Fuck capitalism and all you, worthless defenders of capital
Fuck capitalism
The lil' nigga had the same opportunities to become successful as everyone else, his own fault for fucking it up
you realize, you dumb moron, that Europeans lived in conditions similar to that on the right for centuries? It's the fault of dumb niggers that they lack the work ethic and organisational capabilities of Europeans
Europeans used to be much more pious than those poor little african children. They murder less, they steal less, they don't worship demons, they don't have those erotic dances which simulate copulation. Africans live in shitty conditions because they worship demons
canada has more freedums than Murica?
>that Europeans lived in conditions similar to that on the right for centuries?
That's not really true, the shit you see in Africa is the result of introducing food aid that disrupts a natural equilibrium of production and consumption.
Is that the child on the right that you abandoned OP? Maybe if you stuck around instead of being an average nog and helped raise the children you produce that situation would of been avoided for that child. But *sigh* that is just the nigger condition.
That is, farmers can't compete with free food, so African countries cannot create the self-sustaining agricultural infrastructure necessary to feed their populace.
This is really the picture you chose to convince Sup Forums capitalism is bad?
a lot of african nations are socialist though
That's not capitalism, that's evolution. Africa is shit because of Africans.
Capitalism is just a tool used by wealthy elites to accrue ever greater amounts of capital. We are their slaves. They decide how much money is in circulation and its value. Meanwhile, they own real wealth like property and factories. You're all cucked.
>dont feed the animals
Why the coma?
niggers don't deserve to live you fucking animal
I love when commies post this shit or act like they actually care about randos they'll never meet starving
the resources probably were allocated well in this case, that african wouldn't have amounted to anything, and that rich man is probably running a business or something
communism is an ideology borne of jealousy and entitlement
Why do I care about a nigger? Or some wealthy white people for that matter.
Europeans committed a genocide in America and profited from slavery.
A few people in Africa are rich but this is mainly an elite.he Same all over the developing World.
CAPITALISM IS THE PROBLEM not the "lazy niggers or shitskins"
>Racists will never understand this
This and Checked
>implying the most efficient use of resources is prolonging overpopulation on the other side of the world
capitalism require a brain, sorry for you.
everyone got the same chance, or can gain wealth but not everyone will got it.
you are probably a sandnigger who want everyone to be poor like you and everyone same salary...
The problem with Africa is that they are majority communist-socialist states, retard.
just shows that africa needs more capitalists
Look at the top 20 and then look at the bottom 50, tell me which you'd rather live in.
It's true that rich people accumulate assets, while sheep just live pay check to pay check. I blame the public education system for not teaching how to accumulate wealth or what to do with money once you start to earn it. On one hand I love that there's very little competition from the millenial generation but on the other hand it's really sad for the future of politics and the economy.
>why the coma?
I dislike modern capitalism for other reasons, but showing starving Africans isn't going to change my mind on the system here.
Communism is just a tool used by wealthy elites to accrue ever greater amounts of capital under the guise of telling the people that they are in control of the capital. People living in communist systems are slaves. They decide how much everything is in circulation and its value. Meanwhile, they own they own real wealth like property and factories but tell everyone that its run by the state. You're all cucked and delusional.
Capitalism is state sponsored usury. Democracy is government controlled by jews through usury.
Meanwhile under Communism, the Party leadership gets everything on the left and everyone else gets everything on the right.
> Post a picture of a kid who lives in Africa, the least capitalist continent in the world
> Blames capitalism
so if it was communism there wouldn't be any hungry children ... go read a book ...
I stand corrected
How is it capitalisms fault that some niggers are to stupid to feed them selves and their children.
based indonesia
Those filthy capitalists keep feeding the niggers and making their population boom out of control! They can't keep getting away with this!
don't expect communists to take human nature and realism into account, all that matters to them are thier "utopian" ideals
besides if there's party leadership, then its NOT REAL COMMUNISM
what part of classless and stateless don't you understand? you know, other than its impossibility in any practical real world application
god no
no need to even fuck niggers in return
your nature takes just that in charge anyway
also, no one with a sane mind would actually fuck a nigger, because of aids
few hours later
If capitalism is the source of starving groids, sign me up twice.
if you havent yet, burn a cat to let capitalists know you mean business
Jesus fucking Christ hahahahaha
Reminder that foreign aid deprives countries of overcoming challenge, the crucible of improvement.
few hours later still
You're also forgetting the part where niggers keep burning farms because of constant nigger tier warfare. Furthermore Europeans tried to bring civilization to Africa, which eventually resulted in niggers chimping out that they couldn't just do whatever they wanted anymore.
It was bad enough that capitalism was turning frogs gay, now it's turning the crocodiles tranny.
Prayers for Sobek.
>when you have enough food to feed yourselves and maybe one kid
>decide to have a minimum of 10 kids
>whites live comfortably
>niggers starve
IDK what you're complaining about, seems like the ideal system to me
The only difference is that in communism everyone starves.
"niggers and latinos aint the prblem, but cpaitalism is"
So then gtfo to live in a Black / Latino AND Socialistic country. You are so very enlightened, while posting bullshit from White capitalist country.
>public education system
here, at least, it totally is under hardcore commie rule
most of my history teachers (in the 90's) were legit stalinian animals
so there's that
In the end it's like a violation of the Prime Directive. Africans simply were not ready for the technology whites granted them.
Yeah a Stalin apologist wrote our National History Curriculum.
Why did you spend your hard-earned paycheck to buy a computer instead of food and rent and medicine for that kid, OP?
Rarely browse pol then come on to see low iq racists calling a starving child a nigger. I'm out faggots.
Africa - unable to look after itself, unable to form a capitalist system that would cause it to boom with all of its natural resources, unable to have any form of internal cooperation or any form of functioning government for the last 6000 years. Africa is fucked because Africans haven't sorted it out. Sort your continent out. You're staving because you don't take responsibility for your own infrastructure. Its not anyone else's problem. Stop begging for gibs and pretending that your own useless ness is someone else's fault. Fuck I'm sick of this bullshit - everything wrong with me is actually caused by you. fuck you. Sort it out.
Nobody here is stupid enough to suggest the communism is a valid alternative to capitalism.
why doesn't capitalism feed more starving niggers? guys, it's a fatal flaw.
I thought poverty struck africans had a problem of sharing everything. So in the end, shouldn't you be saying "fuck socialism"?
>nignogs can't into farming
>somehow our fault
and There are no true capitalist countries anyway, because that would be shit. pretty much all of them are mixed economies, a little socialism/control mixed in to try to prevent the pic on the right and colossal monopolies.
Socialism fails every time it is tried, arguably with the exception of national socialism, which had literally the entire world, save for italy and the japanese empire, against it, and it still took 6 years to defeat it
gif related
>economically free
Maybe if you're a money laundering chink. The average citizen here pays 42% of income in taxes and barely scrapes by paycheck to paycheck for basic living costs that are higher than what they are in the US while making around half what someone in the US makes for the same job
Hitler built a war machine, not a robust economy.
Did you know the original settlers of Madagascar came not from Africa but from what's today called Indonesia? The Africans couldn't even figure out even a simple canoe to cross the small bit of water between Africa and Madagascar.
people think we live in capitalism
Just 42%? kek you are lucky
My whole family works black, meaning working but not paying taxes. I never did that and never will because i have no trades or abilities to do so. And also have no friends, so the only opportunity for me is to find a normal disgusting job, i failed in life and i've been a neat since 16, don't even have an education.
If i find a job now as a single, and with my nonexistent education i will have the same as with welfare i currently get. It is sad, i could do so many things but they all want a piece of paper that says that i want to school.
Hell i even learned english all for myself by german subtitles on english tv shows. Fuck this gay earth, i can do things. I have a hand for animals, they trust me and i trust them, but all these disgusting sluts coming from school want to do shit at animal shelters because they want to control and yell at animals, i've seen it, women only do nursing jobs and care jobs so they can controll beings that are weaker than them, i hate women.
fucking typos, i'm drunk sorry.
>Not blaming the warlord that hordes food. And starves this kid.
keynesian economists are less than human and should be tried for treason.
It's like that time Professor gill tried to unite the savages using Nazism, but without the untermensch, Somebody else ended up doing it for him.
The Prime Directive was created for a reason, Captain. It would be highly Illogical to give these tribal savages our weapons and tools, and expect them to just become civilised overnight
Is that the same bitch who was featured in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the kitten mittens episode?
Marxism is just an excuse for niggers' own failure.
It seemed to do well in the 5-10 years before there was any war.
central bankers, regulators, and bureaucrats will soon experience the day of the rope.
>australia and canada have the most freedoms
>also the biggest shitposters on here
Really makes you think.
Remember when white people lived in Africa and you didn't need to worry about starving or not having medicine. I wonder what happened.
Why don't you go back to school?
nice to see capitalism still working.
why is it a moral imperative that i should care about people who ive never met?
You're no longer allowed to create trade profits. Instead you have to sell everything at a net loss and expend any reserve left until you're forced into sharecropping for a Capitalist nation.
Ya we full of freedom already fukoff germ
it's better the little niglet dies off now rather than breed and grow up to join some marxist revolutionary group running around raping and chopping people's hands off. that's that creature's future. better this way.
You must understand that capitalism and socialism are just economic theories. It is how they are implemented that counts.
im 22 i could do it, but im 25-26 when i'm done. Also i'm scared.
Africans also committed genocide and profited from slavery. In fact they still do. So at which point do you stop blaming the past when it is shared by both sides.
Right cause Lenin, Stalin, Castro and Chavez were so good at not starving people.