Woman trapped in window while trying to retrieve poo

>Woman trapped in window while trying to retrieve poo
>The amateur gymnast was on a first date with Bristol student Liam Smith when she "panicked" and threw the faeces out of the window.
>Unsurprisingly, the woman does not want to be named but Mr Smith said he had seen her since and "who knows what the future holds".
Why are women so degenerate Sup Forums? Why is this guy so cucked that he would see this women again?

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I bet she gives great handys

What a vibrant culture. I wish my national news service would run such compelling stories.

I must agree this is A+ reporting, good to se my tax money going to good use

Im sorry I dont understand. I need the Pidgin translation bix nood.

I would be flattered that she'd go to such lengths to impress me

Probably a keeper

They're the reason we're so faggy and retarded.

Believe me, had we followed your example and taken the brits to the bin we wouldn't be the joke we are today

Designated window?

wait is Java no good? My boomer dad has been telling me to learn it

>Bristol student

You can't make this shit up!

oh god, my fucking sides.

Java has a reputation for being everyone's favorite language to hate on. It's still a very popular language with employers though so you'd still benefit from learning it.

Java is popular with pajeets because there are so many people hiring for it. It is popular to shit on because lots of employers want it

Dont judge guys, it's an Antifa thing.

>balloons filled with feces, urine, and chemicals

That's a favored tactic of the far left. They did the same thing at the Occupy Wall Street protests back in 2011.

The bigger question is why is this even news!?

Is this what your TV licenses are paying for?

that and documentaries about muslims

more like BriSTOOL
am I rite

>Internet site

Good one leaf.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't your TV license go to subsidize the BBC which includes broadcast and internet sites?

Help me out Muhammed. Wang here needs to know.

No it subsidies subjugation of your ice country.

I love how this is number 1 on BBC News right now.


Java is a shit language and also very popular in the industry.


Sup Forums has ruined me. As I read that I thought she was trying to catch his Indian boyfriend.

Java and its whole ecosystem are misery, but it's so pervasive that you can't avoid it depending on what you do. But if you know any similar language it's not hard to pick up after getting used to its peculiarities. I learned it on the job after having been writing C++ for years and basically it was just one more daily reason to hate life and everybody who has anything to do with computers.

I don't understand why the fuck was she trying to retrieve it from throwing it out?

I don't understand this at all

how does one "get stuck" in a window? How is shit involved? whatever, i'm not giving bbc any clicks

There are some weird bastards in Bristol these days.

hahahah these are the same questions I asked this story is vague all it said was woman threw shit out a window, then told the dude then for some reason tried to retrieve it and got stuck in the window how the fuck does any of this make sense?

java ecosystem is a lot better in recent years I used to hate java but now I like it ok as long its its java8+

This is a Gofundme scam, you retards.

This is literally a meme on national news that mentions the gofundme

>Why she in window. She try to throw poopoo out dey window. Mr smith say he still wants her.

Yeah I was surprised that Java 8 managed to bring some improvements that actually matter on a day to day basis. It's still a pain in the dick at every other turn though.

>How is shit involved?

apparently she took a giant shit. it wouldn't flush, so she decided to fling it out of a window

Dumb and dumber tier keks happening here..

Did she drink the turbolax coffee?

Quintessentially British I suppose
>stuck in window
Are we sure it just wasn't a hamplanet that identified as a gymnast? I'm not even going to speculate about the shit flinging

>on a first date
>drop a floater
>won't flush
>fish it out
>open window and toss it

this is where i lose the plot. apparently there was another window...

What is this Dumb and Dumber?

Aww fuck I made a thread about this and didnt check the sticky. Fuck this is a funny story.

This is my city. It has to be the most lefty place in the UK after Brighton.

My first thought. It has to be good.

have they linked up with the daily sport?

>shit hits the ledge and sticks
>oh fuck there is a glass pane on the outside
>no option but to confess to date
>return to bathroom and try to reach for turd
>date calls fire brigade
>they break window off with crowbar
>date goes on internet begging for gibs
>continue dating him

They sound perfect for eachother desu

Norwich m8

>see girl with shitty ass stuck in window
>this is just like one of my hentai scat doujins
>fuck her in the ass using the poo as lube

I'm pretty sure I've seen a greentext about this exact situation


>begging for 300 bong dollars
>get 1200
>split the extra cash for charity
>one half for firefighters
>the other for toilets in shitty countries

I don't think I've ever been in such literal shock and awe while reading an article.

Bewildered, disgusted, amused from start to finish.

I bet she was so embarrassed, she should be under constant watch for suicidal behavior after this.

Also, the guy she was on a date with is one of the most disgusting people I've ever seen, so she must be a doggo.
