it's up
It's up
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If it's not about TGWTG I don't care
kys jim
Keep the shitshow going. I rove it rong tiem!
I don't know why, but I like angry Jim a lot:
never seen anything good from him except the first 2.5 mins of this:
also this
okay, and I guess the Otherkin vid
and this is also pretty entertaining...
fine. he has some good content
What's up?
mertikur stumbles upon a pedophile. lols ensue....
I'm a fan, but he left out some decent bits of that stream. After he calls The Hole a dumb bitch she calls herself a dumb cunt. Also the dude he was trying to pin as a pedophile was retarded. 80% of the noise out of his face was verbal connectors. "Uh, umm, pretty much like I don't know um like"
>Brooklyn accent flares up out of nowhere when he gets angry
This guy is 35.
30 is the new 20
>Someone tells Jim that this guy Ross is on a livestream
>Jim start to watched at the exact moment that Ross is saying he likes to watch naked kids bathing on youtube but he's not a pedophile.
>They let Jim join the livestream.
>Jim wants to know why Ross think that watching the videos is just cute and normal.
>The chick keeps interrupting
>Jim had enough and imploded in that beautiful moment
>Jim call her hole.
>Now everyone refer to her as "hole" as well
>She cried on stream and said her mother is going to sue Metokur for cyberbulling, because words hurt.
For reference watch this or watch the new Metokur video:
How does it phil that he claims to be our king?
Is this Jim?
nice job jim. are we going to get another deviants soon?
Nope. This guy claims to be good friends with Jim and calls himself King of Pol. I'm not joking. He calls himself KING OF POL
When is he going to do a video on James Triston?
Impossible, Sup Forums has no king. Sup Forums has a Führer. A God-Emperor. A deity. I don't recall ever reading about an /ourking/ before.
He claims to /ourking/. He even post Pepe all the time.
Hail to the king baby
His real name is Bryan Dunn. Faggot that loves to ride Jim's dick on twitter. He has his own lolcow thread on kiwifarms
Is he one of us?
He is a jew, so no.
I wanna fuck that girl(male)
No, my dick
Every time Jim posts my Boner gets 10 feet taller.
>our king is a jew
is this Ross guy the same as '''king''' of \pol\
>Shut up, you stupid fucking hole.
The jew controls all.
I didn't knew about his existence until his livestream with Ross and the Hole:
twitch tv/videos/171761097
Anyone have that meme about fallacy from holes? About women only being useful for their holes. Been looking for a while
Don't mock the king of pol
No, but that would be a really crazy twist
>Removes rope from neck
Thanks user. That was a close one.
>tfw it's another 5 months before we get WOKE again
Who is this girl ?
This one?
This guy sucks, his voice is fucking annoying and grating too.
I dunno, but I wanna blow a load on her stomach.
who's this Ross guy then? Just some pedo Jim stumble upon?
>forgetting his 2 black history month we wuz kangs videos
That's it!! Thanks man
Fuck this moralfag
Some random autist from my understanding
Yes, but it seems that Jim knows him from some of his past antics.
fuck Mr. Redditur
Ross is /ourguy/
King of pol is /ourguy/
sauce? is triggering autists online his day job?
also does anyone have pics of his gf Jade?
What a faggot
His old name was Jim81Jim. It's common internet knowledge that numbers like that indicate your year of birth.
that's a lady JIm
metokur comes in around 27:45. i have yet to hear him talk about fapping to kids in bathtubs. ill keep you informed
Fuck so i wasn't the only one who was worried about it beint this ross for a moment?
I watched it has it happened
best 4 days in my life for laughing.
he's alright, bit of a sperg at times.
based grandma tells this guy the score
Has enough charisma he turns gamer gate into a talk show. Hammers the industry.
Tones down his work and finger fucks an asian elephant on stream while king of kuck
mumbles about dead jews trying to ignore it.
Jim vanishes. Jim returns later and actually does something good- exposes dentist
abusing children. Doesn't utilize internet hate machine lets the guy go. Should of railed on
him for weeks.
Later starts interviewing trannys for there perspective on chopping off there dicks.
What. The. Fuck.
Starts to vanish again but comes back mainstream with a paymetuns.
Every bit as toxic as sargon.
This has been up for 13 fucking hours you dumb sack of shit. Sage.
Fuck you. He provides a service and he should be allowed to receive a payment.
He talked to some trannys ONCE. Wow, and god forbid he makes money for making good content.
Enjoy Sup Forums while you can, nuclear gamer is going to hack it off the grid and take our internet away
Jim is a fucking hero
Heard king of Pol and jim are Very close.
By close he means (((he added on him steam one time)))
No this is him
He was right all his followers are fucking retards
>it's up
>30 is the new 20
30 is the new 12
that's more like it
This is not the way to handle someone with schizophrenia. I dont understand the point of all this. Go to the police if hes trying to diddle kiddies, dont publicly bully someone with schizophrenia. What the fuck.
its more about the guy being a general piece of shit, the schitzo is just a part of that. And the guy went after jim after the first encounter, so he was asking for it.
>"Call me a dumb bitch one more time!"
>"Dumb Bitch."
No, fuck people like this pedo piece of shit. They let themselves stew in their own degeneracy. Why should people be cucked into accommodating them? If there was some sort of desire to reform on part of this downie then sympathy should be granted. But if they want to be degenerates then they don't deserve any sort of free pass cause they have schizophrenia.
>she's a little
The diaperfags return with a vengeance
i picked up on that as well user, kek.
>Jim going into maximum "BEGONE THOT" Brooklyn mode when he's really mad
>Jim calls the ugly, fat, pedo-enabling "edge queen" a hole
>Jim uses hole to mean a hole where comedy goes to die which is fitting because of how edge queen acts the whole fucking time
>faggots and white knights cuck out in the comments acting like he's being a sexist by calling her a hole
"I had schizophrenia, but it cleared up." -JRoss, August 29th, 2017