Come home white man. Get away from the niggers, spics and mudslimes.
Come home white man. Get away from the niggers, spics and mudslimes
Yeah lure those suckers in there in poverty and organized crime and drunks roaming the streets robbing and stealing anyone they come across.
>t. mehmet from gercuckmany
poland is safer than cuckmany
I'm going to move to an Eastern European country and live like a FUCKING KING. I'm probably 10x wealthier than the average Pole/Russki/Hohol. There's bound to be a non-shit area of those countries. Fuck yeah! Lock up your daughters, Poles, because i'm cumming.
Balkan countries(from best to worst):
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kosovo(not a country)
---> Includes Kosovo
---> Remove the rest of the unrecognized countries
Slavs aren't white
I like Ukraine, Belarus and Russia
Shut up!
Yeah go away
Actually the Swedistan has a bigger criminality rate than all those countries (Not including Hoholand)
t. "100%" white americuck
t. 57%
come to turkey, we need more whites here
You see this is why you faggot neo-nazis will never win, no one is "white enough" for you.
We'd make it an economic powerhouse within a generation
slavs are subhumans
Slovenia, Croatia and Romaniaare not Balkan.
Greece is best on this list you slav subhuman
These larping faggots are too busy beiing in a purity spiral to do anything useful.
croat diaspora in germany
>yes come home white male
>flee the nations your people constructed and leave the nukes behind for us pocs
My family came from Romania to America. If America falls, the lingering vestiges of the white world will implode with it. We must defend America and Western Europe at all costs.
Those are the countries US recognizes
I'm not Croatian, nor diaspora of any kind.
It's just geographical/cultural/historical fact.
shut up you retarded subhuman
croatia is balkan
Yea subhumans who refuse to allow a single mudslime, while you allow your country to get assraped by Ahmed. Good luck with "muh degeneracy" Hans.
I'm looking forward to watching your spic island sink into the ocean
I am a Greek
none of the three countries I've mentioned are Balkan you undereducated fuck.
Eastern Europe is loaded with Turkics, Asians.
that explains the autism.
Do you have a sister?
If yes, I might come then.
that map is more retarded than you
slavshit diaspora
Only Russians. Not Poland.
fuck off gyros. and pay debts.
Lol, even better. The ancient Greeks were raging faggots, and you're talking about subhumans. Too fucking funny.
you claim to be a german but get mad because i wrote that slavs are subhumans?
sneaky croatshit
you are one of the most sneaky immigrants behind the german flag
sneaky croat slav subhuan
they werent
show me your flag you slavic subhuman
fucks sake user your country is filled with super hot qts
Calling slavs subhuman is an insult to most Germans at this point.
no its not
Yes it is. Remember when your grandmother spread her legs for Private Ivan?
I'm not pissed off about that. I'm pissed off when someone claims something that is not true.
Slovenes, Romaians and Croats are not Balkan in any way. I don't understand what's the fucking problem? And again, you attacked me first just because I said they are not a part of the Balkans. I'm not diaspora, nor am I a Croat.
Can I come? I swear I wont rape or sell dope
didnt read
sneaky croat subhuman
Thinking about returning to Serbia or moving to Russia.
Don't know yet, have a business here and don't want to close it down.
I'll wait a bit and see what my country votes for and what the gov then does.
But it's bad here, people are brainwashed and want their own culture to die :(
Kek! that's what I'm talking about.
You ever wonder why anal sex is referred to as "Greek"?
slavs are subhumans
show me your flag you slavic subhuman
Do roach girls like South Americans
don't come back
Ist gut Gyros. Verpiss dich aus meinen Land du Türkensperma-Produkt. Und vorher darfst du deine Schulden bezahlen.
Go fuck yourself, at least they didn't attempt to exterminate them.
Keep projecting you gyro loving faggot.
>Slovenes, Romaians and Croats are not Balkan
We aren't geographically, but we all are politically and culturally.
My country is already whiter than any of those.
Haha! Fuck myself like the Russians fucked your women? KEK!
Brave words for someone who might have some Pajeet blood in his vains.
You have a good reason for it or do you actually believe my decisions depend on such a comment?
I literally saw 2 niggers 200m from my house today. Slovenia is no longer safe remove it from the list.
we don't need you
i'm a 2nd generation immigrant, nigger.
they're women after all, doesn't matter where you come from if you're handsome or rich
t. Mehmet the great of Cuckmany,
Do Turkish women want big pink Russia cock?
you're culturally balkan at least half way through
Slavs are kind of shit though. Hungary and Estonia are okay, Romania will
probably be alright someday.
>handsome or rich
as opposed to fucking someone ugly and poor for the lulz, or what?
You are weak. I'm not going to ask you, friend.
I'm the one who gives the orders.
How? You guys are in the EU? Croats and Slovenes were never part of any political entity that would anker them on the balkans. except less then 80years in Yugoslavia. Before that, both Slovenes and Croats were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Romanians were also part of the empire, right? You are not even liguistically slavic, and you are more back east. I wouldn't say your country is on the Balkans. Bulgaria, yes, but Romania, no.
Neither of the two. Can I rape and marry the girl for compensation?
we have diaspora subhumans so you don't expect to be welcomed here
The day this country becomes officially majority non-white is the day I go back to Poland.
Enjoy your sinking ship Americucks.
lmao..Nice Pajeet..The Brits must be very happy to have you.
Maybe visit all these countries, and make an educated opinion afterwards;
I'm convinced you will see what I mean, and you might enjoy a very nice and refreshing trip in what's left of actual nature and actual Europe
I'm visiting germany soon, maybe german women will be happy too. they historically have loved the BRC (Big Russian Cock)
I already visited both Slovenia and Croatia several times. I never were to Romania. Any good spots?
obvious croat is obvious
I'd rather slaughter invaders, no thanx
You're probably not even Russian, but some half mongoloid from Khazakstan.
What about Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia those countries are good, there is also other meh countries like Croatia and Russia
No, St Petersburg and Moscow stock.
I plan on it after the fall of the United States
Oh, what a tough guy insulting me on an Internet forum. You feel stronger now?
thats not how germans write
you are that sneaky croat from int
your shitty immigrant german is the samer
why are slavs here so fucking sneaky?
always hiding their nationality
Hunedoara Castle, Sarmizegetusa, Brasov (must), Cluj(must), Bucharest for the nightlife and it's historical center, Moldova monasteries (must), Sighisoara (historical town, very medieval), Constanta if you like the sea and you're here in summer.
>why is he separating croats and us!!
give it a rest, would kill my self if i was living in serbia
i'm just stating the facts
>leave niggers, spics and muslims
>being branded a coward by my ancestors, myself and others
>end up in rampant alcoholism and poverty
Doesn't sound all that tempting.
you have a huge superiority complex and it's sad how much it's showing
we actually live better here than in croatia desu
No. For fuck sake. Can't a German talk about Slovenes and Croats without someone assuming that the person is diaspora?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Since you're German, I also suggest Sibiu. You will find it very homely.
Fuck off we are full.
Spend time in a slavic country.
I'm not trying to purity spiral, but it's also silly to pretend that every population group that happens to have a pale shade of skin has desirable
Yes, Slavic countries have resisted mass immigration, but there haven't been many immigrants wanting to go there. Pretty much all poor countries have resisted it, when Poles move to places like Britain they race mix as much as or more than anyone.
I don't know, maybe it's just a personal aesthetic thing. They are definitely Europeans and I wish them the best, but I wouldn't really want to live in one of those countries.
why are you hiding your flag you slavic subhuman?