I often see here on Sup Forums that a lot of people keep doing what I would call "beta male shaming".
Now most enlightened right-wingers like me understand that the prosperity of the west is in big part can be attributed to the Christian tradition of monogamy and the suppression of sexual promiscuity, for the purpose of evenly distributing sexuality as well as companionship and family happiness to all people. As opposed to a barbaric polygamist society where a few alpha males fuck all women and most other males (called betas) have nothing and frustrated/unhappy unproductive savages. The leftist 60's sexual liberation threw the society back to the stone age with creating basically a system of marriage-less polygamy, eliminating happiness for most people (ironically un-egalitarian). Choosing a lifestyle and advocating and shaming other people into it also.
Now here on Sup Forums many supposedly right wing people still seem to be advocating for sexual promiscuity (aka barbaric polygamist society). Why is that? Right wingers should be more consistent about their "values".
So, pick one (You cannot have both): A) traditional values, preservation of the western culture and the white race, with sexual restraint for everyone. B) fuck around if you can like a liberated leftist and fuck society too. Then dont bother preaching about traditional values and western civilization.
Finally: The role of the alpha male in a leftist or right-ist society: Leftists alphas are grabbing as much fun to themselves as they can, on the expense of everyone else, and living a full hedonistic lifestyle. Right wing alphas would help beta males and potential wives to get together, as well as taking leading roles in building society (military, infrastructure, culture, government, business...).
That book pisses me off so much. It's just like the normie women to take terms/ideas they didn't invent or make up and try to profit off them. Same thing with the "The Red Pill" movie.
These aren't their words to use or stories to tell. They come at these communities as a ridiculing outsider and don't ever do anything they write about justice.
Sup Forums should sue.
Hudson Murphy
> traditional values, preservation of the western culture and the white race, with sexual restraint for everyone This is the true redpill. There is nothing more disgusting to me than men acting like whores. Honorary roasties, all of them.
Jayden Baker
OK, most of the book might be BS. But this one issue of sexual liberation and and screwing most of the society seems like agood catch. also I remember so many people here on Sup Forums being demeaning with beta males, which is a left-wing (anti christian, anti traditionalist) idea. The contradicting believes within the same persons...
Jonathan Taylor
>Now most enlightened right-wingers like me understand that the prosperity of the west is in big part can be attributed to the Christian tradition of monogamy and the suppression of sexual promiscuity,
The problem OP is that this isn't true in the sense that monogamy is not exclusively a Christian idea. Monogamy is literally natural for our species. When you attach the concept of monogamy to a mystical religion, when people rejected the parts of religion that don't line up with reality, they reject the concept of monogamy too. The two concepts need to be dissociated.
The stone age was actually a lot more monogamous than polygamous. This book lays it out. We survived the stone age through monogamy, because monogamy lead to better and safer child rearing, which lead to smarter and more capable children with each generation. Monogamy makes reproduction efficient and directed which results in a spiral upwards of positive mutated traits. Your children look like you at a very young age so you know exactly who's responsibility it is to take care of them.
We can agree that sexual promiscuity lead to this. But there need be no disagreement between Christians and (for lack of a better term) evolution-believing-atheists or any other human on the subject of monogamy being good for human beings. The left/liberals using nature/evolution to justify their hedonistic shit literally have it wrong and don't know what they're talking about. That's the beautiful irony of it.
Christian Wright
>Sup Forums is for promiscuity It's like you've been here for a day, clicked on a slide thread, and wrote a book about it.
Camden Ramirez
Does the book actually go into that? I'm just reacting to what I've seen of the roastie author beta-shaming on twitter.
Xavier Howard
Bumping for a maybe not shit thread. We're getting slide as fuck today.
DACA got shareblue in a frenzy.
Jonathan Phillips
Maybe polygamy developed after the concept of money and wealth developed. Then was a dead end concept in a half-way developed human society. Then (re)turning to monogamy is actual progress and egalitarian. But leftists like people doing whatever they want, without restraint from laws, rules, government or parents. Lawlessness.
OK. I have read a long review of the book, they discussed it in detail. Specifically about sexual liberation only achieving its goals for a very few people (hedonistic variety of alpha males), while everyone else is lonely and unhappy.
I have been reading/commenting Sup Forums/pol topics for about 2 months, and many many times peoples comments were like "oh, you are just a beta cuck, we will fuck your wife or your sweathart". Also there are those "chad" memes and BBC memes.
Ethan Edwards
A) It's really simple if you think about it.
The sexual maniac (cause he was molested as a child) Wilhem Reich (Freud's student until Freud threw him out) found a interesting correlation.
That people who don't work, will spent their time 'exploring' their sexuality.
He believed that the meaning of everyone's life is a pure, unhinged orgasm.
For that he joined the communist party because he was believed that as soon as the red revolution occurs and the proletariat gets liberated from all the 'inhuman' work, they will have all the time in the world to fuck everyone, everyday.
He was even to radical for the communists because he tried to create fuck-hotels in their party centers.
He alone, would have been forgotten rather simply but Erich From (Frankfurt school) hearing about this idea, quickly realized that if (Reich) is right and the liberated proletariat will spent their time with fucking around, why don't turn it around?
Instead of a red revolution, let's liberate their sexualities FIRST and by doing that they will become obsessed with it and grow to disregard & hate hard, honest work.
So in the end the equation is simple:
1)'liberated sex' => no educated, hard, honest workers, instead army of degenerates
2) no educated, hard honest workers => retards who will vote communists because they aren't able to achieve prosperity on their own anymore.
Hope it wasn't to complicated.
Carson Rogers
I would say most of /pol wants a society of traditional monogamous marriage. The problem is how to achieve that in a world that is so degenerate, and seems to be spiraling out of control? So some have gotten lost in nihilistic thinking which you can see in a phrase like "enjoy the decline," and they're using redpill knowledge to get short term enjoyment out of a dying society. Others don't want to play that game, and want the traditional life, but the current laws, and current culture make it impossible. These guys are holding out hope that the whole thing falls apart in their lifetime so they can rebuild society in a more traditional manner.
Luke Torres
Wow. thanks. That explains the lefty agendas. but my problem is (the topic) that still some right wingers also want to keep hedonism and fucking around. that makes them inconsistent with the main right wing message. It is not just they hold contradictory believes, effecting themselves, but they are also advocating for lefty degeneracy among right wing circles, since they dont realize the contradiction. Then other right wingers dont educate them or throw them out, as in other topics they agree (racial issues, anti-communism, taxation...). That is confufing to other people to hear pro-degeneracy messages within right wing environment, and some other people might also believe that they are ok. Thats the problem. It should be made clear within right wing circles that fucking all the chiks, or for the girls fucking all the chads makes them leftist whores, not traditionalist right wingers. Maybe a slight shame culture to be introduced? Like int he good old days, whores were pointed out in the streets of small towns...
Tyler Lopez
>Maybe polygamy developed after the concept of money and wealth developed.
It developed before we were even human. That's what I'm telling, you are literally a human because the species before us in the chain developed monogamy. It's literally in-grained in your genes.
Polyamory/hypergamy developed like you said,when civilization came about. And just because it's new, it doesn't make it good, like obesity. In effective mating strategies lead to problems and eventual extinction for a lot of species.
>I have been reading/commenting Sup Forums/pol topics for about 2 months, and many many times peoples comments were like "oh, you are just a beta cuck, we will fuck your wife or your sweathart". Also there are those "chad" memes and BBC memes.
Sup Forums is full of shitposting role players dude. This stuff actually comes from /r9k/ and Sup Forums pretends it's not some beta-loser because they think they're baiting/trolling the other beta losers. That's why the ridicule is on point, because it literally takes one to know one.
This type of topic is more honestly discussed on /r9k/ where everyone isn't trying to pretend to be someone else. But the topic is relevant to Sup Forums because sexual liberation, reproduction rates etc, are all political topics.
Alexander Brown
You are 100% correct. I myself have a good friend who has been 'conservative' all his life. Of course this doesn't stop him at drinking and fucking every degenerated whore he can find.
I will soon call him out on that.
It should be more clear within the right wing.
Christian Garcia
>because it literally takes one to know one. Being an alpha or a beta male should not matter sexually, only in business/gov/military productive hierarchies at work (not in the bedroom). At least that supposed to be the right wing political message. People obsessed with getting laid or not getting laid is degenerate. It has no place in discussions about the future of our civilization. These assholes should not dominate or even get involved in serious political discussions. Derailment of a noble cause by people who cannot understand what is at stake.
Colton Moore
Happy you liked my text tho. I compiled a summary about marxism a few months back, it's far from perfect but has the main ideas.
>Now here on Sup Forums many supposedly right wing people still seem to be advocating for sexual promiscuity (aka barbaric polygamist society
You clearly haven't been on Sup Forums very long, kiddo.
Nathan Peterson
A lot of the mocking of beta males has to do with ridiculing people (men) who internalize the ethics of modernity and who use the fact that contemporary women are awful to avoid confronting and overcoming their own weaknesses. This is especially true in areas that have nothing to do with thots, which to be honest are probably a lot more relevant to people who aren't sex-fixated leftists. Alexander was a Chad because he conquered all of West Asia, not because he squired dozens of whores in the process.
Also, most leftists (like this author) want to find any way they can to reduce everything down to sex, because it lets them avoid ethical arguments they can't win. People like this author want us to hate women because we're angry virgins, because they can't handle a situation where we hate women because they destroy civilization.
Easton Sanders
Oliver Smith
what the fuck is with you dorks and your obsession with "NO PORN NO SEX CHRISTIAN CHASTITY FOREVER"
i listen to all the jew shit, and i nod my head. i listen to the shit about how white men need to band together to stop the destruction of our culture, and i nod my head. you virgin fucks start screaming about how we need to go back to the christian dark ages where you were a sinner for jacking off and you completely fucking lose me. fuck christianity (a jew invention) and fuck all this false anti-sex stuff. i do agree that everything is a bit over-sexualized, but that doesn't mean i agree with swinging hard in the opposite direction with your retard bible thumping bullshit.
Jason Parker
Tbqh this is classis false alternative catch. There is nothing remotely attractive about polygamy. I've had 10 sexual partners by the time I was 20, only relationships I remotely enjoyed were with virgin women. Nothing fulfilling or cool about waking up with random strangers, even sex is best with a virgin in a relationship. Nobody likes worn shoes or used cars, so why the fuck would you want a roastie? I regret sleeping around and now want to settle down with a decent girl, but I don't know if I am good enough. That realization hits you hard, sooner or later. I am twenty, not too far to find a nice virgin cutie and settle down, yet most non-virgin women around me are even more washed up, cynical and desperate than I am, and I spent my youth on Sup Forums, drugs, sex and parties. Still at a decent university with a job, not living with parents and shit. Probably, I qualify as a Chad, AMA.
Adrian Lewis
The equation is simple:
1)'liberated sex' => no educated, hard, honest workers, instead army of degenerates
2) no educated, hard honest workers => retards who will vote communists because they aren't able to achieve prosperity on their own anymore.
Connor Butler
Morals and beliefs are not exclusive to being Christian, there are many benefits to a community with positive morals. Remove the label "Christian" and analyze the concept itself.
Oliver Sullivan
i'm not saying we need to return to some dark age of christianity, but def. need to stop the degeneracy that is rampant in the west.
A slut will always be a slut no matter how much the left cries about it. A desperate man fucking anything with a hole will be a desperate fucking man.
In the last 2 years I told a slut straight to her face that she is a slut. The results were unreal.
Do you think I give 2 shits whether I anger these people?
Benjamin Scott
Cry more, bitch.
Gavin Roberts
Women need the fear of God to prevent them from being sluts. Islam uses fear of being whipped or murdered to keep the inner slut at bay. Maybe the fear of becoming a lonely cat lady can be used to convince women to ignore their sexual urges. They lack discipline.
Nolan Butler
What most right wingers would agree on, is: Instead of fucking someone you just met tonight, meet members of the opposite sex, if you meet someone who could be your spouse and both of you are willing to go down that road, then start a relationship (including sex), then after few months or a year or two plan marriage and start a family. During that time if irreconcilable differences surface (real problems, not like the other party didnt do enough favors to you, neither that you changed your mind or want a change for the sake of variety) and cant work it out then break up and try again with someone else. But only go into a relationship if you have intention (if things go well) to marry and stay together forever. This is not a no-sex no-porn thing, but still eliminates hedonism. But there are many people who know well he/she does not want to see that person after tomorrow morning or after more than 2 months and they go into bed or even into a relationship (serial monogamists). These people are hedonistic sex-obsessed degenerates.
>Probably, I qualify as a Chad, AMA. The role of the chad in the society should be something productive. Not to fuck all women so other guys are left with only worn-out whores, but to take leadership roles in the economy/governance/military.
Jose Peterson
I downloaded the pdf of that book. Utter garbage written by a post election newfag lurker.
Adam Bailey
You are right, and the results already are at hand. There are dozens of statistics that as the number of your sexual partners goes up, so do your odds of having a divorce.
But of course this isn't being told by big media or movies.
I asked many girls if they even know that every guy the will sleep with before finding 'mr.right' will be a huge burden on the relationship. They honestly don't know. Or at least many of them.
And if you'd look at todays movies or series from a womans perspective it's exactly what they are being told?
Big bang theory? Penny used to be huge slut, still found her beta husband who (((doesn't))) mind.
How I met your mother? Both Barney and Ted never cared about Robins countless hookups.
Movies? Basically every movie adressing women.
They really made it possible that women don't see the connection between them whoring now, to it being baggage later in their lives.
They are not faking it. They seriously believe it, that they can keep whoring until Mr.Right comes around and he won't mind. And if he does, he is not Mr.Right.
Just show them the statistics. They alone will scare them.
Parker Jenkins
oh and don't get me started on that 'Mindy' show with that indian chick jesus.
I saw it just once, and there was a scene where a guy was proposing to Mindy and in that second literally in the exact same room 3 guys spoke out that they have fucked her and that she's good in bed.
Did this turn this guy off as he found that out? Ofc. not. He didn't mind at all, still wanted to marry her.
What do you think will women believe if they watch shit like this? And they do.
Some goes for emergency room. I was watching the german version with my crazy ex and there was a girl who literally said 'check your priviledges'
Brain -> ded
Zachary Fisher
All those women whoring... are doing it with a few hedonistic chads. The chads have to be taken control of their lives, pick one wife material and marry her. The rest of the sluts need the "spit in the face" treatment by the chads. that is the only source of learning they would listen to.
>They seriously believe it, that they can keep whoring until Mr.Right comes around and he won't mind. And if he does, he is not Mr.Right. As I was told by some bitches before. It is entitlement. This new hedonism is not just living without restraints, but being entitled to it and beyond any criticism. The propagandists who told them they are entitled to this (people not judging them) should be taken care of. And in a decent society, whoring must NOT be beyond criticism, rather should be despised and humiliated on a daily basis by strangers and un-strangers.
David Stewart
In the past if a women didn't cling to a man and get married, she would be left to her own devices to try and survive. Now we have the abused safety net known as welfare. This takes away the fear of failure from the relationship, and also allows the female to put in less effort to try and make things work out.
Nicholas Peterson
Is that a Pokemon meme?
Juan Peterson
The thing is chads as you call them are delude retards who didn't get the love they needed when they were small, now compensating for it by getting love from women. As many as possible.
I know because I used to be like that. Any attention of a female felt like water in the desert. The idea was that sex would be like a river, filling me with love forever.
In reality sex with whores was destructive and fucked me up for almost 18 months.
Thing is I agree with you. Men need to be taught to not give any attention to these literal semen demons. Taught that they'll end up worse than before.
But they just don't know better. Not yet at least...
Tyler James
ofc that's why women tend more to lefty views. The government is a replacement for the husband in terms of income. Especially the democrats in america.
Connor Wood
Not beta male shaming, we need warriors for the upcoming shit. Now GTFO SHILL OP FAGGOT
Chase Watson
>warriors for the upcoming shit ...and you assume these warriors are the same people who fuck all women before/after someone could marry those women? The hedonistic chads who fuck many women, the ones I know have no principles, other than want to enjoy life with no responsibilities and maximum fun. They are not the ones at the front lines. Most cases. get it, faggot?
Hunter Perry
I haven't read the book but this interview with the author was pretty good user. She seems smart, even if she goes full communist in the last half of the podcast
>for the purpose of evenly distributing sexuality as well as companionship and family happiness to all people. So you're a communist.
William Foster
Zero is an academic press; "profit" isn't the aim but if there is any it will be negligible. No one outside of humanities departments will ever read this book and it will be forgotten in a year along with almost everything else
Robert Rivera
Interestingly: leftists want egalitarian wealth but un-egalitarian sex, while the traditional conservatives are the other way around. Leftists are more into anarchistic obtainment of things that does not work well for wealth but works for hooking up, while rightists are the opposite with approach and results.