Brit/pol/ - RIP yardies edition

>Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge expecting third child

>Mogg Lines Up Next Job

>UK ready to 'intensify' talks on EU future ties

>Lidl airbrushes Christian cross from church pictured on its Greek food

>Staff cuts, rising crime leave 25% of senior police with signs of depression

>McDonald's staff in the UK go on strike for first time over pay and conditions

>Bitcoin peaks above $5,000 (£3,862) for first time

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dad, who did you vote for when you were my age?
>T-The Tories, sweety
>Is it true that the country was 90% white before the Tories got into power? And that it was 50% white by the time they left?
>Y-Yes, sweety
>Then... why did you vote for them, Dad?
>B-Because.... because I'm a cuckold, sweety.
>Oh.... *walks away*


You need to ruin the relationship between prince Harry and his quadrooness. Find out where they go out to shop and put a whoopie cushion on her chair or something. You have to do something you fucking faggots, your royal bloodline is about to be irrepairably damaged


>Is it true that the country was 90% white before the Tories got into power? And that it was 50% white by the time they left?
Well is it?

You're American why do you give a shit about "our" royal bloodline

It will be. It will....
wait for it...


hang on....

wait for it....


He's not going to be King, who gives a fuck.

Based Prince Philip will sort it out with MI5.

Meanwhile in Britain..

>implying Harry is a royal

>First thing mentioned on the news is NA

>implying the tories aren't eternal and wont be in power 1000s years from now after making opions that aren't centre-right illegal

Because I am mostly English, I identify with English people, even though you are kind of faggots most of the time

This is going to be the narrative verifier for the next week, user. Sorry.

>Because I am mostly English
Okay, Pedro

NA, as in National Action? Please tell, i've been outside society for a bit.

I'm a NEET
I faked disability for benefit
I study
I've already learned Spanish, now I'm learning Iranian, and maybe Greek after
I keep fit
My accommodation is paid for me
I always keep a social life
I have herems if sluts from even secondary school that I still fuck
I loan shark and sell shit
I Play for my pub side
I'm panning on leaving this degenerationate shit hole before welfare collapses

Meanwhile you're paying tax for the sluts, who being up more shit people. And you're paying for your replacements of Africans. They bring up even more shit people.

Why don't you live off the anti white male society that hates you? Or are you a cuck?

Live off of it, and when it burns, fucking off. You also have women in the workforce, and this lowers your wages for even starting a family .

Alaska is a good place.

Give up on uk. The west is ducked but uk is the most cucked country on the planet

>tommy mair and are cox metioned

>I am mostly English, I identify with English people

Oh dear.

I'm a Floridafag! I don't want to die, Sup Forums!

I'm about 60% English, 20% Dutch, 20% German

>i've been outside society for a bit.


You realise that Harry is 6th in line to the throne (and falling), and that any potential mixed race children would be so far down the line that they would basically just be D-list celebs.

Not to mention that the royals are like the mafia with this stuff. They heavily vet outsiders. Just look at how they reacted to Diana when she was with Charles - and when she got even worse, they literally had her murdered. They won't tolerate some mixed-race slapper who has had nude photoshoots. No chance.

Don't worry, we're in safe enough hands here.

>NA bollocks on the news
I get that they were a bunch of dafties but this is a bit fucking much. Not like they ever fucking did anything.

Four squaddies just got arrested for being NA members

On the Thatcher's.

This is like a wet dream to the BBC, soldiers in the army and a 'far right terrorist' group involved.

I can guarantee far more were, those 4 are just the complete dafties who went full LARP.

>I've already learned Spanish, now I'm learning Iranian, and maybe Greek after

>i spend my ample spare time learning dead languages and fucking fatties while hanging around the bookies.

>i'd go to alaska but i have zero will power and never will but i'll ask you for spare change when the gibs run out

big mandem winds gon rattle da door
donal trumpen say dey no come climate chain a rasclat

Oh yeah, NA, who killed thousands of innocent Muslims and their enablers

Oh, hold on

Late night Meat Loaf. Post your favourites.

On the Co-Op Napoleon Brandy here. Watching The Bridge Over The River Kwai.

Does NA even have formal members?

chk'd, no neet hour sleeping pattern in need of correction.

arrested? why?

Presumably they'd been sharing their material

>mfw the BBC finally realise that 95% of the Pidgin service readers are ironic and disgusted rightwingers
It will be quietly shut down within 6 months after the meme catches on on Twitter, mark my words.

Why correct it, toothpastebro?

Absolute fucking state lads

Probably right, have seen plenty of military lads on here
Government made them a terrorist organisation

>Brit/pol/ - RIP yardies edition
Good lad

>tfw can't stop eating bananas and digestives
Pretty sure they're all my diet consists of now, and milk, tea, and booze.

>and e mean say e strong pass Hurricane Harvey wey hammer Texas and cause plenty wahala.

NA were proscribed group for cheering Jo Cox's murder. Membership, recruiting on their behalf or spreading their material itself is a crime.
Reports say they were arrested on Terror charges, for, "being concerned in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism."
'Being concerned in' and 'instigation' make this a very vague statement. It could be anything from brewing bombs to emailing out pdfs.

they must of been blowing up children in manchester or something, it's okay they'll bury this story for a accidental fire in a block of flats in londonistan soon.

Is there any other acceptable answer?

Wow. Just wow.

Hi Rightly

got shit to do

>A woman who threw her poo out of her date's toilet window because it "would not flush" had to be rescued after she got stuck trying to retrieve it.
>The amateur gymnast was on a first date with Bristol student Liam Smith when she "panicked" and threw the faeces out of the window.
Old but gold

I bet you shit like an Indian with cholera. Man's bowels were not designed for that kind of exercise.

If I were that lady, I would avoid routes that require tunnels.

>NA were proscribed group for cheering Jo Cox's murder.

how appalling.

I also eat the banana peels lad, so the extra fibre has kept my shites nice and solid. If you fry your banana peels, the tough, the extremely tough fibrous tissue breaks down, and they taste quite sweet.

>I've already learned Spanish, now I'm learning Iranian, and maybe Greek after
They're not dead. Iran is one of the last global free nations, Spanish is useful, and I have an interest in greek

>i spend my ample spare time learning dead languages and fucking fatties while hanging around the bookies.
I'm only 23 and the women I fuck aren't fatties. They're just normal modern women who you will end up marrying before you get divorced raped

>i'd go to alaska but i have zero will power and never will but i'll ask you for spare change when the gibs run out
I'm reccomending people who want a fulfilling life. I've saved enough gobs to get land, but while welfare is still alive, why wouldn't I use this advantage to save more.

Go fill some sandbags on the Dutch coast you fucking reddit newfags.

Bet you thought trump was going to save the west, heh? But you think wilders will bring you paradise

Blackpill towards the west is the only answer. Help fucking destroy the anti white male society just by living your own happy life before anti white society collapses

atleast we're not the krauts

Question for anglos.
Whats the point of having carriers without planes ???
You should buy french rafales and stop embarassing urselves.


>Sleek black unmarked cars pull up to your house
>Men get out, flash badges
>It's MI5
>"Sir, you need to come with us right now"
>You are thrown in the backseat, carted off
>Arrive at Winsor Castle, armed men on either side of you grab your arms, lead you inside
>See pic related
>"It's time for you to do your duty for your country"
wat do?

I need to see a source for that.

Co-Op brandy is fucking rough as guts mate

post nudes

Filename related

>Sure, we're getting ass-raped by a strong, hairy man, but Larry's taking a 12-incher! I really feel sorry for him, our situation is almost tolerable in comparison!


illegal opinions

But the olympics was 5 years ago Ma'am

Tell me about it. I've fallen on rather hard times. I'll probably shoot myself later tonight.

Squirt a cheeky load down the royal throat

>your royal bloodline is about to be irrepairably damaged

They are inbred to all fuck lad, pre Diana the royals look like shit.

kek, I'm sure "modern women" are really interested in a neet living on his own in a council flat learning dead languages

In the era of Clinton in the US and Blair/Brown in the UK there was a sea change in the ‘left’. I think Clinton, Blair and Brown had all decided that the traditional left dream of redistributing wealth from the richest to the less well off, was no longer politically viable.
The answer, I think, was fed to them precisely by those whose wealth the left had traditionally been trying to ‘redistribute’. Why try to prise wealth from us, the wealthy, they whispered, when instead we wealthy people will be delighted to give the poor debt instead?
And so Clinton and Blair and Brown re-launched the left. Free the financial world from silly FDR-era restraints and irksome, stupid regulations and allow a rising tide of debt to float all boats.

And as long as house prices grew faster than their debt payments, and the stock market made every GDP figure larger and more endlessly fabulous than the last, then the debt machine would churn on and on. And so long as you could convince others, and believe yourself, as that arch fool Brown declared, that he had left behind boom and bust, then all was good.

And then it popped.
In the bad times debt created fear. You are in debt and your whole nation is in debt. And debt is a faceless, unknowable, uncontrollable, supranational, almost supernatural force which you cannot tame or defeat. So proclaimed the new debt-backed narrative of fear and insecurity.

The political lesson is that in the good times, use debt to drug and pacify. In the bad, use it to create fear and insecurity. It’s simple, if you need more fear, create more debt.

Raise that debt ceiling. Expand your lending criteria. Embrace sub-prime. They are not your enemies! They are you allies. Through them you create the debt that creates the fear that creates the supine acceptance of the system that has enslaved them.

I'm not saying we should dissolve the monarchy... but we should start thinking about dissolving the monarchy.

Floridaboi here

pissed laughter at Brit/pol/'s use of the term "yardie" post year 1999


I'm the Co-Op worker who sends back The New European paper from our shop before it's on the shelves so no one can buy it. Been in Hospital for four days, just been diagnosed with a tumor in the pancreas.
I blame the Brandy

What's the point of having CATOBAR and a nuclear reactor if you spend more time in the dry dock getting repairs than out bombing the Middle East?
Also Cherbourg Project

This is when they do the reveal that he's not Charles' son and he gets kicked out

he'll just accidentally suffer a deadly car crash, don't worry

What the fuck, nice.

Sorry to hear that lad.

Bring back Cromwell, that's what I say

>W-Why isn't the prince dating his cousin? REEEE! Dissolve the monrachy now!

Another crash would be too obvious. People would ask awkward questions. Big Mo'll pipe up again.


try this maybe

If evens, I go to Tesco to get something sweet to eat.

Well... it's not decided yet if it's malign or not
Thanks bro


I don't even live in a council flat, I live in a room in a land Lord gaff paid by council.

Women don't give a fuck about languages you tard. Only social status. Thankfully I've always kept my 9/10 social skills, and that is all that the minimum wage women (usual women) give a shit about.

Women only date/duck/marry up , dude.

Haha enjoy your cottage cheese cunt.

If odds you'll go down to your local bakery and buy a pie

I bet you're going to go anyway aren't you?

There must be a way to blame global warming ?

It's 10:30pm you daft Australian. Bakeries are all closed now.


See if they still do those cheeky pasta salad things the plastic tubs

Always thought it tastes a bit too much like seafront confectionary. Much prefer Glenfiddich.