BBC now dumbed down for Nogs

BBC has started a pidgin version for the apes. I'm literally dying right now.

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There is no way this is real


it true i saw it in a couple of news websites

>*smacks lips* is no longer a meme between racists

can't believe this is still around

id be insulted if i were a nigger tbqh

There has to be a better explanation for this.

So pidgin is a language.....I learn something new everyday.

I literally thought this is some kind of dumbed down version or something.


Just when you thought niggers and libs couldn't get more stupid, this sort of shit happens.
Can England get anymore cucked? Honestly, is it fucking possible?

No, it is a dumbed down version. Pidgin is a term that describes the degeneration of a language into ooga booga bix nood finna git me some purple drank lingo.

>not posting glorious wikipedia now dumbed down for Scots

>Dem do stubborn-head
>Di shake-shake of dis bomb

Lmao this language is funny as fuck, we should start making fake pidgin articles

Old news but yeah it's real and fucked up. They're creating a subclass of low IQ slaves to be ruled by the elite. Kalergi Plan in effect.

niggas be talkin like pootie tang


>To piss and poopoo for open field dey common for villages for India. The government don set target to give every house toilet by 2019, but dat work never really get head.

I'm fucking dying.

Dey dun poo in the loo.

Dey got no loo so they dun poo in da designated poopoo alley

>nogs need to have a language dumbed down so they can understand it

How nice to see my TV licence pay for Bix-News

big nose machant think it no be like this, but it do

>not "ruh-zurved"

I dont know about other places, but I spent some years in hawaii and it really is a distinct language you can learn. I dont like it mind you, but it is what it is. That said it isnt used in the fucking news ffs.

Kek and checked.

it's what happens you're so polite you let retards believe bad grammar is a language of its own

Each day I think it cannot possibly get any worse, and each day I find that I'm wrong. Its like a bad joke.