Can someone explain:
a) How voter ID laws are racist,
and b) if they are racist, how is that not representative of the "soft bigotry of low expectations"?
Can someone explain:
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You are on the wrong board if you want people who think that
all you need to see. it's just retard faggots that know nothing virtue signalling. what'd you expect?
They aren't racist. The only people affected by them are the extreme poor. However the argument for the fact that many people usually pay for their license it would be consider a poll tax and thus a violation of the Constitution.
This is the video I saw.
I also routinely see discussions about illegal immigrants from Mexico, usually talking about how poor life is there and they have nothing to lose.
My girlfriend on visa from Mexico, on the other hand, calls such comments racist as not all areas of Mexico are bad.
It seems the people in that video are more racist than those they oppose?
how hard was that you prick
Because racism means "anything liberals don't like". And rights means "anything liberals want".
You're begging the question in your google search.
I think people on Sup Forums are not considering the repercussion that voting laws would inflict on the country.
If illegals stop voting and Republicans control all 3 branches of the government, they will control immigration and corporate profits would fall due to rising wages.
Do you think it's fair that my $1.5 million profit is now only $350k because I have to pay my American workers more?
Fucking retards. Learn to think.
>a) How voter ID laws are racist
Certain races are less likely to have an ID.
>soft bigotry of low expectations
we're not dealing with expectations here. we're dealing with facts. certain races are less likely to have an ID.
>Too stupid and lazy to get ID
>Somehow qualified to pick good leaders
The United States does not have a voter fraud problem.
>Republicans not reducing minimum wage
>Capitalist not investing in automation
How about you fucking think you fucking retarded nu-slaver.
In theory no, in practice yes
I gotta admit though, the fact that these people are so detached from civil society they cant get and produce a valid state ID easily is the real issue in my mind; we SHOULD be able to have these laws without them being "racist"
in b4 racism
>Its a leftist trying to defend his racism but taking the fake moral ground.
Every citizen has the right to vote. That's a great thing about this country, not a bad thing.
It's racist because the DNC's target voter base is illegals and people too stupid/lazy to sit in the DMV for a while to get their picture taken.
You're welcome to argue that I'm racist, but that is not a winning argument. More people will disagree than agree.
>DNC's target voter base is illegals
There is no illegal voting problem in the United States. How can you deny this?
Holy shit. That is a great sample name.
Hi newfag
As a Texan I don't support voter id right now because it cost money to get a state ID. However there is more then just an ID needed to vote. You can use your birth certificate or your voters registration card.
However the argument to claim that minorities struggle more to get such a thing is entirely false.
Dems rely on voter fraud.
Stop asking questions you already know the answers to.
Illegals don't have ids bruh so it's racist
how would we know that without a system such as voter ID to identify it?
There is no law that precludes the Right of Free Speech in the US.
Voting is the representation of the voice of the people that are within the delineated boundaries of the United States of America.
Anyone in the US is considered a citizen under the customs of the US, either as a Naturalized Immigrant, from migration due to religious oppression, from application for work, or from invitation by a governing body or person(s).
The elements of the Constitution are created to control the laws written.
Any laws that allow the person to be segregated from population and the opportunities of the nation are biased and unconstitutional
The country is not a bunch of opinions smashed together to create peace....
The alterations of the laws according to a Border State's interests are biased and due to a lack of preparation for the expansion of these settlements, towns, and cities.
They are also due to discriminatory affairs that are still lingering in political seats.
These are foundations of racism and bigotry from a tyrannical order that will be shut down.
The US is a form of the democracy created by the United Nations, as it was originally began as a multi-national colony of English, French, and Spanish Territories and these higher laws were crafted into existence to serve as a check and balance against any alteration of these constitutional and inalienable rights.
I'm glad that you agree that minorities are 100% as capable as others, but RIGHT NOW certain races are less likely to have ID. That makes the law racist.
Stopping ID laws isn't for niggers and spics who don't vote regularly it's for white people who vote multiple times a day because all these minorities can produce ID when they need cigs and liquor.
Yo tell Sally sample to come sample deez nuts
God I'm so lonely
>My girlfriend on visa from Mexico
either she looks like this or she will very soon
>But right now
No its not fucking right now. The only people affected are those who are poor.
Are you assume all minorities are poor?
Are you assume all minorities are too uneducated to obtain one?
You are a fucking racist. You are what the Democrat party stands for.
Literally a Lyndon "I'll have them niggers voting Democrat for two hundred years" Johnson.
If you question the integrity of our voting now, you will question it even if there are voter ID laws. I can hear the chorus of racists crying about illegals using fake IDs mass produced in Bangladeshi Muslim factories.
There is no voting fraud problem in the United States.
>I'm right because people agree with me
Not an argument
Thats the point of ID
>less likely
I want to cum on Sally Sample's face
>a) How voter ID laws are racist,
They're not. Your country and is society is just fucking retarded.
>if I keep denying it without providing any evidence to back up my claim it will eventually become true
you know that have a voter ID system in india right? can't be that fucking hard, and they don't have the problem of people wanting into their country
Voter ID laws are racist because undocumented Americans have a right to vote.
argument from absurdity.
do you have any actual arguments?
immigrants have voted without being legally able to. voter ID would prevent non-citizens from doing this. somehow it's racist because you think poor people can't scrape together $10 to get an ID
Only people who currently serve in the military or who own land should be eligible to vote. It's that simple. And a set amount of service gets you a land grant. There. Solved.
There is no explicit right to vote in the US Constitution.
All niggers have photo ID so they can get welfare, tobacco, and alcohol.
JFK was elected via massive voter fraud and Democrats have never had any reason to stop cheating.
>undocumented Americans
No such thing. Illegals aren't American.
I am actually bewildered by this.
I remind you that calling me racist and denying facts is a losing argument. More Americans will disagree with you than agree.
It is a fact that minorities are less likely to have ID right now. It is a fact that minority groups are poorer on average. Racism is using those facts to try to disproportionately disenfranchise minorities by enacting voter ID laws.
Can someone also explain how niggers and spics collect their gibs if they have no way to prove how they are?
We all know you can't waltz down to the Social Security office to get that check without proof of identity. Sure, it can be FALSE proof via a fake ID and using a dead man's SSN, but still, nigs somehow manage to do enough work to scam the system to get their gibs, but since voting doesn't pay cash, they suddenly become poor, innocent victims when it comes time to produce identification.
Every nigger has a car these days, so every nigger has a license or ID card somewhere.
not an argument
Because the Democrats reflexively label whatever they are opposing as racist. There's no logic here to unpack.
>a) How voter ID laws are racist
They aren't.
They have an effect that can be argued is racist.
>b) if they are racist, how is that not representative of the "soft bigotry of low expectations"?
Arguing that the laws will cause certain races to have less access to voting and that's racist isn't soft bigotry.
Arguing that ENACTING these laws in racist, in of itself, IS soft bigotry.
Because at the end of the day, if the Government is trying to suppress you result in you being able to overcome that by simply getting a basic piece of identification, than you're living in a free country m8
TLDR: The effect is racist but it's on them to get IDs and if you think that's too much to ask you're racist
poor people still get an ID to drive and buy booze. who doesn't have one other than illegals?
All taxpayers (sales tax for instance) have a right to vote in their chosen economic zone regardless of immigration status and only white supremists disagree.
>Racism is using those facts to try to disproportionately disenfranchise minorities by enacting voter ID laws.
>go to the DMV to get a voting ID card
How the fuck does being poor make you unable to go get a government issued identification card?
Motherfuckers who are under the poverty line already go to government buildings to collect welfare.
The liberals in the video are right, niggers are all violent felons or too stupid to get an ID.
Dead people are known to vote as well.
>Just because more people agree with makes me right.
I bet you think GMOs kill people too you dumb faggot.
>But more black people are poor.
Yet most of them know you can't function without a 5-25 dollar ID as an adult.
This only affect the extremely poor you idiot. I support the idea but states need to insure IDs can be gain freely.
I have an ID and make 15,900 annual. It's literally $20 and 3 seconds in front of a camera. I bet homeless people could get an ID in less than 30 minutes of panhandling
>argument from absurdity.
You're a clown. I was denying his premise that voter ID laws would magically make every racist shut up about voter fraud. That's complete BS. He's the one who needs a new argument.
There is no voter fraud problem in America. That is a fact.
What is that? An article about 1 person? Did you know that 120+ million people voted in the latest general election? Do you really think you're some kind of racist hero because of 1 in 120,000,000? There is no voter fraud problem in America.
>Voter fraud isn't real.
I went through the trouble to find you an article that is away from MSM.
>go to DMV
>fill out form
>pay between $0-29 depending on state
>photo ID
Oh fuck, this guy got me. I surrender. The racists win.
Liberals think blacks and poors don't know where to get an ID and don't have one
I'd like to Sample Sally gnomesayin?
Nogs and illegals can't vote if they require ID
>India, a country with 1 billion people, can handle implementing voter ID
>the US, with 300+ M, cannot
My noggin is joggin'.
Voter ID laws are racist because people think niggers lack the agency to apply for valid ID.
This is true, but you're not allowed to explicitly say that.
Please have some dignity. Don't champion that pathetic unsourced article. Regardless, it's filled with concessions, such as
>How many illegal votes are OK with you? I say the answer should be none.
In other words, there is no voter fraud problem in America. Diane is just another 1 in 120,000,000 racist's hero.
>Shilling or larping this hard.
a) they aren't
b) it is
Because the left believes blacks are not smart enough to get an ID.