Checkmate bigots
green card marriage is a crime.
How the fuck do you enforce that? Even an admission like that would be dismissed with a simple "Ah, but you see, your honor, we fell in love right before signing the papers and lord Jesus approved our marriage, Amen :^)".
They check into it hardcore. I knew a Canadian who did it. They don't give a fuck about your feelings, and they grill you for hours. You're expected to know everything about them pretty much, and they interview you over multiple months at random times to see if your stories change. They even will ask down to specific meals and see if the stories match.
I think I remember a Rocko's Modern Life episode about that. Hilarious shit. Still, sounds pretty fucking hard to enforce to me. Why lie when I can simply say the truth? "Yeah we don't talk at all, can't stand each other. We don't even sleep in the same house." Dysfunctional marriages are the norm. Are they going to argue all the other dysfunctional marriages between completely legal white americans are also fake marriages?
This is genius.
>make tinder
>look for beaners
>report them to ICE
>this is considered white in cuckmerica
Well, then fuck off to Meheeco if you love eachother that much haha ^_^'
99% sure it's a troll account made by a Sup Forumstard.
Of fucking course. I keep seeing that bitch being spammed here all the time just bc she looks like an underage schoolgirl. Not that I have anything against underage schoolgirls tho.
I´d laugh if he get´s divorce raped and has to pay alimony. He´d deserve it.
who is she? Name? Link?
Hahaha, no thanks ^^! Hate the game, not the player.
No clue ask Paco
The girl in the photo doesnt live in US. She is from michoacan
What if you tell them you're a cuck or something, and let your wife alone a lot on purpose
They wouldn't allow it then. It's a privilege not a right. The US owes green cards to nobody. If you can't meet the standard you don't get one.
>us owes green cards to nobody
I agree, but what about anchor babies?
Go cry in your Room again. Trolling on pol ain't gonna accomplish shit. Also david Brock eats children.
Except those dysfunctional white americans aren't trying to get a green card, paco.
I know this girl her name is Monica
>Liberal city-dwelling retards marry illegals just to give them citizenship
>get stuck in marriage of convenience for multiple years to make it seem legit
>Cannot settle down with anyone else during that time
>will reduce liberal procreation rates since there will be no children from these marriages
>will still get ass raped by the now-legals during divorce because can't admit it was all done just to get someone citizenship
This can only end well.
Mexicans always wind up admitting it. It's not hard to crack them, really.
> listen, pacoette, nobody here cares about illegals. You don't honestly think anything bad will happen to you when your primas and titos all sell heroin and are left alone, do you?
Mexicans always admit it.
Youre taking your garbage back one way or the other, asshole.