DACA seems to be a bad program, like all the other obama-age programs. It seems to be treating children with love and support, then "deporting" them at 16, when they have already taken countless benefits out already. There seems to be a problem here, we are thinking about feelings instead of black and white. These people aren't here legally, and people have to remember that. So please, if possible, red pill me on DACA.
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Muh avocados
Oh no, Americans won't work for 1/4 of minimum wage! Whatever shall we do?
Raise avocado prices?!?!! You must be insane
I thought dreamers were scientists and doctors not avocado pickers
The illegal dreamers and spics are what drives wages down in this country. Liberals are too stupid to notice it.
This is stupid. If there are jobs that people wont do the wages will go up until they will do them.
We are talking about a program that made it 100% legal for companies to circumvent minimum wages, labour regulations and most of social security by importing or keeping foreigners for pennies to max. their profits.
Same reason germany imports "syrians" by busloads. Germany installed on demand of the far left a minimum wage that where mandatory for all including their former polish 2€ workers, the industry imported for anything, then the 1€ "work integration scam" was also too costly so they had to import 100% paid by the state apes to keep their "growth" going.
shit like this is why i don't have a twitter. On the other hand I wish I had one so I could shit on her
>muh slavery
Aren't these the people who want to raise the minimum wage?
So what this cunt is actually saying is that she supports slave labor to sustain her luxurious cosmopolitan lifestyle. And we were supposed to be the racist ones?
Because americans can be paid to produce and maintain the automated farm equipment that makes production cheaper and more efficient and gives everyone cheaper food and a lower deficit.
LOL why didnt they use these agruments for Chinese sweatshops?
WOW you mean you wont let this child work in china for 32 cents? enjoy your 50 dollar shirts.
i guess paying full price for something is unamerican or something
>Driver's License
A scam. Don't need one
>Higher Education
A scam. Sucks money out of Americans and gives it to Jews
>Social Security Card
Another Jewish scam
>Deportation Reprieve
Jewish scam that replaces Americans with illegals
I'm as deeply red-pilled as anyone else who has browsed here for long enough. I also just so happen to play video games with a kid who I just found who is a DACA kid, so I asked him his story:
>apply for DACA
>allowed to attend college or work
>if no criminal record, you can apply for asylum or citizenship(permanent residence)
>wait through application process
>while waiting under DACA, you pay taxes but get no benefits
>it's hard to get simple stuff like auto and health insurance
>waiting for the application takes forever
>waiting since he was 4, is 19 now
>his family fled from Guatemala to escape from mothers ex husband who posed a threat to his family
>his family applied for asylum
>granted residency
>if you return to home country under asylum, you are not allowed to return to US
>if citizenship is granted, you can freely travel
>they're waiting for perm residency
>after permanent residence is granted, 1 year until citizenship is granted
>if he joins the military, he can apply for family's citizenship faster
>1 year down to 5-6 months
>52 forms to START citizenship application process
>also there are fees, biometrics records that must be made, trips to NY
>the whole process plus lawyers cost his family $26,000 just for his mother
>his dad cant apply for citizenship because his mother never divorced crazy ex
>since his dad can't apply for citizenship, he is joining the military
That being said, I still vehemently appose DACA. I think that it was cruel to do to immigrants, giving them false hope using an illegal and unconstitutional executive order that did NOT handle immigration properly.
Sounds like a pretty exploitative system. No wonder Niggerbama wanted to enslave this poor guy.
The whole point is:
If you run a very simple manual labour company where not much qualification is needed to do the task at a shitty level but a long time to do it right you can now hire 5 people for the price of one good worker and still have a higher production.
>waiting since he was 4, is 19 now
DACA is a thing since 2012.
yeah what a elaborated shitpost for $0.02
Yes we have to think about black and white
It is, that's probably where the right is fucking up right now. Get stories from ACTUAL DACA people, and show the left just how 'great' being here under DACA is. Most people they classify as Dreamers aren't even actively working through the process of becoming legal, because they lose all of their benefits once entering the system.
Now you're getting it.
oddly enough, yeah these are the same exact people.
here, posting on different device now. Obviously he hasn't been going through DACA alone that whole time you mong, and nowhere did I even imply that. The application is for citizenship or for asylum, you don't actually sign up for DACA.
Stay in your lane.
I've got lefty family who helps immigrants go through the process legally and stuff like that. It's obviously a very broken system designed to be broken and to encourage illegals and exploitation.
One of my favorite quips I've heard in recent months was comparing it to a replacement for negro slavery.
They notice, the elite liberals use them as slave labors and to depress wages for profit.
>when they have already taken countless benefits out already
just keep spending goyim, the hoards of 3rd world gibbs niggers not in the USA yet, surely will take heed and just stop coming for free shit.
no wall either.
Same, my great-grandmother helped refugees from the world over when my grandfather was a kid. She has since passed, but it left my grandfather with a burning hatred for all immigrants, legal or not. Says they took his mom and hence his childhood from him. Kinda sad, but his hatred did not get passed down to his kids.
At least there seems to be a rising meme tide of pointing out that it's completely unfair to people trying to come here legally. My family didn't get here on the Mayflower. They did it legally and benefited from the American Dream just as the US benefited from the need for a growth of a low-skill labor force at the time.
The conversation should be all about what kind of people the country needs and how many of them we want and then go from there.
Obama collexted a database for us to use to deport an entire generation of illegals. Trump is putting them on notice and giving them some time to arrange self-deportation (and their employers time to fire them, stop rehiring them, and arrange replacememnts) so the taxpayer doesn't have to.
I had no idea the liberals were such strong supporters of modern slavery.
>$5 an hour
But thats lillegal you stupid slavery-loving kike
lol fuggg
Democrats are angry they are going to lose their slaves for a second time.
They don't want to pay White Americans (or even Black Americans) a LIVING WAGE to work in agriculture, construction, landscaping, matinance & housecleaning etc.
They need an underclass of illegals to provide surplus labor and undercut & depress wages for working class Americans.
Look at his sallow expression, those dead eyes, the blank stare.
>this is what a mexican intellectual looks like
Labor is a commodity and the glut of cheap labor has caused wages to stagnate.
Or we just automate it for 20 cents an hour counting maintenance.
I'm a trans american. When I crossed the border I was around 22 years old. I'm back to my country of origin, I wouldn't call it my home country. I still dream about becoming an american citzen. I never liked the place I live, I hate the culture, the music, the weather, and specially all the socialist bullshit. Life is just sad here.
It is pretty sad what is happening with the dreamers, but maybe they need to go back to their country of origin to realize their socialist view of the world don't belong in the United States of America. A bunch of lemmings waiving the mexican flag and voting democrat will just turn America into the hellhole they've fled to scape poverty. It might sound racist or something, but that's true.
I had a Che Guevara shirt untill the very last day I stayed in the US. I'm glad my roomate kept it. I'd feel bad if I had worn that shirt longer than I did.
I had to come back to a socialis hellhole to understand what capitalism means. I lived for four years in the US, yes, I'm a slow learner. The dreamers might need to learn a thing or two as well.
The main reason I came back home was for being an illegal alien. I didn't feel good about it. During many conversations with americans they asked if I was legal. They always asked me expecting to hear a yes. I came back in 2009, long before Obama made the imigration and race relations a lot worse and I could feel the desapoinment when I said I was illegal. Not liking illegal imigrants is not a racist or american thing, it is universal. People like to preserve the law and order and I knew I was worng for being there illegaly.
The democrats will ruin things for the next waive of imigrants trying to do things the right way.
Ah yes. If only we had a fund drive. $.20 could automate everything!
Why didn't anybody think of that?
Automation is a meme. Changing the supply curve of the labor market to increase the price of labor benefits American workers. Who should the economy servee? (((Wall Street))) or the White American people?
Goy! HST serves the pensioners!
This is important. DACA is constitutional. Thank you to @NILC_org, @MaketheRoadNY and the Immigrants Rights Advocacy Clinic at Yale.
Not particularly much in to communism, thanks.
Rules 4/4 before. Even the cuck Kennedy voted it unconstitutonal. The Jews and feminist voted for it to be constitutional. Now we have a 9th judge who reads the constitution for what it actually says now :)
>you don't actually sign up for DACA
lol this is literally the website that accepted signups for DACA until today: uscis.gov
Leftists are dumber than rocks.
A. The same people in support of "raising minimum wages"
B. Also use the exact opposite argument for their political purposes, "oh no raising wages for farm jobs (which whites will gladly fill for higher wages) would cause a avocados to be $100000000 a piece!!!
^ Needs a meme pic.
Hint: whites were and still are depending on the region the dominant farmers and pickers. Floods of cheap labor are the worst thing to happen to a region. JUST LIKE WHAT SLAVERY DID: "FREE" LABOR. It hurt the local economy competing for jobs and only benefited the elites (turned globalist elites) adding to their profits. An economy free of cheap illegal labor would suddenly start healing itself and standard of living would go up dramatically for everyone because most US (legal) people still have a high enough intelligence to be stable.
they they will just auto mate the process... if they go back to Mexico they can dream to make Mexico better.
>American taxpayers spend millions to immigrant children a quality education
>Trump wants to give all this newly educated labor away to other countries for FREE
>Conservashits are rejoicing
>The Center for American Progress estimated that the U.S. would lose about $460 billion in GDP over the next 10 years without DACA.
How could anyone with a brain think this is a good idea?
Archived that for you
Such naked misanthropic hostility. You have to be in a place of deep inner pain to churn out stuff like this.
What's sad is that this is a positive feedback loop; nightly, they rant themselves into a frenzy on Twitter, only to fall into an uncomfortable sleep and repeat it as soon as they wake up in the morning, continuing to deepen their impotent rage.
> wow we really need these people to be in perpetual legal limbo, otherwise economy!
fucking idiot
If they go back to Mexico with a quality education maybe, just maybe, they will improve the situation there. If Mexico is less shit, Paco and his guys will feel less of a need to hop on over here.
DACA allowed countless Dreamers to make positive contributions & thrive in the country they love. Trump's decision to end it is abhorrent.
OP here. I love how they call those in the program "Dreamers". Really? You can't get any more touchy-touchy feely-feely than that.