*sips vegan*
Well racists?
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No but it makes it so paco wont take a job from a hard working 'merican
See pic
people look up to you from beneath your heel
they're also short and grubby, tho
bet she only dates white guys too xD
I mean if he wasn't working at the steel kill sure, but if he was it kinda does.
This doesn't look like a legit screencap.
Although I have no doubt people like this exist
Why do you guys give these retards any attention in the first place?
It is, she couldn't take the heat and locked her tweets.
do you like it when people line jump in front of you?
>because he's brown
He can be whiter than Shaun King, but if he's not a legal citizen then he needs deporting.
Yeah, but now my taxes wont go to the 3 separate food stamp accounts in one household.
>won't be able to get a job when a sizeable workforce disappears
that's where you're wrong kiddo
>just because he's brown
This is what these dumbfucks actually believe. If they're in the fucking country legally they can't be deported. The US deports whites who overstay visas etc all the time too.
he can be whiter than a vampire (if possible)
>deported because he's brown
i didn't know illegal was a shade of brown
Repatriated dreamers will have the opportunity to improve their native homeland, with their advanced education and work ethic. Just think if European countries followed Trump's lead with this initiative!
Dude who tried to assassinate Trump was an illegal British autist and people forgot about that the day it happened.
>some kid is taken into the US by his parents as a toddler
>speaks english, goes to school, grows up knowing only the US
>gets sent back to a country where he has no prior life and might not even know the language
Wow thank u le based god emperor MAGA MAGA MAGA
We are also deporting light skinned ILLEGAL ALIENS. We are not just deporting people because they are brown. Why must liberals LIE about EVERYTHING?
He's right. But that brown peasant will make 6 brown peasants and they'll become a majority, get rid of borders, and the USA becomes a hellhole like Brazil
Legitimising illegal immigration in any way just encourages much more of it.
Ain't that a crying shame
>I should feel bad for illegal immigrants
The Libs never care that there are white illegals because it would break their "you're just an evil racist and literal hitler drumfffffffff is rounding up le ppl just 4 bein brown.
It may not, but someone who is actually an American will take the little brown fucker's job and appreciate it.
The people being punished for this are not guys who came over last week to steal your landscaping job, they are people who were brought with their parents involuntarily as children. If you consider a person a criminal because his parents commited a crime with him before he knew how to talk you're fucking retarded.
lefty faggots are too busy eating shit food and promoting fat acceptance
vegan is a ring wing meme
>Steel mills
No, but it WILL bring back the job at the construction company down the road, at the warehouse on 54th, at the cleaning company cleaning my office...
For the steel mills you need to look at China.
do you have one we can read?
>I should feel bad for kids who have shitty parents
>depends entirely on illegals to eat
>m-muh 9 gorillion dollars
shut up ahmed, they're not even funny
Friendly reminder: There are 36-year-olds that qualify under DACA. Many Mexicans are grandparents by that age. They had all this time to become a legal citizen, and chose to do the irresponsible thing. And as for the poor children
>seperating children from their parents (who are being deported)
No bueno.
It's not about whether they're innocent or not, it's about whether you want to encourage even more illegal immigration by turning it into a legitimate path towards citizenship.
>man commits murder while he has an infant son
>imprison son 20 years later because lol he has shitty parents not my problem
That's not an argument nor a proper comparison.
Notice how they always frame the debate as an issue of race. The Dems could have taken care of this in 2008 instead of punting. Now because of their inaction the "DREAMers" remained in a state of limbo, knowing they could be deported at any time. Not to mention, they all knew the President doesn't have the power to write immigration law. The best argument against these ninnies is to just ask whether Congress or the President are allowed to write law. You won't get an answer, you'll get more virtue signaling. When they don't answer and call you a racist, just ask the same question. Does the President or Congress write law?
>fuck white people
>white people, pls help
Middle America Construction wages are up literally 30% since Trump started this kind of shit.
Tell me why I should care?
It will increase my wages, benefits, and the quality of how I am treated while wagecucking.
1000 years of Mexican domination is on the horizon.
Deportations wont bring your job ba-
That "hard working american" should have been more competitive, no?
blame the game not the player. Country should of had more restrictive measure to prevent illegals from crossing, its not their fault for doing so just rational human behavior. Like how your immigrant ancestors settled here too.
wow because its just so easy to topple the government of a fucking country. You know I wished you had that same perspective for your own sad, unfulfilling, pathetic life.
well first you're an Italian meddling in affairs which should not concern you but I will poing out to you that based on your logic you would also be taking away people who already occupy those jobs and pay taxes on it, thus burdening both employers to find new employees and a government who need funding.
Yeah, it will.
Single handedly the most powerful evidence that line are the true racists.
Guess what, if the choices are to send them all back and get more job openings for people in America, I don't really give a shit about them. Americans come first in America, I know that's a hard concept for your retarded brain to wrap around, but try and understand. It's not our fault their parents decided to come over, so why should we pay for it? Life isn't fair, sucks for them, but not our problem.
>*sips vegan*
raw or?
He's right. If a law doesn't have an immediate, obvious, personal effect on my life and the person breaking it seems like a good person, I think we should honestly just let them break it!
We should deport him instead.
No but it may open more jobs in the trades.
> nonsensical statement based on false premises
remember to sage in all fields.
The hard working American shouldn't settle for less than minimum wage.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>they always frame the debate as an issue of race
You're being dishonest if you claim it's of no relevance.
this is what a neoliberal looks like
>illegally immigrating to Hawaii
Honestly if Pedro swims for THAT long maybe he's earned it.
But we have to try! Murikka!
Actually it will open up the job market and force employers to raise wages due to smaller workforce. Simple supply/demand.
lol you are retarded
>mexicans are farmers stereotype
>illegals are equal to mexicans misconnection
if they get deported their jobs will be replaced with american citizens, mexican-americans (fuck you leaf), or robots. Our race is adaptable, we don't need illegals taking our jerbs.
>family of squatters invade a home
>evict them
umm well brown people... BLUMPFT BTFO
it'll bring back construction jobs, agriculture jobs, custodial jobs, etc, faggot kike liberal
You're being dishonest if we should disregard the law just because people use race as a political tool to virtue signal.
>speaks English
Nope, they speak Spanish and tax payers actually pay for transistors to walk around schools and translate everything for them. Two teachers for each illegal kid.
Why do so many people think it's only about the "THEY TOOK ER JERBS" aspect?
>*pay for translators
Ducking autocorrect
Blame the parents who created their problem in the first place.
>>because he's brown
What? Keep losing elections you clowns.
it will make me feel better though.
>burdening both employers to find new employees
Boo fucking hoo
>spells it "fruitarian"
>it seems to definitely be fruitarian
>repeats "Fruit-a-narian" over and over again
Reeee, I fucking hate youtubers.
Could the President technically grant immunity to every illegal that broke immigration law?
> speaks english
probably shitty. and his lazy fucking parents never will give the time or effort or care to learn it. disgusting. go back
If they don't integrate, they just adopt nigger culture anyway.
That's fucking hilarious, and people wonder why the open the borders, be kind narrative is being pushed so hard.
>group of grandparents want to purge the world of inferior beings
>people who aren't even related to them are still suffering and being blamed
Fuck you pedro. You want to play identity politics? Then all you brown mutts need to go back.
Mexico isnt a prison user. Why do racist?
Immigration was being debated hard around that time and it came to a freezing halt with no reform like the day after this aired because theres no good comeback to this
>Hard working Americans should submit to the bosses
>Be content with serfdom, or be replaced with a foreign citizen in his own country
Modern leftism, everyone.
Any political party that has to rely on foreign citizen voters to keep themselves in power, at the expense of it's natural citizens, are traitors.
These politicians might want to look at what has happened in the past to tryannt/traitors.
>we need $15 minimal wage now!
>But we also need illegals, paying actual citizens fair market value for their work would destroy the economy!
How dare he call my people brown, I'm triggered now, sad.
I guess Congress better get their shit together and do their job then, right?
Holy fuck we truly are living in idiocracy
Settle down Mohammed
>unironically being a neocon
Racists btfo
What now?
>wow because its just so easy to topple the government of a fucking country.
If you don't want to die to improve your country, you don't deserve luxury. That's why white people will always succeed and everyone else will collapse and beg beneath us.
No it won't but I will get one at the brand new BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL.