Thanks in advance, Irma
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Love drumphfs hate
ladies and gentlemen, a compassionate liberal.
Liberals are literally not people
If by trash, you mean spics, then yes, thank you. Houston is Beantown central, and Miami even somehow much concentrated with them.
Irma is going to make sure Florida never goes blue again
>Houston and Miami
>Not being full of Democratic voting spics and niggers
Good one
Beaners that voted Trump arent any different than racists tho. Literal uncle toms. fuck em.
Mfw when Miami and Houston overwhelming voted dem
Mother nature making sure Texas and Florida go red in 2020!
>Idiot doesn't realize that Houston and Miami are Democrat strongholds.
Yes, those places are trash, but not for the reason your implying
>overpopulated liberal cities getting fucked by Mother Nature
I think California might be in for the big one very soon.
The only people that die from weeks of warning are "Democrats."
>the places affected houston and miami
>went blue
Do people know that Florida gets hit by at least one hurricane a year forever?
Liberals probably produce something that attracts hurricanes.
>Liberals are literally not people
This desu senpai
They lack the basic emotions that make a person human
>t. compassionate liberal
>Be Californian
>Make fun of Texans and Floridians for being hit with a couple of (relatively minor) natural disasters
>Live on a fault line known for toppling mountains every couple hundred years
Needs work faggot
Every post like this hastens California's inevitable collapse into the sea by a day
>Drumpflets saying we arent compassionate
>whiley ou are celebrating deporting people who have contributed more the America than you even, simply because they are brown
Those tiny blue spots are literally half the country's population you twat.
Aren't Houston and Miami democrat? Is this bait or is OP retarded?
And plenty of Cubans that vote Republican. I live in FL but I've only been to Miami. The Cubans were actually pretty good people.
man, it's mind-boggling to think just how fucking empty America really is
>city dwellers
More than you? Probably.
America is more than just your limp dick, we functioned without massive amounts of illegal immigration for a long time before faggots like you thought kissing their ass really mattered.
Don't you know? Landmass > Population. Sure, a few bumble fuck rednecks live in the middle of nowhere, but their votes should be worth more you know?
The empty spots are more important than the populated spots apparently...
One hive minded urban trash fag is worth 3/5th of a person at most, usually less.
You have no idea how our electoral system works do you?
Yes, because the empty spots aren't filled with niggers and spics.
>Don't you know? Landmass > Population.
That is true, when the bits of the population that are at the highest density are mostly subhuman nigger monkeys
Pennsylvania voted for Trump too. Yet we're God's chosen people. Suck my nuts commies.
ARk storm when?
That's why diversity is important to dems, they have to make sure the red ones don't matter any more.
The problem is those dead Democrats continue to vote
Hey, don't exonerate the live ones.
America is only exceeded in it's vast spaces by the complete emptiness in libtards heads.
urbanites aren't people...
>1 post by this ID
Come on guys, you know better than to respond
>Houston, Miami, and Orlando
>tfw texas and florida have the biggest concentration of latinos in america
>taking out trash
spics are ruining this country. the people we assume from these countries are among the least dirty of them, meaning the spics that actually come here would be the agents for change in their dusty shithole. its ruining america and its ruining mexico just as well
Nah, he's right. Nig-nogs, spics, SJWs, feminists, you're not fucking people.
You're wood for orc pyres on the day of the rope.
OP's too much a faggot to realize Harvey and Irma are going to cause massive orc migrations that will help keep Florida and Texas red.
Fucking swear to God.
HAARP is behind all this
Or God is just "testing" us again
Contributed by getting free education.
Don't get it wrong, buddy. It would have taken years for them to pay it back in taxes.
Not to mention, they took the places of actual American citizens, bith in shcool, and in jobs.
It's illegal for a reason.
But the Trump voters in Houston were unscathed.
Hurricane Harvey affected Hillary voters more than Trump voters.
Check out the election map for Texas yourself.
Meanwhile you're cheering on natural disasters just because they're hitting red states.
You realize that Harvey has killed at least 66, right?
No way are they the least dirty of them. Wealthy north Mexicans seem way better than the tattooed drug dealing trash we get. Those "4.0 GPA 6 gorillion dollar scholarship" spics you see on social media don't nearly represent the spics we get, and even those ones are dense trash.
>Two Scoops
>Two Hurricanes
>Two Terms
Who knew?
Living in rabbit cages makes people degenerates.
>giving a single flying fuck about hurricanes beyond them being the excuse to throw a party
Again, lolberals fail. They totally don't understand Florida.
We're batshit and we fucking love it. We're America.
I know a vote in wyoming is worth 300 votes in any city.
And that's bullshit.
And they won't even regret it when all the names are "Shaniqua" and Pedro".
Blue Texas is ruined now that niggers have been scattered and now spic filled central Florida will suffer for not voting trump. God smites the non believers.
only 66? were they at least spics or nigger
>both hurricanes are affecting liberal voting areas
I'm sure the hurricane asked who they voted for before destroying their homes
>Trumptard troll makes ridiculous bait to rile up the Sup Forumstards
>Sup Forumstards fall for ridiculous bait because you're all fucking retarded
That's justice. The founding fathers knew """people""" choosing to live in urban shitholes are god's corn filled shit.
Damn... lol'd at this.
Please let this happen. I NEED California to become San Angeles in my lifetime.
The storms didn't take out shit all they did is push the trash inland.
i mean, it's gonna be part of the deep blue very soon, user.
You might want to actually do some research
Google "liberal psychopaths"
Conservatives are scientifically proven to have more empathy than liberals, in fact liberals express many psychotic traits at a far higher degree than conservatives
Cry about it city slicker trash :^)
>empty spots aren't important
>City nigger thinks the entire planet should be urbanized
>Most likely a tree hugger
pick on and only one faggot.
God doesn't test you.
Satan does.
^^^Truth. Was raised on a farm, and I've lived in a half-dozen big cities on the East Coast and in Europe.
Fucking city people, fuck them right in the ass. The Founding Fathers were brilliant in creating a system where the mindless twats that make up the overwhelmingly majority of city populations can't fuck up the country with their degeneracy and Bolshevik faggotry.
An agrarian society that values the logic, reason, and science that Greco-Roman philosophy prizes. After we fight the Great Orc War that finally cleanses the cities of sub-humans, we should really strive for it.
That's fair. You get your population advantage in the House of Representatives, they get their state advantage in the Senate and you split the difference for the President.
Get rid of that and you just have Canada I'm afraid.
>psychoticism, psychosis, and psychopathy have anything to do with each other
retard alert
Can't wait for the karma smackdown on Commiefornia.
False. God tested Abraham in the Book of Genesis.
Satan tempts, God tests.
Trump supporters are in the center of the country, you retard. You're delighting in the devastation of your own people.
California hurricane when?
Whites are still the majority in this country. Niggers, spics, Jews, and white niggers (liberals) congregate in the cities, because they can't survive.
In fact, states like Pennsylvania and Maryland are actually red states. The inner city monkeys ruin elections. The cities swing the votes in this country, unfortunately.
Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if fatboy-Kim annihilated the West Coast or New York.
You people are a scourge.
Cali is god's chosen land. LA is in cali and its name is LOS ANGELES or ANGEL'S CITY
God fucking hates you trumpshits deal with it
Have u seen the people who don't make it back to their homes after these big floods? Hint: white people own the land still
Read the Bible, son.
The white democrats live on top of each other in the cities like the faggots that they are.
There is nothing American about the cities in this country.
Yeah get rid of all the blue filth so both states become super red! Thx Irma.
houston and miami both voted for hilary clinton and ive seen at least 2 people shitting on liberals getting hit by hurricanes
Yeah those guys who cut my lawn who I have to fire because of the drought and I have to cut the water, really feel bad about them:(
shut up you cousin fucking redneck
Lemme guess the one who made this is from Cucklifornia.
Dont worry, at least we're prepared, but I dont want to see you crying when a 8.0 quake rips you out to see.
yeah! thatll teach those niggers to vote republican! 1488 my friend! good tonsee some fellow nazis on the left!