You guys don't actually hate trans people, right?

I just want to be left alone and take my hormones :( I'm not a deviant or a degenerate I just want to be a cute girl, why is that too much to ask?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you wanting to be a girl is like me wanting to be a leprechaun. It's only possible in imaginationland and the real world will punish you for your lack of patriotism.

> I just want to be a cute girl, why is that too much to ask?
Because it involves a miracle.

no, trans people normally hate themselves enough

>cute girl
Best you can hope for is an average-looking tranny.

Let us alone and don't shove your faggotry down upon us

tranny (cut off benis) = disgusting abomination
trap (keep feminine benis) = qt and redpilled

you CANNOT refute this

Same, desu.


I literally don't shove it on anyone I just keep to myself and see doctors every now and again but everyone hates me because of something I can't help. Why? I'm white, well educated and just want to be a girl.

Instead of drugging yourself and then lopping off your penis, why not go and talk to psychologist about your 'wanting to be a cute girl.' It's a lot easier, takes less time, and won't end with you killing yourself.

literally stop talking about it


>I'm not a deviant or a degenerate

Yes you are, on multiple levels.

First of all, you are modifying your god given body using artificial drugs to make it something it was never meant to be.

Second of all, you are tricking people, pretending to be something you are not.

You are dishonest, but worst of all, you are self-centered, not caring what effect you have on other people.

you are a drug addict and your doctor continues to supply you. Accept this.

Don't worry user I'm not planning on cutting off my feminine benis anytime soon

I see a psychiatrist not a psychologist and they're the one who referred me to an endocrinologist to start hormone treatment because they think it's the best thing for me. Not sure what you mean? Almost all trans people see psychs

Actually the estrogen and progesterone I take are all natural, not artificial :^)

I'm not "addicted" to estrogen it's just really appealing. Are you in Sydney?

>I just want to be a cute girl
That's the issue. You can't become a cute girl any more than I can become Napoléon Boneparte. It's an unhealthy fantasy that can only end in tears.

>not caring what effect you have on other people.
What effect is that? Waking up other men to the fact that nobody wants to be a damn male, and we lost the genetic lottery. Does seeing a way out of the pain hurt your feefees too much, Mr. Oh so manly man?

>I don't want to push transgenderism on anyone is my argument as to why it's okay
>let me just start a thread about how unaccepting you are of my mental illness and seek more attention while destroying my own argument

I'm transgender myself. Sup Forums does hate trans people because they don't understand them or have any grasp of the mechanics of dimorphic sex.

Most of Sup Forums is trapped and confused in a world they don't understand and their belief in sex absolutism is one of many memes that keeps them in comfort with the universe and they take anything that undermines these beliefs is an attack on them.

I've been a Sup Forumsack since the /new/ days and I've fallen for the same traps they are currently entrenched in: some wither and intellectually commit suicide in it and others, with great introspection, rise above it.

back to you go newfag

Do as you please OP. This is America, and you aren't hurting nobody. Also, feminine benis is best. I would totally date a cute girl with a cock.

Revulsion of homos and trannys is part of the biological imperative, reproduction. You are literally running opposite to our evolution... lasting a lot longer than the 20 years you've been indoctrinated and programmed by semi-retarded female teachers. Don't expect normal people to go along with it.

honestly I think trannies are just stupid, the procedure CLEARLY isn't there yet and yet they insist on chopping their dicks off before offing themselves

Can't Australians shit in the corner in stead of all over?

I don't push transgenderism on anyone lol I'd rather everyone see me as a cis girl not a tranny

Same, I've been around Sup Forums since before I was on /lgbt/ I just don't get the whole anti-tranny thing when most of us just want to be left alone and transition quietly. I never understood the whole TRANS PRIDE thing where people shove it down everyone's throats

I've been here longer than you :^) sage doesn't even work you reet

Thanks user, this is what I wanted to hear. Also I live in 'straya not the US

I'm not getting my penis inverted user don't worry, I think that's gross too. Maybe in 10 years if I can get a vagina transplant that'd be cool but until then no thanks! I just take hormones to grow boobs and change my body.

Can't argue with that logic.

A thousand times this. Quit drawing attention to yourselves and live your goddamned life however you wish.

Feel free to transpretend, if you continue to participate in normalization of pedophelia because you are obsessed with yourself, you get the rope too. Start standing up for something and stop telling kids it's ok to mutilate themselves.

>I'm not getting my penis inverted user don't worry, I think that's gross too. Maybe in 10 years if I can get a vagina transplant that'd be cool but until then no thanks! I just take hormones to grow boobs and change my body.
Think twice about this shit if you have an aesthetic cock. The likelihood of your replacement being an improvement is low.

>Are you in Sydney?
of course not.

>I'm not "addicted" to estrogen it's just really appealing.
well, accept you want to be "feminised" but you don't want to be female. I can "want to be an african" but chimping out and wearing gold chains doesn't make it so, neither does painting me, neither does asking people to call me monica. there is no path from Y to X. like the earth and the moon, and hormones are your rocket.

Not another one of these threads, stick to /mtfg/ no1curr H O N



That would be pretty silly of me.

I feel sorry for you actually. You have an untreated mental illness which is going to lead to eventual suicide. Left to your own devices you will follow through with your mental illness's urges and mutilate your genitals, alter your appearance with surgery and hormones and dress up as your desired gender. This is when you will discover like 70% of other tannies do, that it didn't help and you are still not who you think you should be. Suicide... Think about it.

You may be better off just becoming a brony.

you do you. just keep me out of it. idgaf

>Almost all trans people see psychs
Oh right... so what other treatments did your psych recommend that you tried?

You should have gotten a second opinion.

Also, the PC virus that is infecting most of society right now, ruining women, rewriting history, and feminizing men, is also causing the field of psychiatry to go to shit... evidently.

You're going to wind up severely depressed or killing yourself in 40 years user. You can never be a girl.

I don't actively hate you. To me you're just a freak of nature like gays. I just stay away from you. Personally I'd put you in camps

I ultimately don't care what you do so long as you aren't trying to legislate it into normalcy and you aren't trying to influence kids to do what you do. But I would advise you to not lop your penis off and suffer with a purposely never fully healed, flesh wound fauxgina abomination.

How much do you pay yearly in taxes?
Is this amount more or less than what you take?

Sage. Obvious slide thread is obvious. Cmon OP, you know exactly the type of hostility your 'position' yields, why the fuck are you asking it on this board?

I forgot to include that you all really need to get with the program, end all this gender self-confusion false assignment shit, and do like Thailand and just call your gender intersex, because if you honestly think about it, that's exactly what it is, so we can all be finally done with this stupid shit and move on.

I can only speak for myself and no, I don't hate you for your wish. It's not that I do care for it much, neither, but my position is that everyone should do whatever he or she likes to do if it doesn't harm others, ofc. After all, we only have this one life and should use it for whatever we want.
And about your wish: maybe you'll regret this, maybe you won't. I don't know you and even if I would, I couldn't see what you see nor feel what you feel. Do as you like, fuck the others.

who fucking cares

U will always smell like a dude :)

Im in syd. are you passable?

keep benis
fuck girls
the ultimate redpill

>I just want to be left alone
While casting bait on Sup Forums

Thanks :)

Nothing, in my 2nd appointment he diagnosed me with Gender Dysphoria and referred me to an endocrinologist for treatment. No other treatments were tried because no other treatments exist

I doubt it user I'm way happier now than before I started and I've only been on HRT for 2 months

I pay regular income tax here in Australia, I don't take any benefits or welfare I think that's for niggers. I have private health insurance which covers all my stuff, I'm not a leech

Actually I already smell like a girl, hormones changes the way your sweat smells massively, I noticed a change after only a few weeks

Unfortunately not yet, I'm only 2 months along. I'll get there though :)

>I just want to be a cute girl
I hope you believe in reincarnation because that's your only hope

Quote for truth. Welcome to Sup Forums.

>trap (keep feminine benis) = qt and redpilled

I'm gonna say a lot of us here are neutral/supportive of this, but some genuinely hate trans people.
All of us hate the 76 genders bs, so as long as you stay within the confines of reality, you're fine.

Kill yourself

>feminine benis
impossible abomination

post feminine benis

>Also, feminine benis is best. I would totally date a cute girl with a cock.
then you're a faggot, or a pretend lesbian who really wants to fuck guys

You will never be a female no matter how many pills you take.

You have no womb and no ovaries to produce eggs.

You've condemned yourself to a horrible existence of a neutered freak.



You'll always be a mentally-deranged man trying to turn yourself into something that you can never actually be, so give up, OP, and just toss yourself off the tallest building you can find.

>feminine benis

I prefer masculine vagina

I don't hate trans people, I have trans friends who I legitimately care about. My concern is that taking hormones and transitioning might be doing more harm than good for people.

Trans people even after having transitioned have a 40% lifetime suicide rate. The rate at which people regret having transitioned is ridiculously high. The rate of suicide occurring jumps higher after sex reassignment surgery.
People who are transexuality heavily correlates with other mental illness such as depression ect. I feel like the best thing for trans people would be to help them readjust to being in their own body, and help them want to be whatever their biological sex is, because clearly transitioning doesnt help a lot of trans people. You want to be a girl, but no matter what you do you will never really be a girl, thats going to weigh on you heavily for the rest of your life, I feel like if there were a way for trans people to become okay with their given bodies, most trans people would take it.

My other concern is that a lot of people who are trans arent really trans, which is why there is so much regret and depression involved with transitioning. My belief is most people who are trans are not, they may be autogynephilic and with pressures from the LGBT Community have confused a fetish for their orientation which makes them transition, thinking they want to be a woman, when really they like being a man, but they like to fantasise about being a woman during sex.

I dont have a problem with people transitioning, its just for a lot of trans people I dont think it really helps. Its a personal choice though so I would never stop someone transitioning, I just think theres a lot of discussion to be had that isnt being had and that liberals and LGBT activists telling people who are confused and vulnerable that they can be whatever gender they want doesnt help them.

>I'm not a deviant or a degenerate I just want to be a cute girl,
Pick one and only one, hold it close to your chest, and breath your last wish into it as the door to the oven closes.

It will do absolutely nothing whatsoever, but I might giggle. Or not, whatever.

trans are mentallly retarded people

So you spoke to a psych for at most 2 hours and he told you to become a woman... and you said, 'well, if you say so, doc.' Moron. KYS

>You will never be a female no matter how many pills you take.
>You have no womb and no ovaries to produce eggs.
>You've condemned yourself to a horrible existence of a neutered freak.

>Almost all trans people see psychs
Almost as though there's a connection between transgenderism and mental illness...

>I prefer masculine vagina
if feminine appearance makes an xy male's penis a "girl penis", then anyone fucking a furry should be charged with bestiality.

fucking insane degenerates.

>I'm not a deviant
>I just want to be a cute girl
Someone get a truck and some rope

Accept God into your life and He will fix your reprobate mind, user. That is the cure you need. Homosexuality is a curse to those to suppress God from their lives.

>Implying it wasn't the first option

the lgbt pressure seems to be a recent thing - like the past couple of years. i wonder if the trans population percentage has increased since this newfound aggressive gender nonconformity and if we're going to be hearing a lot more regret stories. i'd say most people are pretty confused about different things, and to have someone telling you that this one solution is the right thing for you to do.
i don't know - that shit's complicated and i'm glad i don't have to deal with it.

That's the first step. Then they start demanding special privileges. You gotta nip it in the nut.

sounds like he's trying to nip his nuts

> Barely acknowledge the existence of trans people (read: live and let live)
> Assume it is basically a mental illness (most likely correct)
> Would support humane treatment options
But then
> SJWs take up tranny cause
> Trannies short-sightedly join SJW cause
> Now "tranny" identity is tied up with censorship, doxxing, constant offense-taking, antifa riots, anti-Trump, pro-globalism, end-of-white-men style of multiracialism, democrats, commies, gun-grabbing, neoliberal warmongering, and generally insufferable moral preening
> plus also still mental illness

You really misunderstand Sup Forums. It's not about being white and straight. We love the Japanese, for example. Sup Forums used to be libertarian. still kind of is.
> inb4 Sup Forums is not one person
Sup Forums would love blacks tomorrow if they were law-abiding, liberty-loving people who refused welfare. Sup Forums would celebrate Jews tomorrow if we stopped finding a Jew at the helm of piece of degeneracy or robber-baron societal theft, and if Jews in general stopped being leftists and crying "anti-semite nazi!" at everything.

I'd bet half of Sup Forums even jerks it to tranny porn. Just stop working with SJWs and Sup Forums will stop caring again.

No one will see you as a cis girl. You're delusional.

lol we're not muslims we're not here to invade we just want to be ourselves and people seem to have a problem with that?

> rope
> implying a mere braid of fibers has the necessary tensile strength to roadhaul the average tranny
get the chain.

You should of been euthanized

fag drag??? FAG DRAG!!! FAG DRAG!!!

If you don't expect me to have to agree with you that you're a girl, then I have no problem with you.

Trans people are cool OP and I think that people threatened by their existence are insecure about themselves.
>Insecure about their own lives

> cant shut up about trannyism
> starts fucking threads about it
> attention whoring
> mental disorder that is entirely sexual in nature
> totally not a perversion, deviant behavior or a fetish though...
> waves signs demanding other not judge it
> first words on meeting stranger: insists on "pronouns"
> uses socialized medical system to enable deviant psychopathology
> literally all of society pays for your creepy little perversion
> demand special bathroom privileges not accorded to pedos, voyeurs, creepers, public wankers, scatologists, piss players or other perverts who would also like to be able to enter ladies' rooms at the tesco
> totally not shoving it in anyone's face though...
if you were as downlow as you claim, why does this fucking thread exist?

> no post pics of boipucci
youre worse than hitler.

You are right, its a pretty recent thing.

It has increased, before this pressure the number of trans people was fairly steady. Recently its increased, especially with younger people.

My mum has a friend who transitioned into a woman in the early 2000s, I was talking to her the other day and she said that this pressure is making things worse for trans people, before they could transition in peace, they can't do that anymore because they are associated with these LGBT communities and its become this big debate. The LGBT Crowd making all this noise has actually hurt trans people. A lot of trans people just want to deal with it on their own, out of the eye of the public, they dont really want the recognition or the attention, they just want to fit in as whatever gender they transition to.

Something like 90% of people who experience gender dysphoria while going through puberty grow out of it, and a lot of people report gender dysphoria in puberty, in part because your hormones are going crazy. I cant think of a worse thing to do than to tell young, impressionable teenagers, that because they are questioning their body and feel a little off, that they are trans, and need to begin transitioning. I think that plays a huge role in terms of regret. Most of those people would grow out of their dysphoria, can you imagine growing out of it, and then realising you've done something to your body you can never change.

It's super complicated, because obviously for some people transitioning works, but for others it can have catastrophic effects. I just want the best for every body, even trans people. I think the "compassion" that LGBT and liberal activist groups say they have isn't real, because they dont care enough to have difficult discussions like these.

Im certain we'll hear more horror stories in the years to come, and we'll have to deal with the fallout of this gender madness

>Still better than a nigger.
My sides.

OP, do you see it as a mental disorder like schizophrenia or pedophilia and accepting of it or just not able to see it objectively and think it's okay to be trying to fuck with your biology?

I've always felt it wasn't possible for me to feel that way
or go crazy because it's just not logical and ideal naturally.

Because you are not a girl, you have a mental illness that is going ignored.

No, I hate niggers, spics, and kykes, I don't even see you as human.

What part of Oz do you live in, general curious because you talk like a mate of mine who is transitioning and is about 2 months in at the moment.

Also would you have tried other options if there were other options available?

yea it feels like they're exploiting trans people. and i've thought much of what you've said. it's exhausting to try to discuss it with people because you get labelled as a close minded bigot. i've just kept my mouth shut about it.
these 'progressives' are actively doing harmful shit to trans people, but they're the virtuous ones. like trans people are this big sign of virtuosity they can hold up so everyone knows how great a person they are. but the truth is, they don't really give a shit about their actual well being.

Trannies are failed men who do not want to have to work as hard as men have to to survive. They try to become women to get out of the difficulties that men face. Sadly, there is now a media arm and lots of enablers who tell them that they can. They can't. That's why so many kill themselves. Fantasy meeting reality.

40% chance of suicide. That said, actively promoting this is degeneracy and a goal of communism.

because you have a condition and need to be treated by a mental health practitioner. Chances are you will end up killing yourself or you'll become homeless. Get back to normal before it's too late

I want to see you naked, show us your nudes!

>I'm not a deviant

Don't be a bigot, and come join the normal people. You know, everyone else but the god damn right. Who respects you and loves you the way you are. Of course you deserve to be who you want to be. Now how sexy are you?

They're both degenerates and will be strung up

ATEHWR*HGQIE(TGJNQHRIJNHRWEGQT30GOEKFNrhegwit)krhsego)trhdskeo)kdgn)rshekrsmhowekrsnhog_t#wekhgqwot_ehkrnhegqwotpeakhsnf< heagwkapedlfsn bdmagkpdb fmbgwfdb

listen to my man jordan peterson
this is more specifically about the gender color wheel shit. pretty sure he's talked more specifically about transsexuals though

OP, it just seems kinda retarded. If I woke up in an alternate dimension tomorrow as a woman I wouldn't give a shit, I'd still date women and probably behave more like a dude. I wouldn't be like 'omg I must have a penis fabricated from a spare limb and take testosterone' why must you be a girl? Why can't you just be an effeminate guy? Why do you need breasts and a vagina to live a happy life?

You hit the nail on the head mate. They are exploiting the very real mental struggle that trans people have to deal with for political motives, its been turned into a wedge issue and polarised so that you can't have a nuanced discussion anymore. Its the same shit with Gun rights, anything LGBT related, climate change, and so much else.

Its impossible for a lot of people, especially on the left (and the right to some extent, but not as bad as the left), to consider different points of views. I can tell you for certain I've thought long and hard about this shit, I have completely changed my views over the last 5 years going from a literal communist to a right leaning libertarian (pic related). I am certain you've thought long and hard about this stuff to, but a lot of people haven't and a lot of people cannot break their binary thinking, their left vs right, good vs evil mentality.

I blame modern politics. Ironically as political parties have become more similar, as the number of issues they actually differ on has become smaller, they have become more polarising on issues that don't matter. Neo-libs and Neo-cons are barely differen't and have had to polarise issues as a tactic to make sure people vote for their party over the other one, to make sure that issues that a lot of the time don't matter a great deal in the grand scheme of things seem super important. I blame the progressives because they really championed this tactic, and really pushed this us vs them dynamic in the last 20 years.

This stupid fucking tread SAGE and kys