RIP Trump Base

Looks like Trump is gunning toward a Massive amnesty bill. 800,000 new Democratic voters all ready to vote for Open Borders in 2020.

Kike shill deserves the rope just as the bankers and royals do.

FUCK TRUMP. He has taken a knee in the face of slavery.

Trump is a distraction.

Independence is freedom.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.
But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


Good goy Trump implementing all those Obama policies.

Single payer healthcare next.

Gun control after that.

Who's a good goy?

Actually your infogragh shows everyone but "urban-core " dwellers votes for trump

I'm pretty sure this is a couple things:

1) Something to keep the dems hands busy instead of enacting more chaos for him. There are only so many hours in a day and meetings/calls these people can have. It makes their ability to do other stuff less likely.

2.) Negotiation tactic. Whether he uses it or not, he gets to wave this around to get things he wants. Doesn't even need to be all or nothing.

3.) The blame is shifted to congress.

4.) The 6 month deadline ends before 2018 elections, so Trump gets to see exactly who all the Repubs are that are going against his major immigration plans. Provides lot of useful info for future strategy in getting shit done.

Die shill

Holy shit! Trump actually likes Mexican culture all along. Maybe he's not even going to build a wall.

I hope Trump uses the DACA to negotiate tax reform or Obamacare.

>Oooh my god the DACA bullshit was put on hold for 6 more months and nothing at all will happen despite 40 Sup Forums threads about its guaranteed success and how all illegals must go.

What else is new.

5.) Voters get to see exactly which Repubs are not in line with immigration plan, and can vote accordingly.

>dems say no wall
>dems say no budget
>he throws a ticking time bomb and them and the rinos and forces them to take a stance on illegal immigration right before the midterm
>either he gets what he wants (a wall and the budget) or they sit around and do nothing like they always do.

The end result is we're gonna clear house in the midterm.

If he grants them amnesty, I will not vote in 2020.

>le 8-d chess
Fuck off. You should just hang yourself.

Boo hoo who fucking cares faggot neck yourself

When neither party wants to enforce our laws and we elect someone who says they will, then they don't, what the fuck is left?

If Republicans don't move towards single payer for the populism points it's just a matter of time until democrats get to ride that train to victory. Gas the (insurance) kikes, single payer now!

This is hardly even normal chess. YOu're kidding yourself if you think they just make decisions like this on the fly with no thought of how it will play out. This is BASIC strategy that everyone uses across the country in business.


>government is better
Fuck off

"ticking time bomb" meaning "hey goys go pass a big fat immigration amnesty bill or else I'll resign DACA myself, just like Obama." What exactly is the threat here? If he said "pass something in 6 months or I won't sign a damn thing on immigration ever" it would make more sense no?

what the fuck is he doing

Pretty much right on all counts.

Trump is forcing Congress to put their money where their mouth is. No more GOP talking tough and then not acting.

This is the noose Trump will use against GOP who side with democrats or try to pass a liberal immigration bill.

This was a smart move by Trump with almost no chance of backfiring on him

The Deep State won. Told you all this was about enshrining DACA through act of Congress so what do we do now? We vote out every Republican/GOP cuck we can. If that means putting in Tea Partiers or Trumpites then fine but if it means voting in a Dem then we do that; country's fucked for the immediate future anyway so we just accelerate it.


Sup Forums is aware that he nor congress is elected once, right? There are multiple elections and that throwing these people out is bad PR that will have repercussions on the up and coming voting youth for decades.

Jesus, Sup Forums learn how to fucking politic. 800k people is small potatoes. The overall impact were having on immigration is 10 times this overall. It's a delicate dance.

Why do the demsoshits hate this? Because papa Trump is about to pull the rug out from under a campaign promise the dems will use on the next election and take all the credit.

Its brilliant. When the democrats get upset about legalizing DACA recipients you know we are fucking their shit up because they wanted the glory. If the Democrats are upset at republicans for something that they supposedly back, you know 3d quantum chess is afoot.

Don't be retarded Sup Forums. This is small potatoes for big PR gain. Some of you on here understand this, I'm sure. Shills will act outraged, larping as right wing just as they do alt right. This is a PR play and democrats are pissed they get no glory.

We are taking the democrats battle cry away from them completely.

All ready to vote that moron out of office, if he isn't impeached first.

I wonder why any ordinary american support this Goldman Sachs puppet Trump

Trump the Billionaire

1. Like all billionaires he has lived an extraordinarily privileged life.

2. He has had no daily contact with reality.

3. He pretends he understands and cares about under-people.

4. Real estate and branding occupy his entire cranium.

5. Arrogance begets hostility.

6. Only uneducated mental-children believe a word he says

Trump is liar and fraud, like Hillary

so really you dont have choice, whole presidenta election was just theatre that american have illusion that they live demoracy

>use amnesty since 80's
>not effective at all

God fucking damn, build the damn wall

he's going to force immigration reform like he said he would

this is exactly what many people have been wanting for many years. What Clinton, Bush and Obama failed to do, Trump will now do.

He already said no amnesty earlier today,
putting dumb spics on path to citizenship /=/ amnesty
Especially if we get RAISE, Kate, Infrastructure, Wall and the end of Sanctuary cities out of it.
Think bigger you retarded children.

PROTIP: the concern troll doesn't work.

Don't be retarded. Vote for people that you can work with, not for SJW commie censor faggots. This is about putting people in that will slow the burn until everything is in place in case a revolution is necessary. It's better to expose all the bullshit so people have no illusions.

Remember Trump holds now power. Almost every one of his supporters was systematically purged by the Deep State. Started with Flynn, then they took advantage of Sessions being a "good guy" to force him off of the Russia witch hunt so their own guys go in to exert further pressure on Trump. Their guy gets into the NSC and begins purging everyone possible.

Reince leaks so gets fired and they force another one of their guys in (Kelly) not to mention a third one of their number (Mattis) heading the DoD. Javanka has proven that they're globalist liberals and are thus not fully on pushing the Trump Agenda either. So who's left for Trump at this point? It's basically Stephen Miller and nobody else. Trump stepped into the swamp to drain it and instead is drowning.

>nearly all food in the US is grown by the US government.
>bountiful, cheap


GOP Senate, GOP House & GOP POTUS and we still have Obamacare, high taxes and high spending, and now amnesty for illegals....democracy is a sham

his back is obviously against the wall

He already has them

Congress can barely pass wind, let alone an amnesty bill.

LOL, Trump dont build wall, he lied

there is not going to be any wall, because Trump is a liar and fraud

Fuck you, these are the most fun.


Jesus Christ almighty, can this guy get ANYTHING done??

Wanna know how I know you're Mexican?
He is going to let it fade out and it will be proof that congress can't get shit done. See you in march.

Bernie would same exact same thing like Trump, and Hillary too

you have to realize that presidents are just lower ranks puppets to the elite who decide what happens

you dont see that elite in tv-screens

And millions more AMERICANS ready to crush democrat pussies. Go back to r/politics

Dude, my nation is going the way of your cuck-ass dead germany, so this is nothing to laugh at.

Why are you on Sup Forums? How do you justify wasting time and shitposting when your country is fucking dying before your eyes?

What the fuck did you all expect?

Pedophiles in Hollywood, the church, and politics? It's like blackmail, or a prerequisite for powerful success. This cancer is terminal unless some people get killed. Or at least have a protest or something.

lowest immigration in decades and future things going our way vs Hillary Clinton the open borders, amnesty for all cunt. America would have anti speech legislation, a lefty SCOTUS majority, and California gun laws for the entire US. Also we'd be flooded with sand niggers that fucking hate us like Europe.

You being serious, faggot? Kik yourself you lefty larping as a right winger to cause dissension. You're just mad you democrats can't form a cohesive dream and seek to polarize the right to be as unorganized and shitty as your party.

This is glorious, faggot.

I doubt the screeching is going anywhere.

>Passing anything

O I am laffin

shill post, saw the same comment/image combo earlier

Projection much, beanerboy?
What part of "if they can't, I will revisit the issue" makes it sound to you like he will let it fade out? Why the fuck would he say that? Why not just "I'm cancelling it. You've got 6 months to do something if you want?"

This. Anyone expecting congress to pass a bill Trumps base hates during the time they are busy working on tax reform, Harvey infrastructure, the debt ceiling. It won't happen.

Trump will use it as a bargaining chip to repeal and replace he immigration act of 1965 with the raise act

Former Trump voter my ass. Trump keeps winning and you pussies keep trollin.

Dude he's flopped on everything, actually as a Democrat myself I'm pretty happy that retards like you are OK with just about all of our policies as long as they come out of the mouth of a fat white retard instead of an intelligent, fit, Ivy League-educated black man.

Wear your star with pride America!

Daily reminder that so long as Trump does not announce plans to build the Space Elevator he will continue to remain a stooge of the Globalists.

Come home and meme the future...

The time is now...


oh the iron knee

It must suck to be so deaf to rhetoric. It's gonna be a long 8 years if you don't develop some ear for it.

>congress inevitably fucks up passing nu-DACA
>even if they can force it through, Trump'll veto it due to some clause inside of it he can find that'll be questionable
>no matter what he does Congress looks like shit and he looks like he's taking a hardline on DACA but not unfairly so
he's playing 6D horseshoes around you brainlets.

What's the point of making the legislative branch legislate if you're just going to do it yourself after some time?
Revisit in this sense likely means he's going to let the legislation expire like it should have and kick them out as is per the law.

Pack your bags Paco. Maybe you can learn how to use a hyphen and spell re-sign when you're back in Mexico.

We spend 16% of gdp or some shit like that on healthcare. No other first world nation is close.

Sometimes you have to look at the facts. And on top of that its not as if private insurance will go away.

Americucks and their politics
>still falling for the left/right paradigm



>trump ended DACA
>trump has left DACA on the table for purposes of negotiation
>if our legislative body really wants DACA they will have to give in to major trump policy implementations
art of the deal

>uses forum as skype chat

implying Obama was effective at anything besides in 2009, lol. He went back on so many promises and everyone saw that, that not even the media can gloss over it resulting in Trump winning 2016. Damn you're deluded and need to step out of your ideologic bubble.

Obama is officially the worst on foreign policy and weakest growth in US history. It's okay, you can't fake history and 20 years from now Obama will be a meme and viewed as ineffective besides being black and historical footnote.

By year 2 you're gonna kill yourself once you realize how Trump shat on everything you believe and got passed.

You give these people an inch they take fifty light years.

NO PATH. Kick the spics out. You give them something now, they'll just bring more kids later and keep screaming "RACIST" at you. You CANNOT negotiate with these people.

i just think it's hilarious that Trump is basically the most liberal republican president of our lifetimes but you retards will still shout "hurr durr resist" from every possible soapbox just because your jew masters told you to.


Turn off your gaslight kike. "I will revisit the issue" is a threat, not capitulation.

They are going to outbreed us ;_;

The problem is anything Trump ties to it congress can remove and pass it they do not need him.

>Slow the burn
What a meme. It's letting in almost 1 million fucking spics as "Americans" who skipped the line, didn't have to do shit, and now can vote in my country. All because their parents were criminals. That's not fair to us who ARE citizens, and the ones currently in the waiting line doing it the CORRECT AND LEGAL way.

You don't get free citizenship by breaking the fucking law. Sorry. And if Trump goes this route and just hands a million fucking criminals free citizenship, the no, I will no longer vote. For him, or anybody else, as it will be proof that there is no difference between the ones who call themselves "outsiders" and the Jews in the DNC.

Our country is dead. It has been for awhile.

It's about time that the swamp GOP cucks got the boot.

I don't think you understand what Trump just did is fucking genius

DACA is now under the responsibility of congress with a set timeline of exactly 6 months to solve it. That means that there is now a schedule in which the Democrats can't filibuster healthcare, tax reforms, and etc without pushing back DACA beyond 6 months. That means that they will start have to play ball and not filibuster because, the 2018 primaries are coming and nothing hurts them more than having to explain why they didn't fight harder enough for the poor DACA anchors to their voter base. This is a fucking ruse to make the Democrats to start making concessions because, failure to do so means a political shit storm among their base which can drive down voter turnouts in key elections in where they already have trouble getting voters to hit the booths for congressional runs.

>Democrat base
All of them are fucking retards. And will vote for them anyway just because it's part of the "resistance."

It's like none of these faggots have read the book?
Reading it again!

>durr what a meme
Yeah you're retarded. Stop the presses.

What in the hell is everyone complaining about then?

well that would be true if for the little fact that a lot of republican now hate his ass also so will do what they can to just make him look like the tool he is


literally shill faggotry. have seen this post like 10 times. fuck off faggot.

It is a fucking meme. There shouldn't have been any "timeline" given to congress at all on this issue. It should've been rescinded and that was the end of it. But no, we're going to pander to these worthless sacks of shit some more.

The democrats vote democrats regardless. They're drones. Brainwashed idiots. Maxine Waters base is proof of that.

>That means that there is now a schedule in which the Democrats can't filibuster healthcare, tax reforms, and etc without pushing back DACA beyond 6 months.

That isn't how it works. If DACA doesn't pass clean everyone will blame the republicans because they are in charge. If nothing at all passes everyone will blame the republicans because they are in charge.

>Looks like Trump is gunning toward a Massive amnesty bill.
Exactly. The commie-globalists won.

>RIP Trump Base
Trump has backed out on his campaign promise big time and we, his base that voted for him and the other lying Repugs,
know it and see it and it won't be forgotten. Trump betrayed us. President Javanka, the commie-globalist, never had any intention of allowing DACA to go. Trump promised throughout his entire campaign that he would end DACA immediately within his first week. Wow, that was a long first week! Nine months, actually. And he did not end it. He is giving it six months and urging Congress to keep it by doing it legally. So, the commie-globalists win. President Javanka is just what Soros ordered!

How new are you, retard?

Just wait and see what happens. Acting like he already legalized amnesty when it hasn't happened at all is retarded.


>Trump'll veto it due to some clause inside of it he can find that'll be questionable
>implying Trump can read

The only meme is letting a full lefty getting control of the government because you want to throw a fit. If Hillary would have won, all the corruption would have been swept under the rug, we wouldn't have seen how the left acts when they lose, how low they'll go, we wouldn't have seen the full effect of the media willing to blatantly lie while the truth is only a click away, etc etc. Voting for trump was worth it. It's a war, not a battle.

>All of them are fucking retards
And just like retards if it takes effort to re-elect somebody who sat on their asses when it came to being able to do something about DACA. They will rather just bitch and virtue signal than actually go to the polls.

Not to mention having Trump removing DACA energies his base to go out to vote.

>well that would be true if for the little fact that a lot of republican now hate his ass also so will do what they can to just make him look like the tool he is
Neo cons will always vote in primaries for Republicans regardless if they will drag their asses and do absolutely fucking nothing after gaining control. Trump's base is the one that needs motivation and they now got it. Not to mention we have 6 months which is enough time to point the blame to the other direction aka to the Democrat's feet.

Yeah, trump also said he might revisit the Paris deal and people think he "bent the knee"

>Everytime Trump wins Sup Forums gets a mysterious wave of blackpillers

You post this word for word EVERY TIME.