Muammar Gaddafi

give me one good reason for why we got rid of this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

African migrants for Kalergi plan
Libya's planned gold backed currency
The French are assholes

he wanted to base the value of oil off of gold and not the dollar


we as in our western societies

how is this a good reason? fuck the Jewish dollar

not saying it's good but it's the main reason he was killed

swallow this red pill

looks interesting thank you, Europe was a better place before 2011

He looked like an even gayer Little Richard

why was he a bad guy?





he was a muslim, he had it coming tbqh.

I have another one about how he threatened to flood Europe with migrants if he was removed from power...but I cannot find it

He got in the way of the conspiracy so the conspiracy turned a bunch of jihadists loose on his ass.

I had a dream that he was hiding in a storm pipe and that I found him and protected him from being assaulted by everyone that was looking for him. (I was watching a lot of the VICE live coverage of the happenings)
Woke up the next day and saw the video of him being found and stabbed in the ass by a group of degenerates

feels bad man, RIP GADDAFI

he was too good. the world could not handle his memes


hilldawg and obammy is responsible for killing this man and destabilitizing lebanon/syria/libya

just like every dictator we install and knock off

hussaine has many USA ties and was instilled with the USAs help to dictate
osama was friends of the bushes for many years and was later cut off after his usefulness stopped

look at fidel castro or the pawn we setup in desert storm

(assad was the next one)

we find a unstable zone and build up a pawn dictator and then later on flip the script and take him out so we have a excuse to occupy the zone for "democracy"

this is why the CIA was so pissed trump one and why they were backing hillary in a proxywar against the fbi

>Free electricity
>Intrest free loans
>Free apartment
>Free education and Healthcare
>Pay students salary
>Subsidized car costs
>Free land and farm equipment
>No Debt
This doesn't pass the sniff test.

remeber those "rebels" all the libtards have posted about the last couple years?

those are rebels to the instilled syrian government

ie assads troops..

let that sink in
all of your liberal friends were cheering for isis again assad the boogeyman

reminder: assad was voted and didnt force his was in
his people want him as leader and to protect them

deepstate was funding isis and training them secretly and trump ended it

trump will never get this well earned glory because the public are so brain dead but he has done something no other president could do

pretty amazing

>tfw it turns out Islamic Gommunism actually works

so are Americans actually the bads guys, and the cause for the impending collapse of Europe?

He was going to destroy the European economy. By helping his people become rich. And then make Africa wealthy instead of Europe.


Not "Americans" it's our government or a small subsection of it.

Basically all of the alphabet agencies and some past presidents.

Citizens are just as much victims as everyone else.
They poison us with floride and brainwash us with media 24/7.

obviously i know Americans are good people and i respect you guys i was just referring to your globalist government

What you don't understand though is that there's many governments who are working together to move this goal along on all citizens.

ie globalists
they want a single government in control of continents and if possible a single world order.

I'd say the progressive liberalism in europe with the white guilt is a bigger factor though which is most likely the case of your own governments brainwashing you guys.

You are very correct in your speculation then.

I have mutual respect,
we sure need it these days.

honestly my pasta friend, we will never know.. its all just sweet sweet memes now

Literally no good reason, just liberal democracy spreading (((tolerance and freedom))). One of the bigger travesties so far of the 21st century desu.

Because France was banking on a bunch of oil contracts French companies had lined up with the "peaceful Libyan rebels".

The Western model for resource extraction is as follows:
>Private company comes in
>Government agrees to let them extract the resources for next to nothing. (they only pay for permits, the only money the people of the country get is if they get hired by the foreign contractors to work and then any income tax revenues that generates).
People wouldn't defend the free market so hard if they were fully aware of the kind of Jewry that goes on with the resource sector. People unironically believe that their country is directly paid for resources that foreign companies extract.
Gaddafi wanted to spread Arab-Nationalism style way of doing business elsewhere. In Arab-Nationalism the people own the resources of the land. Versus. the Western model where "nobody" owns it, but the government decides who is allowed to claim it in the future (pro tip: not you).

If African nations by in large gave their people the rights to all of it's mineral resources it would bankrupt the west. Whereas they are all so poor that they'll take whatever they can get from the west. So we send gibsmedats and shitty low-wage jobs doing dangerous work. If people get paid at all.
(many companies will just buy private mercenaries for Warlords in exchange for slave labor).

somebody post the gaddafi did nothing wrong image

We needed a practice round to help us with ideas on Trumps impeachment

was gaddafi the gul dukat of africa

He wasn't white so there's that.

its a very good reason for (((them))) the the petro dollar is the only thing keeping our currency afloat if one country decides to opt out other countries could get the same idea

found it
yeah I guess so

updated by a libyan

Seriously though. Can someone explain to me how that is possible? How can you pay students who aren't producing anything? What about the kids who drop out of school entirely.
How can you give out free land when you have defined borders?
How the hell can you give out electricity for free? Energy isn't cheap to make, and infrastructure for it can be incredibly expensive.
And how the fuck do you sell cars at the manufacturing cost? No companies would sell there.
How can they afford to pay the unemployed? There will always be willfully unemployed who will abuse the system. There would be no incentive to work!
Smells like a load of shit to me.

>I have another one about how he threatened to flood Europe with migrants if he was removed from power...but I cannot find it
I know what quote you're talking about and it wasnt him threatening more like warning he said Libya was standing in the way of a massive title wave of african migration and if he was deposed it was lights out for europe because the Islamists where more than happy to let the groids cross the mediterranean

you need a narcissistic psychopath to control wild animals
>Gaddafi, Saddam where some of the best wild animal trainers around

>how can you give out land?
You do realize when the US and Canada were first started people were allowed to go and take whatever the fuck land they wanted to right?

Then a bunch of kikes said hey' I know there's lots of land left goyim, but how are we supposed to make shekels like that? All the richest people are living off empires built on free land that their ancestors needed only go and take. And then the land give-away was halted and people were left to rent their entire existence from a bunch of kikes.

Libya simply got rid of the Jew.

>Can someone explain to me how that is possible?

There is no good reason. Obama and Hillary are fucking evil and the left slept right through it. Part of why I left the left. They're fucking hypocritical af.

He wanted to stop using the US Dollar for oil transactions. This is the same reason for the war in Iraq and why Saddam had to go, he wanted to switch to the Euro.

He was a good dictator.

man gaddafi really had some cool glasses

>so are Americans actually the bads guys, and the cause for the impending collapse of Europe?
We look out for our interests in extreme and contradictory ways.

This too. Muslim scholars often talk about Islam being a "complete way of life".
As a religion it prescribes a political system that is somewhat similar in a lot of ways to Marxist communism. It's why Russia has so many allies in the middle-east. Leftovers from the Soviet Union days. There are some pretty big differences that don't make it entirely compatible with Marxism which is why Gaddafi made a lot of enemies in the Arab League by rejecting Sharia.

And as it turns out; when you have bottomless pockets, communism actually works pretty well.. Libya only has like 6 million people and yet is a fairly sizable nation.

Jews killed him because he was red pilled

This isn't even a joke or an exaggeration

These random "dictators" of "rogue nations" are actually some of the only good people in the world today.

They might be shitty in a lot of different petty ways, but they're not complicit in an evil system that is destroying the world.

>PUBLIC central bank
>wanted to ditch USD for oil sales
>planned a pan-African PUBLIC central bank
>kept the African horde from using his shore to launch invasion of Europe
for this, he was raped to death with a bayonet in the streets, on film

anyone remember the page on the Libyan Intervention?

>You do realize when the US and Canada were first started people were allowed to go and take whatever the fuck land they wanted to right?
Yes, but the US and Canada's population were next to fucking nothing compared to the amount of land we had. Canada's still is. And im not sure about the Geography of Libya, but surely they have limited amount of arable land. Its just a bad system in the long term it seems like.

he didn't threaten us, he warned us

He was helping to contain the people involved in the current refugee crisis as part of an earlier deal with Berlusconi and others

6 million people. That much space.

He fucked with the petrodollar. He had to go.

>but surely they have limited amount of arable land
They were in the middle of addressing that problem when (((someone))) blew the shit out of it.

Fair enough. Never realized Libya was that big.

It's typical of Americans not to know anything about the countries their Zog government goes around destroying.

You have to understand, the US$, as the reserve currency is power. Every international transaction is required to be converted into USD and then into the currency of the buying country. From every single transaction, a fraction of a % is diverted to the US. That is why it is power, and that is why the kikes at the FED (and their fellow traveler brethren) will do anything and everything to keep it at that status.

Consider the countries that have PUBLIC central banks instead of private ones like the FED (that rare all Rothschild banks):
Now do you see why they 'have to be stopped'?

>why was he a bad guy?
No, he was doing very well for his countrymen, he was just a typical strongman-dictator. Africans and Arabs REQUIRE a strongman-dictator/king to rule them. They are different than us and without a strongman-dictator/king, they just wreak havoc. The have no self-control and require a very tight leash.

Liberals, with their unconscious supremacist tendencies, require all the black and brown people to have OUR style governments, so they can 'be free like us' except they don't want it and it's terrible for them. It never turns out well, but liberal idiots & neocons keep trying it, at our expense of blood & treasure (war profits are good for jews, so they love it + goyim die) and the black/brown people are miserable and in chaos.

Until someone reforge this world, Evil is the winning bet.

so millions of european women can finally be sexually satisfied by millions of horny africans

this is what initially got me conflicted about your dilemma, which is really our dilemma, i mean i don't want run in the mill burgerstanis to starve, or lose weight. but i want you to quit your faggotry

Jews were angry at him because he stopped niggers from coming to europe and doing so he hindered the "cultural enrichment".

Libya also has a huge amount of oil, compared to their very low population. And a low cost of living.

So while some of these memes might be exaggerated, it's not hard to believe that people could be doing decently if that wealth was spread around a bit.

>He was helping to contain the people involved in the current refugee crisis as part of an earlier deal with Berlusconi and others
And now you see why Berlusconi had to be taken out, along with Gaddafi

Not us regular people. We get no say in this. We don't want this. We don't approve of this.
That's why we elected Trump. Can you imagine the carnage Hillary would have caused for (((her masters)))?

That's what happens when you have a PUBLIC central bank instead of a Rothschild private central bank with usury bankrupting the people and the nation into debt-slavery. Look at what Hitler accomplished with his PUBLIC central bank in 3 years while everyoen else was suffering under a massive (((depression)))!

It's heartwarming to see how frogs are paying now for what they have done.

West wanted to support the Arab Spring uprising on the assumption it was about bringing greater amounts of democracy throughout the Middle East, except our leaders were too stupid to realise that Muslims need to be put the fuk down with a heavy fist or they start chimping out and waging jihad on the world - which is now what's happening.

I don't really care for the reason. I just want all socialists down.

>West wanted to support the Arab Spring uprising on the assumption it was about bringing greater amounts of democracy throughout the Middle East


well getting rid of him set off a chain reaction that will possibly destroy Europe

143 tons of gold

and the french were involved

For his many fashion crimes against humanity

He only made himself a colonel.

>West wanted to support the Arab Spring uprising on the assumption it was about bringing greater amounts of democracy throughout the Middle East
This is a solid chuckle.

sorry you are a retard but not the globalists

He was redpilled. The U.S spun a narrative about him because they needed a scape goat for terrorist attacks that happened in rome and elsewhere that was connected to syria intelligence agencies but they needed syrian allies so they jewed gaddafi, then they needed gaddafi to cooperate so they promised tk unjew him if he said they were getting rid of nuclear weapons they never had and then america jewed him again because they wanted a regime change because he wasnt completely bending the knee so they removed him by helping islamic radical groups which resulted in lybias collapse which meant lybia wasnt there as a roadblock to migrants which aided in the creation of the migrant crisis.

Libya (before2011 and US destruction)
Source: Garikai Chengu;
Fellow of the Du Bois Institute for African Research, Harvard University.

Muammar Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa .
When he was assassinated, Libya was Africa 's most prosperous nation with the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy in Africa and less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands .
Libyans enjoyed
>free health care and free education,
>free electricity and interest free loans.
>petrol was around $0.14 per liter
>loaves of bread cost $0.15

One area where the United Nations Human Rights Council praised Gaddafi profusely is women's rights. Unlike many other nations in the Arab world, women in Libya had the right to education, hold jobs, divorce, hold property and have an income.
When Gaddafi took power in 1969, few women went to university. By 2011 more than half of Libya 's university students were women.
One of the first laws Gaddafi passed in 1970 was an equal pay for equal work law, only a few years after a similar law was passed in the U.S.
Libyan working mothers enjoyed a range of benefits including cash bonuses for children, free day care, free health care centres and retirement at 55.

Protecting the petrodollar in addition to deliberately trying to lop-side demographics to benefit the left in the first world. How do we answer the Chinese Question now however?

Libya had an independent central bank. (One of the last few countries independent).

>Libyan gold
Before the mystery disappearance of Ukraine gold is the slightly earlier theft/disappearance of Libyan gold.
2009 2010 there were many MSM sources speculating (salivating?) about the volume and value of "Gadaffi's" gold (actually Libyan Central bank gold)

.. An article on the plan by US state dept and H-Clinton to access Libyan gold.

"...a Zerohedge commentator (2014) suspects along with the pipeline plan from Qatar, is also to use ISIS in Syrian to steal Syrian Central bank gold. Syria being one of the few countries left in the world without a Rothchild Central Bank.
The rabbit hole goes very deep.

yes its americans even though they try to tell you its not them because "we have nothign to do etc", they abide by these rules and never demanded any transparency from their government, their country went fine until now, they had no economic crash or wars on their territory, so they didnt give a shit, they just keep buying stuff, its all that matters to them.

see Europe go to hell? "We just dont care", as long as we got muh hollywood, burgerkangz and vidya. Americans are the scum of the earth and a bunch of genocidal bastards

so we could flood europe with niggers and get access to his oil and aquifers

>goyim he was trying to Liberate Africa technologically and financially. Don't you care about cheap goods and minerals??!!
>he was even thinking about selling oil in gold. IN GOLD GOYIM! Can you believe that. Don't worry your good friends NATO took care of the bad man and protected your petrodollar. So shart in the mart until your hearts content. Your papa's little goy

The more you learn of the past. The more you realize, its all about greed. This is why some Kings were great, they loved thy people. No one loves you anymore, your just a slave.

Because he wanted to leave the US Petrodollar sphere

Dude. The "Arab spring" was a west creation.. Operation Hornet's Nest ...

Arab spring

Soros ~ Tunisia, Libya, Egypt : Arab Spring
F. William Engdahl book: 'The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy'?

'...By December 2010 Washington was ready to unleash their most ambitious form of spreading radical political Islam.
In Tunisia, using the event of self immolation of the young Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi, the CIA, US State Department, George Soros 'Open Society Foundation', Freedom House, NED, and other CIA led NGOs unleashed a wave of of Arab World Colour Revolutions.
It was the CIA-and US State Department backed regime change, using Facebook, and deploying youthful activists that Washington had trained months ago...

...The oil rich Islamic World was becoming too independent of British and American Banks, plus oil companies. Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, Tunisia's Ben Ali and Libya's Gaddafi were combining to create an interest free union of Islamic Banks that potentially threatened the domination of Wall Street. and the City of London. Moreover China was moving into the region for the first time. Investing billions in Sudan, Iraq, Libya and beyond, in order to secure it's oil supplies.

with their launch of their so called Arab Spring... Tectonic fault lines surfaced... the Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship that the CIA backed under Mohammed Morsi in Egypt was toppled by a military coup backed by the Egyptian people and financed by a nervous Saudi Monarchy.
Libya descended into tribal warfare and it's oil flows dwindled to near extinction as civil war raged.

...ISIS had been created as a joint project by the CIA and Israeli Mossad, to combine psychotic mercenaries, posing as Jihadist Islamists, gathered from around the world - Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, even China's Turkic Xinjang Province, in what the CIA called Operation Hornet's Nest...

>they never demanded any transparency
that's a form of demand if you ask me

Used to be around 1 million just 60 years ago though...

He tried to end the American Fiat Currency Machine.

Part 1

From: Sidney Blumenthal To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2011-04-01 15:44 Subject: H: FRANCE'S CLIENT & Q'S GOLD. SID

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6 From: sbwhoeop Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2011 10:44 PM To: Subject: H: France's client & Q's gold. Sid Attachments: hrc memo France's client & Q's gold 040211.docx; hrc memo France's client & Q's gold 040211.docx CONFIDENTIAL April 2,.2011 For: Hillary From: Sid Re: France's client & Qaddafi's gold


Americans have only destroyed cultures and systems that worked to push their jewish filth in every corner of the world.
Americans have destroyed Europe. It was all your fault, from the start of 1900 to today. Everything you did to us was only for your own jewy interests.
I'd like to remind every american nazi larper that their grandfathers fought against nazis and the modern, ruined, decadent world is direct result of their actions and the actions of their superiors. And no, don't say "It wasn't their fault" because it was. They could have revolted, and yet they didn't.
When you will see cultural relics getting destroyed in Europe, when you will see the Coliseum getting blown to bits, the St Peter basilica getting erased, the Louvre getting burned to the ground and the Passion of Christ getting demolished with hammers, remember that it was all your fault.

America will be the last to fall, but it will be the one to suffer the most.