>without centralised authority there would be no wars
Can you even refute this?
Without centralised authority there would be no wars
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The C.N.T. F.A.I.
>without centralised authority there would be no communism
Can you even comprehend this?
>Without property rights there would be wars
Like small interwarring factions in the nation are better.
sage this shit.
Yes, read Thomas Hobbes.
Wars are going to exist for a looooong time its in our nature, we will find another cause to fight between us..
>see: authority
Honest to God we need someone keeping the human condition in check so we don't fuck up.
There would be no human society without centralized authority of some sort.
>society is good
Nigger larper detected
No, just an objective neet.
Without central authority there would be nothing stopping a bunch of people setting up a central authority and going to war with other central authorities so we need a central authority to stop central authorities from popping up.
Checkmate atheists.
>Ron Paul
>Stone Age=Anarchy
you sure showed that straw-man user.
Tribal wars are still wars.
pic. related
Anything else I can answer for you, or are we done here meme flag?
Not war in our definition but individuals killing other individuals. Then they team up with each other to kill and control more and that grows exponential and then oops. You're a fucking high schooler.
Primitive tribes don't use centralized authority, they have a headman system where his leadership is mostly voluntary and based on consent.
Despite this lack of centralized authority, many of these tribes live in a state of almost constant war with their tribal neighbors.
See for example Papua New Guinea highlanders, each valley is at war with the other ones around it.
These constant small scale skirmishes add up to a very high rate of violent death. Modern warfare kills far fewer people per unit of population than tribal warfare did.
So, this is the dumbest argument
One of the few arguments for anarchism that I agree with is that "people" like you could not exist without a gibsmedat welfare state.
>without a centralised authority there would be thousands of small wars over small parts of lands because men are inheritly greedy, whereas with a centralised government we can hope that a status quo over beneficial trade agreements is respected
Can you even refute this?
Seven Samurai or the Articles of Confederation. Historically, centralized authority comes into existence by popular demand to protect against small local bullying authority.
Tribes warred all the fucking time.
How exactly do you intend on stopping people from forming groups anyway? When groups form differences arise. When differences come to a head war happens.
Anarchy cannot last. It is only present in riots and war itself and it ends when the battle does.
Grow the fuck up already. Study economics and human nature. Live around different people and get to know them. Differences cannot be overcome when you're faced with them daily.
You cannot change human nature. It has been tried endlessly and it has always resulted in disaster.
Without centralised authority, there would only be war.
>there would be no wars
The military industrial complex wants it's money
>what is pre settler America
Look at that, a bunch of people without any type of real centralized authority killing each other
>is dependent on the state to live
Yeah, you don't understand politics at all so you just say "fuck all the parties".
It's one of those things you will never understand unless you start reading a wide array of books on the subject while also having tons of experience with human interaction.
The average person(you) has no business voting since they can never understand the consequences of what they are voting for.
School isn't going to help you here since college has turned into indoctrination camp funded by groups who are trying to gather power worldwide and they just want you to be another soldier for them. You need to take initiative and study things for yourself.
Without centralized authority everyone is authority which results in constant small wars between individual authorities until proper centralization occurs. The strong pretty upon the weak and you're back where you started.
Well I guess you wouldn't call roving raider gangs fighting for turf "wars" so technically you are right.
Nigger, humans are tribalistic. That means there will ALWAYS be a central authority, no matter how small or large there will always be conflict and struggle for power
>implying that war is always bad
Okay, laughing at anarchists is and always was fun. But are they actually that deluded that they think that once there is no more 'big bad goberment' everyone will be skipping in the fields