DACA at my school

Can my university get any more cucked? I keep getting emails about how evil Trump is - the school's President announced counseling and therapy after election night, endorsed BLM, endorsed illegal immigration, encouraged "resistance" to the racist travel ban...

This campus is next to the Nixon Birthplace, how can we resurrect him?

Other urls found in this thread:





print out the daily stormer weekly and leave it around campus OP :)

Hey this is Fullerton, I get the same emails from my school at CSULB

Yeah, sounds about right. One of our professors punched a student for holding a Pepe sign, so now I'm considering joining the Republican club and Hillel (I'm not sure how liberal the other Jews here are).

Monitor and surveil
Call ICE every chance you get
Call FBI on any terrorist shit talking about any violence against Trump
Keep us updated on all of the above

Dunno. My little sister goes to Indiana and her and all her little jew girl friends are liberal as shit.

This is the best route for you (and everyone) to take by far.

>not attending a conservative Christian university

Yeah man every time something starts up, the whole mob follows, a protest occurs, and the school sends an email. Same routine always.

Is this something you really want to have posted on an "anonymous" forum?

It's on school's website. Good luck finding me out of 30,000+ students. I'm behind 7 goyim.

>our officers will not cooperate with ICE

For what it's worth. All LA city employees have been directed to do the same. City property is considered safe space. Pic related is current city policy.




God I can't wait to see this place burn

email him anonymously(his email should be on the website somewhere) and in the subject line write
'stop being such a faggot'

and in the body
~signed everyone

I'm in school to be a teacher and I can already feel the asshurt from my professors tomorrow. I fucking hate the modern university system. Fuck Denver

And there it is.

This happened at my college buddy's school too. Pretty sure all the colleges are sending out this stuff.

>tfw spent 5 years and around $10k to get a H1B and then a greencard(I'm from a country that is 3 times poorer than Mexico)
>nobody ever gave a shit about my struggles, there is even no advocacy groups for people from my country that could help me with legal stuff and guidance

God I feel frustrated. Deport them fucking all, reeee. I will go on rampage if they wont.

Virginia Fag here.

Liberty use to be where you went if you wanted that. But they kept expanding and loosening requirements. Now it's nuts. My wife had a friend who went there and is now , and I swear I'm being serious , the mother of a niglet.

>colleges virtue signal at any given opportunity

big surprise.

H1B students make up a much larger portion of the foreigners than illegals do desu

Oh, hey, I go to Fullerton, too. Did you see today's student newspaper? Holy shit.

Mine too :(( feelsbadman

Well of course these little Marxist globalist debt factories are for DACA...they literally get a shit ton of money from taxpayers so that Juan Rodrigo Carbajal Alvarez can go to school for free. Why wouldn't they be all for it??

Student visa is F. H1B - college graduate highly skilled non-immigrantion visa. There are just proficient immigration lawyers that could turn H1B into a green card.

Also, there is a cap on H1B visas that could be issued in 1 year, and it's around 80.000. There are at least 11 millions illegals.

My university even made the email they sent everyone its own page on their site utdallas.edu/evites/mcraven-daca/index.html

You would think Texas would be more Republican/Conservative enough to avoid the bullshit but college marxist madness is too strong.

not once did they use the word "diversity". fake.

>college graduate highly skilled non-immigrantion visa.

thanks for the info

You need to go undercover and have a meet up with illegals on campus then call ICE.

When I did work experience in the US, I (ironically enough) did H-1Bs in an attorney's office. The fact that these people managed to avoid that fucked up process, involving full certification by the Depatrment of Labor, is just appalling.

Sucks that Baylor lost to Liberty University though, and this was on their home turf this past weekend.

The only email I got from my alma mater this week was a survey asking if my children have autism.

Mexicans abuse H-2B and usually overstay. It's much easier, but they still have to spend half a year with paperwork.

UC Santa Cruz checking in, our administration might be the worst of liberal cucks.

Start shit posting in the bathroom. It's time to red-pill people while they poo-pill.

Drop out, I'm serious

Do not support an institution that wants to destroy the US

Can't wait for the shitstorm that's going to be my gov class tomorrow

>A business supports the influx of young illegal clients.

Wow what a surprise!

Dear Campus community;
It has come to the attention of the school administration that there are subversive, indoctrinating, and wholly traitorous organizations that have formed on campus. We understand that the recent political climate and recent election process have left many people feeling lost and potentially vulnerable but rest assured that the administration is supportive of the current government administration.
Please exercise due diligence and report any subversive groups to campus police for monitoring and expulsion.
We don't welcome seditionists, traitors or other elements that undermine our patriotic spirit upon this campus.
If you object to these notions you're more than welcome to withdraw from your courses and vacate the school.

Everyone is failing to see the real divide behind this issue. The U.S has a population of 323.1 million so the 800,000 beneficiaries of DACA only make up a tiny 0.3% of the American population. The chances that one of these people "took your job" or that they are "economically draining the country" is absurd. It has known that the majority of recipients are law abiding, productive members of our society who serve in our military, are employed in a diverse set of professions, and in academia. So I think the heart of the debate involves more moral posturing rather than real substance concerns over this issue. If you take a look at the majority of the demographic that is opposing this program you'll find that not only do most of their arguments contradict their own personal biases but also that most are people who feel disenfranchised, who feel threaten, and most importantly feel entitled to a higher standard of living compared to these people just because of who they are. They do not wish to accept that their lives have been full of failures and unfulfillment due to their own personal short comings and lack of compulsion for greatness rather than because someone who doesn't have the same origin as them is much more competitive and qualified to thrive in our society than they are. So taking that into account you ask what is the most rational solution to this problem? which side should you stand on? and while I personally cannot coerce you into supporting them, I will ask that you consider this. Which society creates more value for itself? one which takes the advice of a fool or one which strives to uplift its valuable members regardless of their background? Illegal immigration isn't solved by deporting them or giving them amnesty. It is resolved by enacting laws and policies which strive to give a fair chance at a good life to everyone who deserves it. The only people who can stop illegals is the countries their selves and there is no NET benefit to displacing them.

Why did they capitalize Reach Higher?

please pass out ICE report flyers college anons

Democrats are angry they are going to lose their slaves for a second time.
They don't want to pay White Americans (or even Black Americans) a LIVING WAGE to work in agriculture, construction, landscaping, matinance & housekeeping etc.
They need an underclass of illegals to provide surplus labor to undercut & depress wages for working class Americans.

>Chancellor ((((Blumenthal)))

I am successful, and will die rich. I do not feel threatened professionally. I simply abhor the thought of my country (originally a white country) being invaded and nobody even caring to stop it. This current pattern of immigration, legal and illegal, ensures that I will be a minority in a country that's been 90% white for most of its existence. White genocide is real, and openly advocated for. So any amount of people going back is a win that must be celebrated and capitalized upon. Leave commie.

>DACA veterans

I thought you gave citizenship to those who served, or at least it was a requirement

call fbi and tell them they are endorsing antifa

How much longer until each illegal, anchor baby, and "dreamer" has a $500 bounty on them?

>No job
>Hunt down illegals
>Call in info to ICE
>Get invoice for service
>Get paid thousands

Is it legal to buy a gun where you're from?

If so, you know what needs to be done.

>Falling for the college meme

Go to a school that allows concealed carry in a state that respects self defense.

If a prof is punching someone he deserves to have that student protect their life and property.

pick one, they were always privileges.

It's up to the individual to get off his lazy ass and do some work but it's made easy as hell to do. Honestly wtf is wrong with anyone who would go daca when they have a be American for free card for serving

Colorado State, you disappoint me.

Posting mine 1/2


University of Colorado


>mfw attending a low-level community college part-time for an associate's degree and I don't have to deal with any of this bullshit

unicucks btfo

My college put out a statement when Charlottesville happened. It's exactly what you'd expect they make no mention of the ANTIFA/BLM commies and go with the typical (((diversity))) and (((inclusion))) rhetoric.

why is there a VP of diversity?

wat do?

What did it say? At Long Beach they have the usual stuff in the newspapers too

Many colleges and organizations have "Diversity officers" I don't know what the fuck they do, sounds Orwellian.

How's Santa Cruz doing, I heard the students marched off campus to make SC a sanctuary city

Virginia Cuck University reporting in. Will they ever learn?

No, wasn't on campus today. On dailytitan.com there's an article about Dreamers and one about Milo coming to visit, was it about that?

Originally, I think they were supposed to help implement and enforce Title IX non-discrimination policies, but now it's sort of a virtue-signal job, they're supposed to promote diverse student body and faculty and make everyone feel welcome except straight white male citizens.

Her story


>We would be going to Disney World

Somebody should be sending ICE to (((Disney World)))


On a scale of "did you assume my gender?" to "muh 6 gorillion" how much "oppreshyn" does this story cry?

>Her campus

DACA IS CACA. Flush it.

Can the Federal government arrest people who aid illegal immigrants on the pretext of aiding a foreign invasion?

This retard sends out a mail every time Trump does anything. On November 9th, he even oranganized a Soros style protest march on Campus. He's a spic too.

How is this even allowed in a Public University?

"never broken the law"

hooo boy.

laney.edu/ab540/california-dream-act-ab-130-131/ dunno this seems pretty cucked

Someone needs to tell these fuckwits that

>ICE doesn't need a warrant
>anyone obstructing ICE agents is violating federal law
>aiding and abetting illegal aliens is also a federal offense

We need to start using the Patriot act on these people. Bring back that legal statue outlawing Communist parties, declare them terror groups, then just start purging and detaining people in university administrations, state governments, etc.

technically...the Communist Control Act of 1954 has never been repealed....communism as an organization is technically illegal in the US of A.

>VP of diversity
Organizes struggle sessions and brainwashing.

I know, it just wasn't really enforced. It is time for this to change. Drastic measures are needed.

Maybe. But universities will never cooperate because they make a shitload of money off of this, and they have an army of zealots working for them which believe in helping their pet illegals.

Here it is from Cuck Central itself, UT Austin

Same shit here

I agree. I see the CCA as another potential tool in President Trump's arsenal, but of course we don't know how "redpilled" our President really is in this regard. Maybe he's just the manifestation of our sense of Patriotism, and the real fight will be fought by a future generation. Who knows? But revolutions have begun in similar ways: corrupt officials, corrupt institutions, powerful individuals with vested interests on opposite sides of the law. We need to fight it smart.

And I respect the Millennial generation; they've got to take this mastery of media and technology and USE it -- in an age when the government no longer believes in privacy, and powerful corporations live to exploit that lack of privacy. It's a new age.

such diversity of opinion out there on campus

Oh shit my GMU homie whatup you in an intro?

>Cal State Fullerton

pick one.

What do you mean?

Angel always gets mad when Trump does something

How can anybody oppose DREAMS

For once, UCF has not cucked itself by sending out an email condeming the action. Im actually happy with UCF for once in my life

I started getting emails from Diane Fienstien 2 or 3 months ago with no way of me electing to sign up for this dumb bitch and it was just anti-trump shit. Also University of Redlands got a short email

Just call me Dog the bounty hunter. I'd have franchises in Cali, Denver, NY, and Florida,

>be me
>military veteran sitting next to another vet in english class
>both of us are 24 compared to our 18 year old grown up cum classmates
>1 day after Trump victory
>entire room has this aura as if a school shooting happened in the area
>teacher addresses the class like a news reporter talking about 9/11 happening
>talks about the day being a time for reflection, love, and countering hate
>me and my friend continue making fun of hajjis fucking goats in the back of the class
I don't know how we got to this point, but millennials and the teachers who brainwashed them are beyond saving at this point...