How's that shitty weather?
Sittin' comfy in midwest flyover country here
How's that shitty weather?
Sittin' comfy in midwest flyover country here
>not having extra flags to identify fellow Midwesterns
>between the sierra nevadas and the Rockies
>Nevada and Idaho left out
Literally what
Why does it feel so good living in the Midwest?
Uh, quite the comf in Colorado thanks.
Your map was to triggering I had to fix it
Chicagoan reporting. What's with the spic infestation in Wisconsin? I was in the suburban areas on the outskirts of Wisconsin Dells, and I was disappointed by the amount of spics I saw.
fuck you
The smoke here in Oregon is unbearable
Kansas reporting in.
All I can say is that I am very /comfy/
Wisconsin dells is 99% tourists, probably from chicago or milwaukee
Feels Good.
Soooo comfy
Op is from Arkansas.
Don't think you can just sneak into our Midwest ethnostate.
moo moo state reporting in, nice and comfy here drinking some beer
That's degenerate user
Wisconsin Dells is a shitty tourist trap full of third world/europoor labor. It doesn't represent Wisconsin at all.
Chicagoan here. Comfy and awaiting more happenings,
Hope the next happening is your shithole burning down again.
Fuck tomah
Illinois: a cool, peaceful, nice 72F here, but then there is always a chance of niggers no matter how far we get away from them here out in sticks.
Good stuff, wish I had some right now
feels temperate m8
i wonder how long it's going to last, that was the nicest august i can remember ever
Iowa real comfy this time of year
Chicago here, when are you cheese eaters finally going to liberate us?
North Texas reporting in. All good here.
Cornhusker state reporting in
Nice cool breeze in eastern Nebraska overall comf/10
Who /ohio/ here? I'm enjoying this breeze lads
>live in Orlando because I go to UCF
>home is in Tampa
I'm not sure where to go. Am I just fucked either way?
>not using extra flags to identify white privilege
Maine user here, everythings comfy except for some rain
Minnesota user, it's been raining all summer here.
Highs under 70s here in southeast Michigan for the next few days. Too god damn cold
Tennesssee reporting in. Amazingly cool weather for this time of year.
>northern idaho
>western montana
It's a nice and comfy 76 degrees here in Colorado
Got my windows open, enjoying the occasional breeze.
It's almost too hot, maybe I'll run the swamp cooler for a bit.
Illinois here. Harvest is looking good this season.
hello fellow master race, nice pepe.
it is indeed quite comfy!
Colorado too. Got the windows open. Nice day ain't it? Little cloudy but I welcome the cool air. Plus sunshine makes me cranky anyways.
920 reporting in. Just got off the phone with my Mom in Jacksonville FL, she's not too worried about being hit, but still packing the rv to go visit Pigeon Forge for the week.
blessed be the sons of Ohio
Waiting for that good ol' Northwest rain.
Part of the Midwest is in Tornado alley. I'd rather deal with Hurricanes than Tornadoes.
Georgia here, pretty comfy actually.
Massachusetts here. It's either humid and hot, or cold and windy. In addition, our roads take a toll on my truck's suspension over their shitty shape and I've lost my sanity over the abundance of libtarded faggot cucks here.
Feels bad man.
But at least we're not Commiefornia!
>Choosing UCF over USF and living in Tampa
I hope UCF gets a direct hit putting their campus underwater.
we need our own generals desu, like the brits.
also the power went out for a week where I live during that nasty windstorm last winter.
>I was disappointed by the amount of spics I saw.
Not for long ...
Michigander here. It's handegg season, apples and doughnuts soon, followed by pumpkin spice and seeds. Beautiful weather during the day and the nice cool nights that make it extra comfy to sleep.
Midwest is truly the best part of the USA
Good day to be in the good life. Lincolnite reporting.
have you seen about the muslim faggot that wants to run for governor?
fewer blacks
Fuck off cheesehead
>I'm a minnesotafag btw
>tfw live rural and cant even remember the last time I saw a colored person
>immune to every natural disaster except for the odd weak tornado
>whatever happens, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, the inevitable yellowstone eruption, I'm out of range
>dont really count as midwest OR east coast so cant be labeled as a degenerate from either part
>roller coaster capital of the world just an hour drive away
Stay out, we're full.
file:///C:/Users/justi/Pictures/Memes/1499892518141.jpg nice here in Wisconsin
I imagine he won't fare well outside of the southern lower peninsula and Marquette.
And no, I hadn't heard.
Don't be so harsh
The only reason I'm a little skeptical over the idea of relocating to Dixie. Way too many niggers for my liking, even in suburbia.
On the other hand, corn fields are not what I had in mind. Will have to visit the Midwest to to see if it's a match.
Savannah here. Not sitting very comfy at the moment. We're still recovering from Matthew.
Hoodie season is upon us Midwest bro. Comfy Autumn is here.
Hoodie and boxer/basketball short weather's the best mothertruckin' weather BITCH
Pumpkin pies are just the icing on the cake
Central Michigan checking in.
You know who mows lawns around here? White guys who own homes mow their own lawns. Or they hire other white guys to do it.
Your flag, boi! We're Midwest here!
I've lived in illinois my entire life and have never seen a tornado in person
*Midwest nationalism increasing*
586 checking in
How the fuck is ash from out west reaching all the way over here
Missouri here. Weathers nice as fuck, too bad this only lasts about 2 weeks
Hello fellow IL fags, Chicago burbs checking in.
Wisconsin is the perfect mixture of rain and sun. Heat and cold
The Southern Diaspora is a thing:
Southern history is American history and vice versa:
A hurricane floods cities, a tornado uproots a couple of houses maybe throws a school bus if you're luckey.
Damn Californians brought their forest fires with them to Oregon. DEPORT THEM
Which Chicago burb specifically? I lived in Wheaton a while back.
Wisconsin rarely gets bad weather but its no so bad
Genesse Couuty reporting in
Same here, Missouri bro.
>tfw it'll be 71 as a high tomorrow
I Appreciate the Dixie. But being your standard, German-backgrounded Midwesterner, I have no claim to it.
>gulf coast and florida = hurricanes and niggers
>midwest = tornadoes and boring flat land
>new england = blizzards... OH BOO HOO
life ain't so bad in new england compared to the rest of the usa
I live in Michigan but most of my family migrated from Tennessee I can confirm this
Being ethnic German The midwest is like Germany, same climate. and beer
Basically me too. I like the flag but never meant it to intrude on this thread. Love the Midwest huwheat fields.
Drive down Michigan Highway 20 and see plenty of stars and bars. But I digress. I love Michigan.
>tfw raised in kansas
>family moved to az
>hate it
>old enough to finally do shit on my own
how cheap is it to buy land in the midwest bros
i agree is weather now very nice in wisconsin my family come too and like very much so stay now
Wtf the Midwest gets bigger every time I see a map of it
Arkansas is in the southeast
depends on where you are stay away from Madison and Milwaukee
I live in the UP and the average rent for my town is like $300 a month
not shit for jobs up here tho lol gotta go south for that
Fellow Georgiafag here. Sitting comfy up here in the north Georgia mountains. However, one of the tracks of Irma has it coming straight for us...
The worst storm in the Midwest is the occasional tornado but we can deal with that
there's a lot of people from minnesota on Sup Forums these days, wonder why?
507 here
We need state flags instead of commie and kekistani meme flags
MO bro here, damn comfy on this side too.