what the FUCK


The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Ahh yes. Freedom rings.

That's it take away the fucking codes.

so obvious this coward is a jewish puppet. now lets watch the mental gymnastics form his supporters

If he cucks on this, everyone disavows. It'll be like April all over again, but justified.

Holy shit

>Medium sized CITY
>small CITY
>very small CITY

Trump will veto anything allowing DACA fags to stay in the US. He is goading deep state Republicans into failure lol

The majority of white male college grads (aka the only people that should vote) voted for Trump.

>Trump just going through all of Obama's retarded policies and making them harder to repeal in the future
Feels bad

This. White males are the only people in the US with the intelligence to make good long term decisions

Republicans are so stupid they would legalize 800k Democratic voters and call it good policy.

I told you you fucking brainlets they aren't going to deport daca. They can't. You can't understand because you have ZERO fucking grasp of reality.

It's masterful what he's doing.

He's making it look like he wants DACA to stay and also wants it to be done in a legit way, keeping the constitutionalists and legalists happy.

BUT as we all know, Congress can't get shit done, so Trump will trump-up the DACA shit once it fails and he "revisits" it by actually making it a good implementation like adding stipulations that the person has been paying taxes for longer than 4 years and can pass a citizenship test.

How fucking hard can it be to implement good ideas? Fuck off retards.

hrrrm sage goes on all fields for this obvious shareblue bullshit


>Trump will veto anything allowing DACA fags to stay in the US.
this is what drumpftards actually believe

Is he retarded? Lol. Asking if Donald Trump is a retard what was I thinking

B-But it would prove they're not racists. Besides, the Constitution will make these DREAMERS as red blooded Americans as you and I. God bless America!


Looks like Jews got fucked to me. U can't take a shit in 6 months in DC but to the average joe that's a long time. globalist kikes lose again.

He's literally only doing this as leverage to pass border wall funding. The Democrats will get to keep their DREAMers and Trump will get his wall at least partially funded.

Lol Democrats are so stupid they aborted over 55 MILLION of their own voters and are now attempting to ship in foreign nationals to help them win elections.

Yall really fucking hate kids huh lol. You kill them. You encourage them to act mentally deranged and encourage them to dress as their opposite gender. You destroy their lives before theyve even begun.

Yes, lets vote for you....


>Trump indicates he will support DACA
>this means he will be oppose it
6000000D chess

That bitch

Turns out Democrats just needed a Republican president to pass their agenda.

I swear to God Americans are fucking retarded.

lmao nigger. They all have parents. At least multiple it by 3

*will oppose it

R dominated Congress will fail to repeal Obamacare but will grant amnesty. Smdh.

Why are australians such cuckolds? I knew an australian whose gf went away alone to visit another country and she got propositioned for sex, and she declined, and told her bf about the story. The australian asked "why did you say no?"

The Eternal Australian is the same as the Jew. They promote open borders for everyone except themselves.

Because they have the worst fucking government in North America and can't get shit done because of cartels.

What a fucking pussy!

You realize he can veto any bill that cobgress passes right?


Sounds pretty great.

>why did you say no
You should've punched him

666D chess

>implying drump has a "plan"
he literally has no idea what he's doing

That sounds encouraging. A place a people come from, they bring with them. They can't run their own society. They will be no benefit to ours.
The white man is getting rather tired of the leechers. The rest of humanity needs to do something for itself for a change.

It's 1986 all over again. POTUS will pass DACA for Wall funding or some shit.

Coulter and Molymeme are right, we're going to get screwed.

you are a pussy

You realize that does nothing right?

They are going back. Have a modicum of faith.

Exactly. We're being played like a fiddle. You can see this coming from a mile away.

Yeah, this is why he is signalling he will support it. Then they will change migrate all their relatives, it will be amnesty for a few million people.Lmao, elect Drumpht to pass amnesty.

He knows any repubs that try to save it, ie the anti trump ones, will be voted out.

I wasn't there, I heard it second hand. My friend should have punched him though, yes.

I've always been in support of DACA, and any true right winger would be. It was only leftist shills saying DACA was bad.

You guys are missing the major factor:

Congress will not legalize DACA. They will fail, soft Republicans will be revealed, and Trump will be "forced" to impose himself on the issue. Which will lead to its' termination.

this was reported on days ago. why would it surprise anyone?

>you are a pussy

Nice comeback, friendo.
Go cry to your faggot friends at t_d.

>I heard it second hand
information cuck

Being Anti white must be big in the Netherlands. That explains all the cucking you do to the non white invaders.
Pic Related.
It's a 4d chess game that Trump is doing with the cucked gop. We need more /our guys/ in congress, not kike shills.

t. Civicuck

Plus by the time it's revisited half of the DACA members will be safe and sound in Mexico.

People on here really expected Trump, a former Democrat for 85% of his life until discovering birtherism, and is a civic nationalist, was going to be a second coming of Hitler?


But I think his plan is to make them think the worst then do the opposite to try and win them.

Bold move, but I would be amazed if it worked. It would shut up a lot of people though. Well, moderates.

No, he's correct.

Youre in every single thread. How much do you get paid for a reply shill?

Forcing the snakes to show their heads.

lets listen to the real donal trump

>the virgin grapevine vs the chad confidante

You absolute fucking mongoloid, KYS.
> In order to overturn a presidential veto, both houses in Congress must vote to approve the bill by a two-thirds majority.

>no like to tweet
What did he means by that?

Why are Republicans trying to save the DACA people. They'll never vote for any of them.

The fuck are you on about?

Wow, how does it feel to lose to an Orange retard? How inept does that make you?

cheap labor for their donors

It would be political suicide for them to even touch DACA before dealing with all over the other bills first.


i bet you read books too

They will be revealed as anti-Trump. Oh wait, Trump is for it DD:D:

because there's no major difference between both parties. they all get orders from the same group of people


as a civic nationalist, this is the best thing that could have happened

both Nazi's and SJW's are BTFO'd

doesn't even need to veto because they won't pass anything. They can't pass shit and this is the point.

Force them to go on TV and virtue signal then fail
Force them to admit their anti immigration stance and be pushed onto a pro wall stance due to polling the opinions of their district.

it's a win win.

isnt he just pissing off everybody with this move?
his base and repub want this shit gone and dems, well, trump. what the fuck is end goal? how to quickly and efficiently burn political bridges?

>letting politicians cut their own throat
many politicians said daca was stupid
now they will race to save it regardless of party affiliation
this will expose the system as rigged and voters will remember it when representatives and senators go up for reelection
trump will make sure no one forgets the traitors around election time

>He thinks 2/3 of congress will force this though when they haven't even dealt with debt ceiling or healthcare yet

You fags forget congress cant get anything done? You fags think republicans could actually agree with each other and dems on this? You fags don't realize trump just ended daca and began casually kicking the can down the road? The fuck is he going to do, illegally give the go ahead to daca again in 6 months? You niggers will never be greatful of trump until he starts saying heil victory in his speeches and get impeched

When has Trump ever not been for it? he literally ran his campaign on the idea that all mexicans are welcome in this country.

lots of shills in the thread sage


>caring what niggers, urban socialites and millenials think

>He thinks Trump will veto, after he signalled he wouldn't

1.Special Interest donors want low skilled workers to bring down wages.
2. Cuckservitives believe that Conservatism and the love for lowering taxes and market place healthcare can be practiced by any race including 90 iq shitskins.
It's mostly 1 though.

Wait what

Literally what does he mean by this

Please tell me he's playing 349903D Parcheesi and not actually cucking

Asians and Jews are smarter than whites tbhfam.

If he was for it why did he end it....

You do realize spics will turn this into another brazil if given half the chance and dont give two fucks about muh constitution right ?

>isnt he just pissing off everybody with this move

And that's why I voted for the old crazy guy. :D

Political suicide to deport 800,000 illegals who the media likens to children even though they are all adults

Lmao trumpanzees are fucking pathetic ITT

Cucked again by based mexibros

Explains why israel and china are the greatest countries in the world

*this country


Yet they have to come to white built nations for a better life and not the other way around superiority in race is not simply iq

No one can provide a higher living standard today than nations designed by whites.

Leftist memes are truly awful