What is the most all around influential city in the world and is it still NYC?

Serious what's your thoughts on this... if it's not NYC is it a chink city?

Its the greater los angeles area by far every industry is present. And innovation is a west coast thing. Hollywood and such as well.

london is the financial capital
hong kong and singapore are also very important hubs

"west coast" is not a city
i dont think new york is the most influential today at all


But they trade/hold all of your money in NYC. Which makes more money than any physical industry. NY has better laws to fuck people out of money, but yes LA is close to Jewtopia

International globalism has many different cities as it's bases, that's why it's called global jewry


Wall Street jews sign the paychecks of Hollywood jews.

It is but you'll get a whole lot of jelly in this thread
Have fun


so LA has the financial, cultural and industrial... more than any other city. what's the equivalent of "greater LA" to say Greater NYC, would that include NJ, Conn and long Island?

England....according to Jake Paul

At the moment? New York

But historically overall probably London.

>london is the financial capital
>hong kong and singapore are also very important hubs

Holy shit what a tryhard

I'm American and I'm ashamed to admit it's LA. Everyone in the world thinks America is LA. As we speak there are some degenerate teens in Malibu creating their own subculture that will determine what t shirt the poor kids in Africa will be wearing fifteen years from now. The gang culture and hip hop culture have taught everyone how evil white people are. I hate it, trust me I hate it, but you can't deny it's power.

It's definitely not something I respect or give that much of a shit about, but it's really that influential.

Not only that but London and HK only seem influential bc they are english speaking so they are linked to the US and therefore seem more influential to us. You are going to have to look at places like Switzerland and Dubai if you want to get serious about finances. There are tons of hidden spots in Asia we don't even hear about too. HK just provides that bridge to them.


Kek, this as dumb as me trying to argue that Houston is the most influential just because we run oil and gas/petrochem. LA has Hollywood, and even then they're losing their grasp. San Francisco is probably more relevant than LA on the world stage now. Houston is probably more influential than LA since not even Harvey could btfo our control of the worlds oil industry while other film production centers in the US and abroad are diminishing LAs power.

NYC is the cultural and financial capital of the world, as well as being a major political center. Only other contenders are pre-Brexit London, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, and Hong Kong. Whatever European city picks up the financial services concentration London is losing can join the club too. Other cities don't have the right combination of cultural, political, and financial clout to be as relevant.

It was definitely London up until the referendum, it's sort of up in the air right now.

>But historically overall probably London.

There actually was a book posted on /his/ a long time ago about that, studying which city had the most cultural/ industrial/ economic/ etc etc influence at a given time period up to the present day.

It appears Paris was the undisputed most influencial city in History, though it's lost most of it's worth these days by trying too hard to look like a typical global city with a theme park vibe, rather than going the cultural preservation route. Sad!


Despite it being shit New York is the undisputed business center of the world

Your reign is over shlomo

Lonely los angeles white guy here

Its fucking LA. Its a damn shame butis absolutely correct. In terms of "global cities", it has the entire globe's peoples concentrated under one multicult shithole banner. It is dominant financially, there are hundreds of cranes, the city is building rapidly, the west side and east hills are where the most lavish degenerate subverters of culture live, and their fashion leaks into the other cities such as new york.

off topic, if it wasnt for the Orange County beach cities (newport and laguna), I would have left LA/OC forever. Still plan on doing so. I found the rare white church girl with strong family out here, allocation of resources type of logic for me staying here till she graduates

I can agree on the Paris theme park comment, was there back in 84 and again in 2011... WTF happen to that once great city.

hit up joe's great american in burbank on monday nights if you want to meet some slightly-like-minded folks. the old-time jazz scene, while it has its fair share of #RESISTDRUMPFERS, are mostly intelligent and willing to discuss politics/life/culture/religion in a civilized manner.

>Your reign is over shlomo
>jews rule the world

pick one.

You ignore all the tech shit coming out of san francisco that bleeds into LA. LA sets the trends and morals that the new tech companies like google and apple are pushing internationally. Look how much Apple is worth, and Apple is not London based at all. If anything Apple is a joint US/China venture. Just because you hate it doesn't make it so. I will say these folks are basically a joke in the USA, and whenever someone tries to rap in a shitty accent it's more sad than anything, but that is what they are doing across the world. LA sucks up all the entertainment and shits it out in a form that is not palatable to people with taste, but there are so many people without taste in the world.

Shenzhen is a good call, but they aren't projected to surpass Beijing for another ten to fifteen years I believe. Visiting China alone will open people's eyes to how influential it really is. There are so many cities and billionaires there, so much money being poured out. I only pick LA over any of those cities because of it's influence. It really does call the shots with entertainment and fashion.

Nah it's jews all the way down, but LA has lost its grip on culture and shows no sign of being able to find it again.

>but LA has lost its grip on culture and shows no sign of being able to find it again.

I think part of that might be getting old. A lot of the shitty stuff going down there is actually more appealing to young people than we might think.

my thanks! Its been hard finding wholesome places, I've slowly isolated myself away from the west side the past 2 years, sucks because I have a cheap living situation in liberal trustfund baby Pasadena, useless city. I will check it out one of these next few weeks!

to add to this guys point, LA is sucking up foreign investors and VCs as well. I used to work for one of those shitty tech startups, every funding meeting I could set up ended up being angel investors from Iran or Dubai, or Saudi VCs. Its sad, you have to chose between those snakes or the souless Chinese with government money

so Canada has no pretenders to the throne?

Yeah i still think its NYC especially when you add Greater NY to that. lots going on there, but not always good

>But they trade/hold all of your money in NYC.
Pretty sure the servers aren't in NYC

>to add to this guys point, LA is sucking up foreign investors and VCs as well. I used to work for one of those shitty tech startups, every funding meeting I could set up ended up being angel investors from Iran or Dubai, or Saudi VCs. Its sad, you have to chose between those snakes or the souless Chinese with government money

I think you will see this IN NYC more and more... especially in real estate

Most influential in the Islamic world

so you mean Europe?

Sudden urge to play simcity again when I look at this photo

I fell in love with New York when I went there for business and want to live in Manhatten so bad.

Tokyo, soros agrees.

(((Goldman Sachs))) rules the world so NYC

Imagine if Kim nukes it.

We wouldn't hear the end of it for the next thousand years.

Memes would be glorious.

Pyongyang, NK

>millionaire jews on welfare
yeah its a great place

Wherever Soros currently is.