a while, sure, but ethnicity and the like won't automatically shoot you down
Maybe I shouldn't explicitly say "right wing", how about places with ethical standards and seriously committed to making products and services for positive ends.
>typical Sup Forums retard without any concept of technology
>waaaa i'm being oppressed by sv jews, you nerds figure something out
it's like a warped version of the 'ideas guy'
desu, it's only the HR departments
>white genocide
>oppressed by sv jews
>HR only
as i said,
HR only
Slightly off topic, what is that right and left?
Who agrees and disagrees with you
How about you get a career in the military?
What do you mean? Could you elaborate?
Anyone to the right of chairman mao is a far right nazi these days.
Why is this even a question? There are opportunities in every state in the US.
Are they as flashy as SV? No, but that train is passing anyway.
>autistic engineers refer to themselves as "conservative" while jerking off to their anime
>scientists consider themselves liberal
Really gets the chemicals swirling...
The one on top right
>Communist ... @google
Dude, I had milk coming out of my nose and I wasn't drinking milk
But what is right and left?
And anyone who disagrees with you is a far left communist, I can play this game too.
It's so polarized it really doesn't mean anything anymore other than cheap ways to argue
Clearly they trust Chinese people more than I trust other Chinese people.
And according to the right, anyone left of reagan is a commie.
>It's so polarized
Well its right and left right? It should be, by definition, polarized.
not really
It's to the point it's impossible to find any agreements of any kind, party loyalty to stick it to the other side is more important right now than getting anything done
Yeah really.
I still didn't get it. I memorized as left is good, right is bad. I guess I should stick with it. Thanks.
roughly, they're political sensibilites: people on the right want to keep the society and the institution of your country working towards the same direction as it is now and the people on the left want to orient them towards another direction
>faggots literally willing to give up the highest engineering compensation in the world
>all because some companies are virtue signalling to keep up a facade of good PR
Plenty of people can shut their autistic mouth and draw paychecks and RSUs from Google/Facebook.
Republican party doesn't even want to cooperate with trump because he actually wants to try to bring both parties together, this is why we're stuck with 2 parties only and globalists control everything because easy distractions
Left is the side of your body your heart is on, but what side is it on when you are looking backwards? Moreover anyone can call themselves anything nowadays.
eastern europe shtholes
The right is less morally corrupt than the left is, clearly.
Cash rules the Democratic party
see: wall street donations for the best 20 years of elections, large tech companies funnelling money to stop h1b reform which hurts American workers by using an unadjusted salary from the 70s, corruption charges of federal employees since the 60s by party, etc.
start working for
after they successfully gained starting capital, they have been banned out of the google play store for being too right-wing
it's basically an app where people can speak their mind, it promotes free thought and speech.
Globalism isn't a bad thing you inbred ape. It's the very reason why you're on here shitposting.
sorry but nu-nazis are too stupid to survive in tech
turns out that free market you've been bleating about for decades hates you after all :^)
Does it allow for people to post things longer than 140 characters? Can it take full essays and articles?
*for the past 20 years
globalisation != globalism
You get banned for writing liberal shit there.
It's basically a neo-Nazi echo chamber/hugbox.
>muh platform for free speech
lmao isnt this the place that had banned half their users because it got overrun with commies?
>The right is less morally corrupt than the left is, clearly.
imagine being this contrarian
You got any proof of that?
gab is being fucked by domain name registrar
probably gonna be banished from internet like dailystorm in future
>Plenty of people can shut their autistic mouth and draw paychecks and RSUs from Google/Facebook
The issue being one side is ok to talk about while at work and the other will get you fired. Shit shouldn't be discussed at work anyways.
>government expansionist party that just wants to continually raise taxes to "provide" services to you in order to make you a slave to what they provide
Free market is fine but don't preach diversity when you don't have diversity of thought.
No you don't
ok, /qa/
pretty much everyone knows this these days
>using words to mean whatever the fuck you want them to mean that way you can't actually have an argument with anyone
Move to Russia, cocksucker. Anywhere in Eastern Europe, actually if you had any skills and not just muh consumerist entitlement to muh opinionion, move to China, "oh, but they're not white, and none of those places let's me shitpost and get off crying about Indiangaywomens taken muh jobs!", yeah that's right fucker, fuck you,
OR just make your own shit and compete, or are you all of a sudden mad that the trumpistani party sold of all your antitrust legislation for campaign doantions?
You live in a "free" country despite yourself you fucking shitstain.
who are you quoting?
if i just pretend something is true
then it will become true
thanks fag
>he's literally become his inbred grandfather purely from Sup Forums shitposting
keep lying to yourself pal
This is something people really need to start tackling. Not just running from platform to platform.
Ideally we'd go back to making a culture of trading and hosting things made by other people, and encourage others to do the same, then there's no central domain to take down, and too many targets to get them all.
There was no central BBS for the Anarchist's Cookbook, but that shit ended up on every single computer with a modem.
Sure kid
Keep losing elections
Midterms will be even more hilarious than the last election, where Trump won the presidency of the United States of America
you might be lost, reddit is to the left
>Most of the military are just parasites looking for living off taxpayers for free
wow, so this is the power of conservatives and the right
>Shit shouldn't be discussed at work anyways.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Spaming cuckold porn on a technology board doesn't count faggot
>losing elections
Actually take a look at voting #s. :)
Nah. And when they come for Sup Forums, God will have blessed us.
i'm looking
looks like Republicans also won a fuckton of seats over Dems
your old, corrupt, party is falling
>right wing alternatives
what does this have to do with tech?
this is politics related
ps: chrome is the best
the fuck is globalism according to you and how's that related to internet, enlighten me fellow 4-Channer
Yeah, I guess it is kinda hard. Better to just hope a central platform will be there and lose everything constantly. Better that than change our culture on the web.
>And when they come for Sup Forums, God will have blessed us.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>The issue being one side is ok to talk about while at work and the other will get you fired.
You think this is any different at other workplaces? Of course political views that are shared by employers get more tacit approval to be talked about.
The national labs aren't forced to accept anti-nuclear activists in their weapons divisions. Security will give you much more shit as an openly anti-war liberal working for a 3-letter agency in Colorado Springs.
Everyone here wants this place to be shutdown
>any time a cuck says we live in a free market when our money isn't backed by anything, inflation is created at the whim of the central bank, and interest rates are so fucked while the CB creates booms and busts so bad thinking these fucking narcissists can control an economy
>it's another episode of Sup Forumsleftypol/ on Sup Forums larping about who knows what
a-are jannies dead?
>being this obsessed with identity politics and the left right spectrum
Genuinely have to be mentally unstable to subscribe to far left and far right politics.
Friendly advice, stop using words you just don't understand and then when called out on it act like a belligerent inbred without access to a dictionary.
A political division that's an ideology within itself to cause, well, division and Sup Forums is eating it up making white countries even weaker by going against unity
Tech is being politicized whether or not we like it, we have Google to thank for that.
>The national labs aren't forced to accept anti-nuclear activists in their weapons divisions. Security will give you much more shit as an openly anti-war liberal working for a 3-letter agency in Colorado Springs.
A bit of a hyperbole when the case at hand is a programmer talking politics that does not affect his capacity or inclination to do his job. This isn't a Luddite trying to keep his job at google preaching automation is bad, the sky is falling. You have politics that then directly affect you doing a job you're getting paid to do (I.e. If your politics stops you from developing weapons which is the job you're being paid for) then no shit that's not going to work out. But politics that have no direct job performance impact causing you to lose your way of living? Yea nah, fuck off m8.
End of the day I'm for at will employment and my original statement holds: don't preach one thing and do another which has been my only objection to this hysteria.
And you're only helping to politicize it more by trying to force your shitty alt right views into tech.
That's something anyone can agree with despite the fact the alt-right are dividing too, just not as much
lol you still haven't made a point
Can anything be more extreme than trying to commit white genocide?
>you should just shut the fuck up because I said so and don't think about getting a word in edgewise
Fuck off retard. If you turn it into a 0-sum game don't be surprised when everyone starts playing
I got my seeing a mod move a thread cherry popped up.