Jordan Peterson gets DESTROYED!

fan girls on suicide watch

Other urls found in this thread:

want to summarize?

>believing anything someone with tattoos on their face has to say

pop an addy

back too sleep

OP is a faggot

also, sage

This is how the left works , take note people :

>Jordan Peterson gets DESTROYED!: fan girls on suicide watch

posting a false happening, he didn't get destroyed on a board and hoping people just remember the title WITHOUT looking into the article

>creating a false impression

keep in mind

pay debts

this "person" doesn't grasp how 4chins works.

we need to get this guy to make more videos. the memes could be endless. this is a meme goldmine. a whole new galaxy of new memes.

fuck tsipras and the left

Who the fuck is this retard

He has over 2000. It says right in the title Cletus

i don;t listen to fools who dont grasp what they read, that's you btw, neck yoself

This dude looks and sounds like he got fucked in jail while sucking the dudes dick that was giving him the face tattoo's...

explains his drive to make a video talking about dicks while trying to sound smart.

settle down somalia

this guy is just rambling, not even saying anything...

found the sterilized eunuch

A retard

The SJW far left is picking up on just how much of a threat Jordan Peterson really is. The man is uniting the lost flock of millenial men, urging them to sort their lives out and improve on themselves before they go out and fix the world. The SJW menace to western civilization knows what is just beyond the horizon, their ultimate undoing is being baked in to society right now and Peterson is the chef, the Shepard collecting the lost flock of disillusioned young men and guiding them toward western civilization's salvation. This thread and any you see popping up on the internet, especially founded on such weak criticism is only the beginning. The far left is afraid and does not know how to deal with this man.

We already had this thread. You know what goes in Options field. Stop using meme flags. Lurk more.

jesus christ at least have the decency to lurk a year or so before posting your retarded shit
sage for drama

I think the comments on that video sum up my thoughts well enough

Cry baby Petey belongs in JAIL!

quite the circle jerk Australia

some dudes defended peterson's patreon account in youtube comments and this freak goes on for 10 minutes calling them enuchs

>the left
>because I say so

Your scribbled bald head is figuratively and literally a circle jerk faggot

He is a false guru and he is a narcist and overs little beyond "let's be all individuals, i have some fancy stories about it". Only very hopeless can get help from him if you want to strive for anything else than the bottom, you will have to relay on yourself. The left likes him because he splits the opposition into isolated individuals and only does this to white people because this stuff maybe works on 1 out of 100 blacks or asians.