Know thy enemy. What is their end game Sup Forums. Are they just miserable hags or is there a big picture? What do they really want?
The Psychology of the Left
Start with feelings and go from there.
>What do they really want?
social capital via virtue signalling.
Already hashed out here user, by the Unabomber.
>what do they really want
global communism, though they don't realize what true communism looks like.
Yes, they are actually working to make Marx's dream come true, and thats it.
bump nonstop this thread. this is the only worthwhile thread in the catalog
as far as i can gather, it really is a lot about virtue signalling. because you have these weird old boomer liberals who are rich and hang rainbow flags outside their mansions and shit, and you have these antifa kids who are mostly rich kids, with a mixture of actual drug addicts and bums
outside of the far left which i swear is just virtue signalling or looking for a day off to larp on daddy's dime, you have the political left which is hell-bent on maintaining power by destroying whites
this is not great but i can't boil it down much more
holy fuck
no that is the means to the end.
The end is the end of the West, and the death of the white race
Tell me about the Wabbits George.
Kaczynski had them nailed to a T
See The scheming left, however, they want a superstate with cetralized tax collection and serial racemixing.
The "leftist politics" is just one of the most obvious ways to take power FROM the middle and working class and make an army of soulless consumers and dependent racemixers. All aspects of traditionalist society have to be abolished.
Even their "anti-fascist" hero was talking about these inferiority complex leftycucks.
The left is immune to irony.
The right is immune to guilt.
Dam Unabomber wasn't as crazy as he seems.
>> Spend all night reading Unabomber manifesto/ watching documentaries
>negro sex lives
well, they have far fewer nitric oxide receptors. how to say... to push a rope?
They want a one world government, then they can have global socialism. I think the left thinks the only reason socialist countries always fail is because foreign capitalist countries suck in all the money and won't play nice with them. So, with no more capitalist countries left, socialism can prosper.
I think this is how they intellectualize their goal and they won't just come out and say it because it'll incite extreme conservatism from suburban/rural folk and be riddled with holes by anti-equity political pundits. In the minds of radical leftists, there is no room for debate anymore, because they know in an intellectual debate they will always lose. Look at political correctness, climate change alarmism, Hillary's blatant crimes or Obama's unconstitutional executive orders. They think they know what's best and they can't be bothered with dealing with your arguments and "logic." They have to "save" the world and you're just getting in the way.
Of course, the whole world would collapse if they had their way, and after a few generations maybe it'd all dissolve or a mass rebellion will take place, but in the end it'll just set humanity back and lead to billions of people starving to death. Because equity does not work. It's inhumane.
Many of the crazier ones were simply abused as children
If you grow up in a single mother household you're not going to be raised well are you?
Many of them will also be just genuinely stupid, selfish
Just keep in mind that leftists are wounded.people
I made an version of that image where it's too intelegant wojack shooting regular wojack. too bad my old compy died or I'd post it now with a really snappy reply
Either wish that left and right would see the common enemy is the kikes
Or just goto war and split this shit hole country in half and let all the faggot cucks manage their free immigration free health care free everything.
Socialism so they can sit on their fat lazy asses and create a 2 tier society by killing the white middle class.
What page is that I have that on pdf?
Let me guess you believe flat earth too? I can handle racist but dumb is too much.
They want to be seen as big hearted, understanding, and accepting.
All virtues, but unfortunately these virtues are tempered by real consequences, which are ignored completely our denied outright.
has it.
That's for the average white Dem voter anyway. Fuck knows what the leadership on either side wants. Knowing that relies on context which is classified.