>be a 23 yo white male
>have a cs programming degree
>never had sex
>i don't know what to do with my life
>never felt in love with any girl
what can I still do to get back to the right path?
>be a 23 yo white male
>have a cs programming degree
>never had sex
>i don't know what to do with my life
>never felt in love with any girl
what can I still do to get back to the right path?
Quite same here, have no idea
Im so hoping for ww3, not even kiddin
well, the easiest way is going to parties, and keep your standards low. But do you really want to do it like this? Sex is not a worth forcing it...
Find one naturally, 23 years old is young as fuck. But one thing you do, try to get to know girls, just as friends or colleges, love comes naturally.
Fight for something greater than yourself. Men die but ideas live forever. Good luck user.
Get in a graduate school and bang a hooker
Get a Fleshlight or onahole. Cheaper and it keeps your standards up.
but you gotta see other people, or look for other people. If you see someone you like, don't wait 10 years to speak up like a fag, this is not anime.
everyone finds one, it just a question of time. and the inexperience is not really a problem.
I became a wizard this year. No it does not get better. I have legitimately forgotten what happiness feels like.
I was like you but I managed to get laid at 23. Was in university and never had any success. What I did was use online dating and Craigslist. Eventually I found someone who liked me and I fucked her on the second date. It's been a year since then and I've fucked another 4 women.
Girls are not worth the trouble
Not in your head,not in your wallet,and. It in your heart
But on your benis realize this before it's too late
now advance 10 years, and get on my level
did this, gets boring. literally the effort of fapping isn't worth the end, unless i'm really backed up and putting myself in danger of prostate cancer
pretty much this, a happening would break my cycle of shitty corporate programming job -> netflix -> sleep -> repeat
happiness in youth is based on fleeting things and thus ultimately no happiness at all. happiness in wizardhood is proportionate to the less fucks given about everything. if you can give zero fucks, you attain permanent bliss.
// Game is a recursive program.
while Intoxicated
// You can do this
Pleasures of the flesh are fleeting. You have to learn to love yourself first before you can know how to love others properly. Do so by working towards a version of you that you'd be proud of. Find hobbies, learn things, do something that is interesting to you and it'll come in time.
happiness is not a reward, but a consequence
I lost it officially at 23 desu. I don't count bjs though. Had plenty of girls fall in love with me and slutty girls become obsessed with me but didn't bang any of them.
>tfw I could've been a Chad but I chose this life
>tfw no past saves irl
Make money
Invest wisely
Buy land
Get fit
Learn confidence
Get skills
Turn down all women who don't fit your requirements
Yes. And hurry up. Please dont be like me. Im not a virgin but i have opted out of life since i was your age. Im 35 now. Life goes fast, dont let it pass you by. Find someone, anyone, make babies, teach them. The biggest regret i have and its what eats me up the most. Making children is really the only thing worth a damn in life.
You too
However you guys can do it. Get it done.
I noticed I barely give a fuck about vidya anymore and I stopped watching tv too. Material things do not make me happy anymore.
I have no friends either.
Can you give me more tips on handling wizardhood?
this is the wisest thing i've ever read
>You have to learn to love yourself first
Go back to /r/eddit with this shit tier advice. What does this shit even mean, really?
This isn't politics. Go to r9k.
Join the army faggot in a combat unit either you die a hero or pussy less faggot . Combat units get pussy galore , simple as that .
If you're in a rut then it's entirely your fault. There is no excuse to not keep growing yourself. If you focus on improving yourself, eventually the rest will fall in line.
Are youa girl
Go get a job clearing dishes off tables in a restaurant or getting ice and stocking things in a nightclub in either place that has the hottest waitresses.
This isn't really political though.
Do you have no friends? How can you not go out and bang a slut?
Even if you have no friends it is almost easier to get laid at a bar by yourself.
The absolute fucking state of Sup Forums
>>never felt in love with any girl
You must be gay
You respect yourself and care for yourself to the point where you don't care about being alone. That's what it means to me you goddamned retard.
Stop caring about fucking
Sex is literally fucking your hand except it's warm and humid. Do you really care that much about sticking your dick in some fishy hole? Get a fleshlight if you really want to feel that. Fucking random girls at parties is a decadent thing to do.
Love will come to you... or it will not. That's the real problem you should be focusing on.
I would hold hands with you anonpie :(
Not this shit again.
>still a kissless hugless virgin
wizard soon
Robots go home.
Also, women crave two things, security and status.
You can offer one of these things.
Go forth and breed sperglords.
Just don't give them any spergbux unless they carry your spergbabby, you idiots.
Don't fall in love with the first girl you meet.
Are you ugly? If so, use your degree to get rich.