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>he thinks congress will let trumpy the lumpy trumpfuck actually get away with this
oh honey...sit down.
Hold on. Was the DACA successfully repealed? This is the first I've heard of it.
It's natural for animals to attack humans, bears, alligators, niggers they always do it I bet if we gave a bear twitter he would write something about Canadians shooting his family and being mad too.
Just take away their computer and put them back into the cage where they belong, Hispanics, Chinese, niggers, Arabs, Romanians they don't belong with civilized society
>he doesn't know how government works
lulzy if tru
no and it wont be repeal the name will change but it wont be repeal
I still don't even know what DACA is or how it affects people.
It's a win-win-win for Trump. Either
a) Congress lets the repeal stand
b) Congress is forced to come to the negotiating table to get DACA reinstated, Trump secures funding for stronger border security, the wall, and immigrant vetting, or
c) Anti-Trump RINOs conspire with Democrats to get DACA reinstated without immigration reform, exposing them and resulting in them getting the absolute piss beat out of them in the midterms
>implying Trump will veto
Boy you right wing retards are in for a surprise. Regan amnesty 2.0 incoming
I hope she get's raped by the smugglers on her way back in
>Hates white people
>Doesn't want to go back
Boy I don't understand these people
It was an executive order not a real law. It's easily done.
Ya all the good people leave and try to make their lives better and the place goes to shit.
Its their fault they deserve to go back to a hell.
Huh. That's weird. I guess breaking the law has consequences now.
lol get fucked Mexicans
>I hate white people!!
>Proceeds to dye hair and get grey contacts
why do koreans do this?
>fuck da bolice!
>halp, bolice!
this is actually really redpilled
bears and moose are basically canada's niggers and spics
leafs know how to deal with large, eternally unruly animals
Obviously white people should build civilizations, investing in art, infrastructure, services, and a better quality of life for their children, then leave
They'll have lots of explaining to do if they can pass this but not healthcare or budget or infrastructure or tax cut or repeal Obamacare
Brilliant move by Trump yet again
It's the language barrier. They're really saying "I hate that my people aren't white"
Unironically what many of them think.
Build tHe civilization that my people are unable to build, then give it up bc you were meanies.
>they have no concept of maintenance
Time to break this bitch.
>"Fucking white people, eh? You go back now."
Maybe there would be a mass an hero happening.
>White people do somthing.
Deferred Action
As in, postponed, put off to a later date to give you chance to sort out your shit and get the papers filed to become legal (which itself is EXTREMELY generous, letting illegals even become legal).
NOT "cancelled"
Stupid lazy fucking spics were given years to sort their shit out but just assumed that they'd never get a president who would end their immunity.
Too bad, Paco. You were given ample opportunity to get things in order but now you have to go back.
kek that pic is fucking amazing
Dreamer program was an executive order and Trump has complete authority to get rid of executive orders drafted by other presidents.
Any more of this sort of thing?
>her account is locked now
Plus he still has the veto if they send him some garbage bill
These tards flew Mexican flags, and voted Democrat for decades now. Did they expect no retribution?
Aww can't take the heat
View as desktop
Twitter is junky code
4D chess by Obama to allow us to round up the next generation of illegals
>he doesn't know how executive orders work
>Congress is forced to come to the negotiating table to get DACA reinstated, Trump secures funding for stronger border security, the wall, and immigrant vetting
Remember when Reagan was promised this?
>4D chess by Obama
Ur a funny goy.
Texas blue 2020
>t-thanks trump
Lol that is not going to happen
Geese are the niggers. Agressive, loud piece of shit
I hope every last one of these fuckers get ripped from their homes, and their pathetic shit families.
Oh shit Cher just pulled a JK.
Someone needs to remind Cher that knowingly harboring illegals carries a 20 year prison sentence, and that inviting them into the country in the first place is punishable by death.
Yes because fuck homeless American children.
dam niBBa those are god tier bantz
>we can't lose our families
Why do people act like Mexico is one huge sarlacc pit?
Like the US is the only inhabitable place on earth?
id hit it
>trumpy the lumpy trumpfuck
You people get less and less creative every time you make up a new insult for Blurmpf
She's not Korean retard. That pic is from some slut from a Kpop group.
Nigga I had a dream last night can this bitch gimme her money?
better yet, don't remind her and proceed to call the authorities
why have kpop sluts decided to speak out against american immigration policies all of a sudden?
Some one tweet her this pic. They need to understand why we want them gone.
You can still Tweet the bitch
>they have no concept of maintenance
Reminds me of that lecture at the end of the Empire of Dust documentary.
>id hit it
Prepare a good defense against your false rape charge first.
>not saying sweetie
links or fake
shit like this isn't useful to send to liberals if we can't prove it.
So the USA is that good huh!, pretty much no one wants to go back.
report the bitch for hate speech. maybe she'll lose her twitter too.
>hate white people
>insist on living around white people
>Someone needs to remind Cher that knowingly harboring illegals carries a 20 year prison sentence
Hmmm. What if the Jews were manipulated into taking in the illegals. Then they get sent to prison and their assets liquidated.
Why is she naked?
What country is this?
I worked in a state park in the south for two years. I've seen and been only a few feet away from gators, venomous snakes, black bears, three coyotes in the middle of the night.
In that time period the only thing I've ever had try to attack me was a bunch of geese. They didn't even fuck off until the third time I shot at them too. Vicious motherfuckers.
Cher is a sick fuck.
Kek wills it.
Offer her a bath for secks, if she good, a sandwich for more secks
so those arent really kpop idols? that makes more sense than asians defending brown people
I love that B A S E D chink
No, they're mostly roasties and female incels who are obsessed with Kdramas, Kpop, and K anything, and they are pretty much just projecting their desire to meet their favorite Kpop stars and actors one day without ever leaving their own country onto the illegals, and it's all so very stupid and immature.
Republicans got Trump to dump it because Obama enacted it under executive order. Trump ended it but gave Congress 6 months to fix it.
One of the most based moments on camera