I'm Just trying to understand. No other race does a female step out of line so frequently except for the whites.
Why do white women disrespect white men so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Liberals aren't women. Cucks aren't men.
They no longer fear us, therefor they no longer respect us.
They need to be reminded of what the rest of the world does to uppity women.
Pic related
because white men bend of over backwards to try and please women not knowing that women can never be pleased (apart from those who are meek or naturally inclined to a very happy disposition)
men from other races are much more firm with women which makes them difficult to antagonise. people always pick on the weakest/mildest people to vent their anger and frustration at. im convinced that if white men werent so eager to please everybody there would be an end to this shit
this pretty much
>No other race does a female step out of line so frequently except for the whites.
Only white race abandoned practice of domestic violence.
Dude, can you give me source on that comic?
I haven't really looked at the author's political stances, but this one was just so true a I saved it.
Exactly this
Sup Forums worships vagina and the female orgasm. Good luck preaching white sharia to these servile cucks.
Asian women.
Nobody is more cruel to men of their own breed.
Dude, thanks a bunch, luv ya :3
hahaha somebody post all the chinese girlfriends beating the fuck out of their boyfriends
White women suffer from the virus called hysteria -
It basically regularly turns them into white men.
This condition can only be alleviated by vibrations in the vaginas.
dont get me wrong im not advocating violence or domestic abuse against women. being able to tell a woman to shut up and ignoring her texts and calls when she's being a bitch is enough to have the desired effect most men want. if she threatens to leave you tell her good riddance, if she cheats on you or acts inappropriately cut her off. you can be firm and dominant without resorting to anything physical. you must be in charge in the situation, none of this equality nonsense.
of course if she lays hands on you then you need to rough her up a bit to remind her who's who in the relationship. dont let any woman attack you with impunity (apart from your mother perhaps) because if you do they will lose their respect for you on a subconscious level
Because white men are currently not doing a good job dominating white women.
There are no consequences for women in the post-feminist society we live in. They can do and say whatever they want, and anyone who dares oppose them will be demonized and ostracized.
soviet [read as: (((bolshevik)))] subversion.
only the liberal brainless whores
couldn't care less