I am literally shaking right now.
Trump is deporting CHILDREN
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Can we deport that illegal to Kenya?
>under 31
Don't worry. Cher has this on lockdown and has assured America that the rich and fabulous will take in Spanish refugees.
Deport them all.
Like, maybe in two years.
And then they just have to come back legally.
Bro, I've lived abroad. And where I lived was a lot farther than Mexico is from Texas. It's not that big of a fuckin' deal. And in all actuality BRINGING them here illegally was pretty cruel. Like wtf? All of our institutions are already breaking under the weight of dindus.
>literally shaking
Me too, but that always happens when I jerk off.
Actually it's about law
>president ubama
To think, all of those hunger pederasses out there looking for hot dogs in his Hawaiin hot dog stand.
Where is your basic decency, drumpf
>president obama
not anymore negroes
I had to live in California most of my life, I say we report them all. Don't try and defend Mexicans if you don't even understand how shit they are. Try living with them.
Proto, you can't.
Average age of DACA individual is low-mid 20's get fucked nigger
if he's so smart why didn't he apply to be a legal citizen? is it because if he remains illegal he doesn't need to pay taxes?
>deporting CHILDREN
at least he's not fucking them
>He's deporting the children you are literally shaking?
It's bad sweetie. Very bad.
Obama murdered a 16 year old American citizen with a drone so I don't wanna hear this faggot pretending to care about kids
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for WHITE children
get fucked nigger
>Like, maybe in two years.
Nope. back of the line like everyone. WTF is wrong with you? I thought you valued equality.
do they not deserve compassion then?
30 year old childrens.
Kids just make it easier to pack more of them in cattle cars heading back across the border. Economically it's a great plan.
Didn't Obama deport 3 million jewish mexicans? Or was it 6?
I Thot bein basic wuz bad n shit
Basic decency isn't abusing your fucking NSA privileges you fucking donkey.
Why does this make so much sense. Drumpf needs to be impeached NOW.
oh that sucks..
>pissed of Obama in the process
>By Oliver Willis
Nice try shareblue.
Okay then go back and use the super magic gpa powers to make Mexico better
>about basic decency
>not about the law
Sound about right for Obongo
And she will use them as her maids, and yard workers.
I had forgotten since it's been a while but Sessions' speech reminded how DACA even came about. Obongo wanted Congress to pass amnesty for these illegals but they didn't end up doing it, so Obongo takes it into his own hands because he fashions himself a king. Then he has the absolute fucking nerve that only an indignant nigger could muster to criticize Trump for undoing his blatant disregard for the rule of law.
Really today just reminded me about how much of a piece of shit Obama was and how much I'm glad this watermelon huffing punk is no longer in power.
>con way into the office of president by guilty a nation of white morons into electing you because your black
>make the mass of hopeless desperate non-citizens in the country taxable without giving them any resprentative rights
>have them fork over their personal info so that when the government is done using them they can get deported
>leave office
>people love their neo-slavery so much they are begging for it not to be taken away
>slander the man trying to free the slaves as a man who harms children
are we sure this guy isn't a jew?
why are you have to go home too amigo?
>President Obama
how delusion is the writer?
I thought cher died long ago. Her husband was murdered 100%.
why doesn't Mexi gov want him back?... thats a lot of talent right there
>immigrants should stay because they're an exploited labor force and should continue to be exploited
Viva la Mexico
The liberal's sheer disgust for the working class that they're supposed to stand up for never ceases to amaze.
>because hitler wanted to deport all jews and not mass exterminate them
>murdered 100%
>On my period for first time in almost a year
>In class
Your welcome for that tax-payer funded abortion
ah so its about slave wages
I am so happy that Trump is finally getting rid of the leeching beaners...hopefully niggers come next.
theoretically none since thats below minimum wage, which is spics like that in the first place taking up jobs cause theyll do shit under the table for cheaper in the first place
well thats it shows over liberals. you dont have to go home but you cant stay here. might i suggest you faggots go to germany
>DACA recipients are all college students and valedictorians who work as engineers and doctors who contribute to the economy
>DACA recipients do the jobs Americans don't want to do like picking vegetables
Can these losers make up their mind already?
You should be literally killing yourself.
They're picking tomatoes to pay for their Med School.
You should not have lied to them about having a future here
>Mexico is a drug and crime ridden hellhole from which we should accept all illegal immigrants
>Cuba is a socialist paradise and Cubans should be thankful for the Castros
Their country are violent because it's full of mexicans. Jews and marxists have to die first they are worst than niggers.
who got deported?
literal fucking toddlers. next drumpf will want to turn his back on the syrian children
>muh beaner kids
fuck this coon nigger we had eight years of his bullshit.
Like leftists
>Trump is deporting CHILDREN
16-32 years old
Yes, we should compassionately send them back to their countries.
shame we can't completely cut contact with all you spanish speaking degenerates
How much is Soros paying these posters to flood Sup Forums with bullshit stories about DACA recipients?
Since Soros toadies are willing to make up stories, let me make up one of my own.
I did a survey of DACA recipients in my area and out of one hundred and five recipients, one hundred were living by selling drugs and robbing elderly US veterans. The rest merely live off defrauding SSDI.
Pointless virtue signalling.
Children cost money. We don't live in a land of unending resources. Especially when undocumented residents are taking advantage of social programs without having paid into the system in the first place. Granted, they will continue to take advantage of the social benefits regardless of this act unless enforcement is actually enforced. Part of the reason why I don't really approve of getting rid of the bill.
>nu/pol/ out of ten
It is legally impossible to work for under $5/hr due to the federal minimum wage laws (which liberals bitch about being too low). You can only pay someone that much if they get tips, and still have to pay them minimum wage or fire them if they don't make up the difference in tips.
So illegals are locking out legal citizens from working because they are the only ones who can work for a slave wage.
These libs and their double think are really getting me pissed off.
I would also be sad if they deported Trump voters,
What's up with Kang Nigger?
Aren't ex-presidents supposed to just shut up and go away?
If they're here illegally, who cares?
>"If you can't afford to pay workers a living wage, you don't deserve to be in business"
>"Nobody who isn't an illegal wants to work for $5/hr, we have to let the illegals in"
Because you know, otherwise equilibrium would have to happen and these California farmers would have to pay people enough for them to actually want to work. Typical libtard logic.
Did you make that? Fucking brilliant.
The migrants must flow--back where they came from.
According to Bibi, Lord of Israel, Hitler was going to deport them to Israel but the Grand Imam convinced him to just kill them.
The tips thing only applies in some states, or in others only to small business's.
How the fuck can you get a college degree in the US without being a US citizen?
This nigger's audacity remains astounding
Obama should have asked Congress to draft a bill that would be reasonable. Instead, Obama with a EO wrote a LAW and Signed it.
That's unconstitutional, and he knows it. Spineless Republicans looked the other way as their very power was stripped from their grasps when the EO was signed. Trump is doing the proper thing. Congress get to work!. If you want Immigration reform including amnesty then write a law. Trump will sign it.
Now as far as what I would want in that law, personally? I wouldn't mind reciprocal citizenship, particular property rights. Most American don't realize that other countries don't allow you to purchase land, and if they do, the right of that country to remove the property from you is absolute. W/o due process or just compensation. We should change that.
Foreigners should not be able to buy property here unless we can buy property there.
You're just a humble cheesemaker, aren't you? They have to go back.
Taking back someone like that would certainly help Mexico. Is there really any reason for Mexico to not be brought up to first world standards?
Well yeah but that's under minimum which is ironic because the left pushes for increased minimum wages yet they also use slave wages to justify illegal immigration
I sort of suspected this when I heard that they had to apply with the federal government and give them their personal info. If you ever get a president who doesn't like obama's executive order, well now everyone knows your an illegal.
Oh, the stories I could tell you about college admissions matey...
> University Lecturer here
It gets better, my friend. The unions and administration are going full commie against this. They have to preserve their illegal population. Best thing is they pay in-state tuition EVERYWHERE. They get better treatment than your average American.
Basic decency. Ptwooey. More like ballot stuffing from their relatives (and them, for some bold enough to vote illegally).
Don't you stupid jerks realize this is just scapegoating? It's just like hitler and the Jews, all the trump supporting cucks are too frustrated with lack of coal mining and manufacturing jobs that they fail to realize it's just like the history books, neo Nazis kindly fuck off
Socialism/communism ftw
If only this statement were even 40% true, my heart would be warm.