Sup Forums what would you do if you found out you where half jewish
Sup Forums what would you do if you found out you where half jewish
I'm less than 1% ashzenazi
Doesn't change the usury or bullshit the Jewden are responsible for...
The royal families are to blame fr the state of things. So many have bowed to the in ignorance without a declaration of understanding/
The Black nobility and illuminati bloodlines are to blame cosidering the ease of wealth distribution these days.
Consider the royals the slaves from now on. Never release pressure. Once the rehabilitation has taken place consider peace.
Slavery and usury has and never been the answer to prosperity. Yet the zionist faction claims superiority.
I will leave you with the famous words of Ill Bill, "Negotiate with blowtorches to faces".
Ask for my casino
be proud
Ill Bill is 100% jewish you mong
I recently took a DNA test and found out I am 22% Jewish. I would have been surprised, but I'm in law school so I knew something was up.
>I'm less than 1% ashzenazi
He said part not 1%.
Ancestry or 23andme?
Cash in my $5,000,000 Jew check that will come in the mail.
I'd join the Illuminati. For networking purposes.
Independence is the point, how funny you deflect from that?
Propaganda got your tongue?
Go do half jew-y things
i'd commit soup dojo
You would be a slave. Retard. You are a goy and hence the lack of status. You would be forever be a tool.
Just as no manager will promote a crew member above themselves....
I'd yell oy vey and ask which one of my parents pretended to be jewish this whole time
But I'd be half Jew. Through my mother. So full Jewish. Hahaha. The chosen people, not controlled by fear of hell. Controlling Banks and media, buying and selling you like chattel. Watch in confused arousal while I reap millions by paying your daughters pennies to fellate freakish negroes.
>So full Jewish.
Only halachically jewish, not fully ethnically.
Fuck along out of my fantasy, kike.
Sign myself into a crazy house
Infiltrate and subvert powerful Jewish institutions like academia, the media, or banking. Basically- do to them what they do to us.
It wouldn't affect me, the problems with Jews largely aren't genetic
Move to Israel and rule over goyim