This person works for Marvel. Why is this considered acceptable behavior in the entertainment industry? Most jobs would fire you on this spot for something like this. Even the trans woman got fired from L'Oreal for saying all white people are racist.
This person works for Marvel. Why is this considered acceptable behavior in the entertainment industry...
looking at that fupa honey.. 100 years is not in your future
not with that amount of visceral fat
will be lucky to go another 15 years
>another hundred years
>not with that BMI
>went with patriarchy
Essentially what they are saying is that they wish to mess with you and since you've devoted a thread to trying to over react to tweets of people you don't like I would say this person is winning
What fat fucking fat fuck
Things that aren't good business practices: Alienate your customers
This is the cunt who wrote that "America" garbage.
Write a letter to marvel and tell them you will not be watching their movies or buying their comics. They willfully associate themselves with racists who support white genocide.
It probably meant 100 days
Complain to that thing's employers by sending this picture. Fuck these creatures, PLAY BY THEIR OWN GAME.
Pretty much nobody buys their shit comics, if it weren't for their movies sustaining them and the higher ups at Marvel having an agenda to push they wouldn't be employed. I can't wait until the super hero movie trend goes away.
>blocks your arterys
And they wonder why the capeshit industry is dying.
She won't live past 65 at the rate she's goin.
Sup Forums proves that it's still part of Sup Forums and not totally tumblrfied.
>Why is this considered acceptable behavior in the entertainment industry?
Because you won't drag the degenerates out in to the streets and kill them.
You just leave it there, what was the response?
lol this bitch is why Marvel comics are dying.
She(?) misspelled ten.
Anyone complained yet? I don't read comics so I'm not that invested in this fat Spigger.
Looking at her body, I doubt he/she'll make it another 35 years, let alone a hundred.
Whoever is running the simulation needs to shut this timeline down asap
Mass Effect: The Comic.
I think she means in dog years or something. Nurse here, that body-shape is a death sentence.
nice and subtle, aussie.
> When a liberal thinks they are so important just by being alive
I love their smug narcissism. Without them I don't know who would make my coffee.
It's a Marvel that this person can hold a job.
As in "Lisa you're tearing me apart" The Room?? This is a good thing?
These people should be swiftly dealt with in normal society, and should have no place of existence.
Since US men got defeated by jews and are cucks now, unfortunately this kind of behavior is left to flourish.
well that's their whole thing. they are nothing but their race gender and sex preference. so you should applaud them for it and if you don't it's because you hate their race gender and sex preference
please explain your post, meme, and filename leaf
Tired of these butthurt queers blaming White Men for their deficiencies. Fuck this ham beast.
America 1 $3.99 43,592
America 2 $3.99 23,987
America 3 $3.99 16,262
America 4 $3.99 12,624
America 5 $3.99 11,354
From what I hear, they have been forcing these shipments on the shops and they can't sell them.
Look at the impossible anatomy.
I can see why she feels inferior
>Why is this considered acceptable behavior
Because you and everybody else on Sup Forums are too pussy and timid to do anything about it.
Based nord
>Because you and everybody else on Sup Forums are too pussy and timid to do anything about it.
A prime example of snowflake mentality
Jean, Jean made a machine
Joe, Joe made it go
Art, Art cut a fart and blew it all apart
>works for marvel
>industry started way before his SJW bullshit
You can say whatever you want as long as it fits the Narrative
This is genuinely unfortunate. I've been a huge Marvel fan my whole life. I'm not going to get rid of any of my stuff, but I'm done with their comics. Movies are looking like they will be steering hard in that direction too.
>implying marvel doesn't 100% condone this freak of nature and its anti-white rants
Can't we just kill all liberals?
born day
wow she's so out there
35 going on 16
everyone at marvel is pozzed, dont bother
if we learned nothing else from Gamergate, we learned that direct action to advertisers puts the fear of god into these subhumans
Kim Jong Un dressed as a 15 y/o kid
>At least another 100 years to oppress those fucking niggers.
See how long you would have a job then
>another 100 years
your failing kike studio does not have that much time left my fellow bean queen
Good point.
Pic unrelated.
I'm literally the same but I'm not a hamplanet tumblrina and I don't focus on autistic shit like focusing on a patriarchy instead I fuck with Sup Forumsack normie faggots pol is literally normie shit now which Is why I'm learning about Anarchism which Sup Forums traditionally was always left-anarchist leaning.
>hates whites
>thinks the diabetes or mental illness will let her see 50
Get off Sup Forums nigger
report it
report this person to Twitter, please. collective effort. she is calling for violence against a race
Leave her be, at the end of the day she looks in the mirror and still sees a fat dike starring back.
She joyfully expresses her hate. What a wonderful goal.
why do they say born day? is this birthday considered fascist now?
When he says "white hetero patriarchy", is he referring to his customers that are supposed to buy the products which keep him employed?
>fat ugly woman becomes a raging leftist degenerate
Like pottery
>got at least another 100 years
not at that BMI you don't, lol
no gabby, its not supposed to be a good comparison
Because their edgelords who have to redefine language constantly so they can fool people into thinking they're clever.
she will slash her wrists within a year.
Or do a backflip off an overpass.
this is their audience
"Birth" is sexist and not necessary.
Real degenerate thought.
Probably because women give birth and that's a sexist fact.
I have a strange hate boner
>changing phrases as simple as "birthday" to show your personal standing in the race of progressivism.
35 years old and I still act like a teenager, how cool am I?
We all love you
>Even the trans woman got fired from L'Oreal for saying all white people are racist.
That's because L'Oreal is French, and the French, as much as we pretend otherwise, are racist.
>Posting the thumbnail
Now all the newfags are wondering why your picture isn't moving
Just fucking happy Marvel hasn't fucked with The Punisher comics. If they have, then a small part of me has died
That thing looks 60.
I give her 30 tops.
Here I am singing Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun ironically at my local lesbian karaoke night
Having a great time
Don't even want to kms at all, nope, I love my life, yup
If she wants to be fat and gay, that I can understand.
But why does she feel the need, and what makes her entitled to, 'fuck w the white hetero patriarchy'?
I mean, can't you just be fat and gay? Why attack others?
>fat Mexican Pugsly Adams thinks it will live for a hundred years
>unironically thinks the world has another hundred years
>Why attack others?
Nothing gives your life meaning and adventure like having at least one enemy. It's why we obsess over Jews around here.
it's virtue signalling to try and get some libtard pussy
the born day thing is it trying to act young and hip too
sad fat lesbian trying to relive it's youth as it gets it's annual reminder that it's creeping closer towards health problems and an obesity fuelled early grave
>probably meant 100 cakes
because it thinks loudmouthing will attract bitches and magically make them blind to the fact it is fat and ugly
Her comic is actually funny if you read it as satire. The protagonist goes to Sonia Sotomayor University which has a holographic Sonia Sotomayor greeter. She just waves at everyone at the gate. The only dept building is for women's and intergalactic indigenous people studies.
>born day
>Obese manlet with some sort of hormone disorder
>Living to 135
Maybe these companies are onto something with wasting the left's money on garbage. The ol' Whole Foods strategy. Let them waste their money on expensive food items at a grocery store when they could have easily gone to a Walmart. Less money in their pockets means less money they can spend on politics
Oh look! Aother "peaceful and intelligent" nigger demonstrating why his race doesn't deserve the privilege and honor of living in a white-built society.
A literal retard.