Erick Erickson – this guy poses as a conservative. He’s a fat mouthed, never Trumping, talk show jerk off. He is on during the drive home on WSB radio. He is the most NEVER TRUMP contrarian idiot you can imagine. The problem is he has been granted a pulpit on WSB radio during a premium time slot…..the drive home. So on the way home Atlanta drivers have 2 choices for news & talk, NPR or WSB. It’s a given that NPR will be slanted far-left. So it would be nice to have a little place to hide right? Perhaps a radio station that counters the mental illness frothing forth from NPR. But no fucking way! Erick Erickson drools anti Trump rhetoric from his fat mouth with every breath. If a frog farts in his yard he blames it on trump. Erick is really butt-hurt because right before the election Erick got all brave and canceled a meeting with Trump because of ‘grab em by the pussy’ or something stupid. Erick thought Trump would give him a special apology and studio visit but Trump blew him off as irrelevant to the mission. So now Erick spends all of the time he has on the air shitting on trump. Erick is a cancer. He’s bad for the USA. Look at the little fat ginger pussy. Like a little puffy liberal cherub pretending to be a conservative. He’s also a fat alcoholic. Fuck this faggot Erick Erickson. He’s a traitor.
Erick Erickson fat cherub, fake conservative, never trupmer
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He's a cereal killer
And an alcoholic pedophile
disgusting fat fucking slob and a total fucking loser
you wouldn't believe how closely i follow conservative radio and this guy only vaguely rings a bell. is he syndicated outside of the atlanta market?
hahaha i bet he breaks for traffic and shit hahahah fucking LOSER
The minnesota alleged conservative radio guys are fags too. They were always whining about Trump fucking the down ballot races and all this shit that never happened.
I assumed it was whatever media conglomerate clear channel is now giving marching orders to their guys.
I too hate my local conservative talk radio guy here in New Hampshire, he is a former cop who talks all about personal responsibility and shit but is the most anti-weed faggot. He always tries to use words he read on facebook like he's down with the latest memes. I swear I will fuckin die if he calls someone a snowflake again. He fucking lucky I can only pick up his station or the shitty morning zoo show on the classic rock station that somehow manages to be worse.
Fat boi
I don't know if he's syndicated outside Atl. God I hope no other market is poisoned by him. He thinks he's got political clout in DC..
I keep running out of podcasts. Pandora is boring and their library is shallow. Please god give us some terrestrial radio again. The best radio stations I've heard are in Florida and texas
if you're there
believe me this is infinitely damaging to a radio show - and i mean infinitely because one call can change the format because management is so starved
call this guy. lie straight-up to the call screener. but lie convincingly. we did this a while ago on this board and it was good because goys here were ready. but listen to the start of the first hour, call in. call in and match the topic
i will do this tomorrow on this slobs show, i promise
His dog died
have you gone through TheRightStuff? or no?
his face and his name make me want to jump in lava
i dont know bro but you cant get it
it's being shut down and re-upped on a daily basis now
go on youtube and by upload date find the most recent daily shoah
Oh I see it's a white nationalist podcast. Nah....I really don't give a Fuck about shit like that. I just hate the left no matter
it is.
but why do you hate the left?
He also treated Ron Paul like shit.
Anyways Erickson is irrelevant. I fucking love how Trump has caused the Republican party to be less in your face religious.
of course but that can't be it, right? that's practice
go ahead
Oh yea I forgot to mention one of Erick's most repulsive traits is his constant bible thumping and preaching...totally a fucking pedophile
OMG DACA cancellation forced the deportation of Michelle Obama back to the jungle
Yeah, this guy is a piece of dogshit.
It's like the slot Shep smith has on Fox.
Fuck I want to shit in his FAS fucking face.
Mark Levin is the man. He's on everyday.
I hate that I always miss the last hour of Hannity for this guy.
S he's a rino...just like McCain...
I've heard him cut people off mid-call, just says, "It's my show, not yours."
Just listen to the fucking's live, and so after my joo
I don't even live in the states, but listen to my talk radio 24 hrs a day...too easy...
Who pays these fuckers? Even Levin. And Rush? And Beck? At least Rush and I guess Levin, sort of, got with the program.
Listening to his show enables him. You're just going to have to give up talk radio. Or run him out of your city, one or the other.
Commercial radio is pure cancer. It's either far left insanity or rightwing establishment cuckservatives. Even Rush can get super annoying sometimes. He's old and out of touch but tries to come off as a normal person. Fuck him, his extreme wealth and drug habit disconnected him from normal people.
fuck that kike.
(((Sheldon Adelson))) and other kikes. They are all literally Israel-firsters. There is nothing worse than AM talk radio.
Rush can be entertaining though. Back when I was a pot-head I would listen to him every day.
hahaha no way
I think he has some sort of channel with Shapiro, Steyn and maybe some others
Steyn is based af.
He is friends with the dumb cunts @politibunny and @scotsfyre on twitter. They are all Never Trumpers and should be BTFO
Yeah. I know why the idiot chicks like dana loesch, perino, pavlich, and amanda carpenter went the way they did. They are spineless whores. But i figure it must be a big money interest. This idea that Trump isn't conservative, but Cruz is is patently absurd. Trump is a bona fide conservative. Look at his kids. Cruz's kids hate ol' Ted. I despise these neocon/free traders. How the hell do you espouse (((free))) trade when we're the only ones getting shafted? They all go out of their way to claim Paul Ryan is a (((real))) conservative. Bullshit. You can't trust most of these Catholics. Unless they are Pre Vatican 2 real catholics, they might as well be Marxists.
Seriously go look at Erick's supporters like @scotsfyre on twitter. She is also a Rick Wilson cock rider.
he used to guest host for Rush Limbaugh but hopefully not anymore.Most of these never Trumpers are owned and paid for by (((them))). There was another guy, was it Jason Lewis or something like that???
Is this dude Khazar, Kenite, Talmud???what ethnic phenotype are we to surmise here???
Who? Oh right, Erickson. Thought he killed himself on election night.
>Tragic: The Gathering
>Seeing the success of large scale meet-ups like YearlyKos/Netroots Nation, Erickson attempted to organize his own meeting, dubbed the Red State Army Gathering[16] The event was moderately successful… in that it attracted about 1/6th as many attendees as the first YearlyKos.
>Strike Force
>By 2009 Erickson had realized that real change would require him to harness the full power of his web community. With that in mind, he createdset up the Red State Wolverines Strike Force.[11] Members of the Force would periodically receive assignments from Erickson himself. The first "mission" was a simple request to vote for Red State as "Best Conservative Blog" in the 2008 Weblog Awards[12], a mission carried out with great skill by the members.
>Most subsequent missions involved the Force members buying and sending random tchotchkes to politicians, including Silly Putty eggs, rubber balls and bags of rock salt. Erickson failed to mention that all the purchase links go through his Amazon page, meaning he profited from his "missions".