Should men older than 40 without wife and kid/s just be purged?

should men older than 40 without wife and kid/s just be purged?


and why is that?

you mean like turned into a meat product? i heard humans taste like lamb

>what is inertia
I don't need a reason to keep on not do anything.
What do you want to change in the world?

what is he waiting for

He isn't waiting for anything.
He wants to keep his money.

Waiting until Kate Winslet is single again so he can marry her.

I think a 40+ guy with no family would be more likely to kill elites than one with a family, so let's keep them around.

I can't think of a dumber thing a man with wealth can do then get married nowadays.

However, poor men have no excuse.

what happened to Dicaprio how the fuck he has no children?

no, but women should.
men at 40 cant still bear children.
women usually cant.


that guy gets more pussy than the editor of cat fancy magazine

what are you a lefty?

oh yes the poor should just slave away and breed for the rich

He's still just fucking models 24/7.

for his oscar

A man is fertile till he dies.. women on the other hand ..

True my Uncle didn't get married till he was 40' he's got two kids now.

The jew girl wanted to have children with Leo
But Leo said no and dumped her
Leo is my friend now

male models

>Having kids is the only thing worth doing

Sounds like someone who knocked up his highschool sweat heart and should neck himself,
that or a 15 year old who should have been aborted

Men are fertile forever.

He already got it last year with the revenant man.

I am 47 year old MGTOW.. we are the future of america.


Men that age can still reproduce, women that age can't.

He pumps & dumps blonde models in their physical peak, age 19-23. He's a climate fag but I admire tf out of his pussy chasing

I doubt a physical peak of a whit man, is on their 19-23, i would say, 27-30 if not after that.

Why? All you're doing is shitting out more mouths to feed for this dying civilization, OP. Leo has already left more of a legacy than you and your entire genetic lineage will ever leave.

Just accept OP that you're a loser who thinks he's special because he had kids, just like pretty much everyone else. You're mediocre and so will your children, i would argue they are already worse off because they have a clearly autistic father who posts on Sup Forums.

MFW I'm 33, white, never married and had a vasectomy when I was 29

But I'm sure you anime loving virgins are gonna tell me exactly why I'm wrong and you're super smart

That would have meant purging Nikola Tesla.



t. Jelly virgin

He's gay.

> all shitskins

No but women over 40 without kids should be

If they are a nobody, sure
If they are Leo status, you can do whatever you want