"We are all 99.9 genetically similar"
This kills the Sup Forumstards
"We are all 99.9 genetically similar"
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Yes Anglo Canadians, Anglo americans, Anglo Australians, Anglo New Zealanders, Anglo South Africans, Anglo Indians, Anglo Hong Kongers are 99.9% genetically similar to each other.
That means a lot though.
Literally what did you mean by this?
Wtf im a banana now
But it's a fucking lie. top right infographic.
kek took me a sec
He's white and looks smart so I believe him.
The 0.1% difference though is why black guys got bigger dicks than white boys.
we also share 98.8% with chimps, feel free to go live with them
If so then why can't I still get a white gf?
We're 99% similar to chimpanzees.
ancestry =/= race
Sup Forums btfo yet again
>ancestry =/= race
what kind of -ism is this called?
That 0.1% difference is why God forbid us to lay with you animals
We share 70% of our DNA with a banana.
That .1% is significant.
Your women aint heard of that instruction clearly
Yeah, and we're 97.5% similar to mice, yet nobody wants to invite a mouse family into their house.
90% of the genome does nothing at all and is just messy junk left over from the evolutionary process.
Because most women would rather not risk being beaten and/or raped.
>cancer can be caused by a deletion or substitution of a single base pair
Really makes you chemo
Amazing how less 0.01% of the human genome is responsible for knowing enough to not use headphones as neck-speakers so people around you don't have to hear your shitty music
I don't care they're atheists who need to be killed according to the bible
Just shows what an incredible amount of information is in such a small bit of DNA. For example, a German Shepherd is also 99.99 genetically similar to a toy poodle. Nature is amazing!
>not letting the bass in thru your temples so it resonates better
It's like you've never felt the vibes before my dude
We are 99% similar to chimps, too. So what?
If you need to know who's better just look at which one is saying "We're superior to you" and which one is saying "We're all the same."
One argument is fascending, the other descending.
Why is it bad to say I'm superior to a nigger? Liberals think they're superior to monkeys because they evolved, I think I'm superior to niggers because God made me in his image, and gave me Dominion over all the beasts of the world
And we are 98% to 99% similar to a chimp.
The human genome is 3.2 BILLION of base pairs long. 0.1% of 3.2 billion is 3,200,000 differences.
We're genetically similar, to some degree, to every living organism on this planet.
We're literally cousins to trees. Genetically speaking. Which is why vegans are so retarded. Animals eating animals is the same thing as cells being re-absorbed into the body. Fucking faggots.
But yeah, science says: if it's from earth, it's related. That should be obvious to most. But it's going to be crazy when we do start finding extra terrestrial life and discovering that we share common genetics with that! Das gon' be a mind fug.
Go away - 0.1% matters - and you no talk for me!
Still believing leftist science.
>Massive implying that a genetic .09 difference isn't want keeps you from being imbred/disabled etc
>massive implying that subspecies differential features don't rest on a .05 visible difference of form.
I'm 99.99% sure he's a pseudo intellectual. Hence hes making a political statement with a scientific citation instead of trying to actually prove he knows what hes talking about without relying on miracle axiomatic pragmatism.
Give me one example of information being added to the genome in a natural state fucker.
Yes because we all have the same origin, God
this is why genetics is a shit line of argument and culutre is everything
what the fuck is this
We share about 98.9% of our DNA with LITERAL MONKEYS
So in that case why the FUCK would you not expect that 0.1% to not be capable of massive genetic variation, as we fucking witness in human physiology and psychology of varying races
>there are 3.2 billion mudslimes on the planet - only .1% are violent truck of peace jihadi johns
>not all genes
Nigger you're too dumb, don't put yourself out there like that if you're this inarticulate.
and thats not counting gene regulation. which is incalcuable
what did i say thats wrong you fucking pretentious jackass?
kill yourself
>Sublimely implying the concept of ethical personal responsibility and free will is actually agreed upon
you can pull apparent frequencies for each mechanism of regulation, actually.
Because white women actually have the lowest rates of race-mixing of almost any race/gender.
Evolution has been observed many times.
My favorite example is E.coli evolving to digest citrate, but you will probably refuse to call that natural simply because researchers were observing the genomes of the bacteria under regular intervals to document the changes.
The genomes were not actively altered, only observed and recorded.
This is one of many many examples. But I've learned never to debate creationists. It's more productive to pull my teeth with a rusty pair of pliers.
ITT: low iq having retards thinks 99 and 99.9 are the same number
That entire last bit, you just sound like an empty headed dilettante coasting on HS biology.
>like, our physiology and psycho-ontologies are different, duh
>kill yourself
You first my man
It's a bad photoshop, there's supposed to be an RCMP officer in that picture
We're 96% the same as chimps genetically and look at the massive difference there.
and you sound like some smug jackass whos 300 pounds and should kill himself because he focused his entire life on being a pretentious cuck faggot
>this mad
Like I said, don't put yourself out there faggot. Go read a pop up book and watch Anderson cooper.
Right, a single base change in a a region that controls gene expression can entirely shut down or increase that gene's activity by 100%. Looking at % differences is useless. Only people who have zero understanding of genetics look at it this way.
I have a PhD in microbiology. I work at a small biotech company that does genotyping.
Aren't we like 80% genetically similar to a banana?
I would imagine the genes responsible for increased brain size aren't more than a handful and there are like 20k total.
And people with down syndrome have all the chromosomes + 1 extra. What is your point op?
>Hubris have never repelled leftists because they don't operate on feelings.
This is why smug as fuck atheism is dying, no one cares that you have no metaphysical axiom, it just shows that your a secular blank slate and cannot defend your ideals against another conservative culture. You're the fucking reason why Islam is ruining Europe.
lmao what a fucking loser, look at this sad sack of shit thinking he's better than me because he's mad i said a fancy word
We are 100% similar since we are made out of the same elements
Who are you talking to user? Do you need me to call your caregiver?
>Why is it bad to say I'm superior to a nigger?
I think you misunderstood my point (no thanks to a typo)
What I was saying is that when one says "I'm superior to you," one IS taking a superior position.
An EQUAL position is, "No, I'm superior to you,"
But when you take the position of "We're equal" you're not stepping up, and effectively positioning yourself as BELOW the person and LOOKING UP at them and demanding they're actually on your level.
TLDR: Niggers language illuminates his lack of confidence
dude you havent even said anything this entire thread, you're just shitposting and telling other people they shouldnt speak
you literally should kill yourself, you are pathetic
>still haven't completely mapped the human genome
>hurrr we are all 99.9 genetically similar
Were you bullied growing up?
since when did Sup Forumsacks argue that we weren't genetically similar?
you may as well have posted "Jelly beans contain sugar. This kills the Sup Forumstards".
really why are you so butthurt at what i said, you denying its true or are you just gonna take shots at me and pretend your not some cum guzzling leftist whos mad a republican has some intellectual weight to their argument
kill yourself
apparently 0.01% is enough though
I don't think anyone's accusing your argument of having intellectual weight. Stay mad, cuck.
He is the same as a rhino, they're both species from Africa
Sorry, but I'm not a leftist by any means. I bash muslims, antifa, commies, socialists etc. on this forum almost every day. I lean conservative/libertarian.
I'm simply educated in biology and work in biotech. Evolution is real, deal with it. The evidence supporting it is literally mind blowing. I could post links and cite examples until my fingers bleed and I wouldn't even scratch the surface.
Why don't I? Because I learned years ago that people like you won't even click any link I post, and if you do, you will refuse to accept any of the evidence. It's not my job to teach you anything. If you gave a flying fuck you would educate yourself and see that evolution is overwhelmingly supported by empirical evidence.
That's not adding information to the genome, that's rapid mutation, mutation only rearranges DNA and RNA you idiot. The latter is hardly even relevant anyways. Change doesn't implicate addition to tangibility or Volatility of the DNA. If Evolution was defendable, they wouldn't be citing our immune systems as a shitty defense to an instance of when a virus adds its DNA to ours. Because that doesn't negate the arbitrary state of survival every single cell based in life because it conforms to the same law.
Yes, humans are also about 97% similar to apes. Turns out that a lot of difference can be packed in just a little DNA.
Yes it does, or has a black couple given birth to a blond blue eyed child recently?
Guess I missed that article...
kys you butthurt naive leftist
>why can't god fuck with aliens?!
Oh I totally agree. All things are possible. All explanations are possible. There could even be a God.
But would you think that the God that created all kinds of different alien races throughout the universe would be like the same God you know and worship?
It's like a character in a book VS on tv. You leave out certain information, and the character becomes totally different. Proving that all sorts of Alien life throughout the universe not only exist, but were ALSO created by the same God you've been worshiping would be a dramatic departure from the Abrahamic religion's (apologies for my assumption) description. It's like releasing an expansion for the Bible. Actually I guess it'd have to be an expansion for each new Alien race. Which I admit, does sound pretty cool. But that God is gonna be waaaay different than anything you or I has ever heard of.
Using selective media to show evolution doesn't mean much to people outside of microbiology... Joe Public will move the goal posts and try to say it's not "evolution" because "it's still E coli"
There's no such thing as aliens dumbo
You're embarrassing yourself user... Maybe you should learn from this and cut the fit short.
Even if that it's true that 00.1% is quite a lot.
"There is more distance between men and other men than between men and a certain beast: the most excellent of the animals is closer to the less intelligent of men than the latter to a brilliant and great man".
>Aren't we like 80% genetically similar to a banana?
All life shares a remarkable DNA similarity. That's because at the cellular level we all operate using the same mechanisms. All life forms share most of the same cellular machinery like a Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosomes etc. We all use the same metabolic pathways like glycolysis.
Every life form is more similar than different at the cellular level.
Go back to Sup Forums.
oh look, he actually is a leftist
and yet he wouldnt dare actually argue with my point, instead just attacked my character
ahahhaaha what a fucking loser, holy shit my sides
you're a joke of a human being
It's because God made us all
men is like 98% gnetically similar to a pig
doesn't mean we're the same
We're 99.9% genetically similar to birds. Does that mean I can fly?
Is that you /leftypol/ ?
What caused this? is it acid?
A new enzyme was developed that could digest a new carbon source. That is new information.
"We are 70% genetically similar"
There's no such thing as God either. I guess you didn't actually read my first post. Classic faggotry only expected from a leaf.
Math. Smdh tbqh senpai
my dank mankey is a granpa
*Citation needed
That is a very interesting quote, I like it
its not true. it was said by a celebrity on a talk show about a decade ago and parroted by stupid people
the length of double helix DNA varies between ethnic groups. from longest to shortest alone creates more than the stated 0.1% difference
the reason they keep saying it is that humans are about 98.2% genetically similar to the closest living relatives in the great ape species. 1.8% approximately determines if your in a zoo or allowed to walk the streets. when people are forced to see actual scientific data that says your only looking at a shared 1.2% human only DNA and theres a entire 0.6% difference in the same ethnic group as your own it makes you think about other people differently
you share a lot of your DNA with fruit flies and bananas . its from shared basic code like how to make a cell divide . its not how similar you are its how different that matters
Genesis 1:1
Yes God is real, you need to be locked up in the insane asylum if you think he isn't
Evolution Is limited by the amount of potentiality any cell or strand of DNA can adapt into or mutate with. That's the entire crux of the argument. Evolutions primary concept or goal in its own existential purpose is negate by the concept that its self limiting and ultimately arbitrary.
Evolution isn't real
kill yourself autistic stem faggot
We could be 99.99999999% similar and it wouldn't change the fact that most africans are stupid niggers.