what does Sup Forums think about spoiled rich girls gentrifying london?
What does Sup Forums think about spoiled rich girls gentrifying london?
What is a GCSE and why is having 1 a bad thing?
passing grade at high school
GCSE is the metric used to measure the gap between people's teeth. In England Gavin such a low number brings shame upon your family
also this chick looks like that one from alien: covenant
thought i posted an image
also she hates you racists and nazis with your manipulative ways
finishing school is a meme
As opposed to it having been 'culturally enriched' in her own lifetime?
Are you the qt who tweeted this?
Gentrification is objectively good, London could do with more of it.
why is this a race thing
no i'm not the qt who tweeted this, i'm the guy who trawled her twitter feed for pics of her
That statement doesn't make sense. Racists are hiding behind free speech? Hiding from the people who want to ban free speech?
why would it keep growing?
>activated my nuts
nazis want to overthrow democracy and are using the democratic loophole of free speech to accomplish it
because nazism and racism are true and the truth always wins out
At the end of year 11 in highschool you will take exams for every subject you took and having 1 gcse means you passed only 1 exam. GCSE's pretty much determine your chance of getting work when you leave highschool and for where you go to do your A levels or BTEC which count towards uni
I want to smell her body odo(u)r
>rich girls gentrifying
they'll burn a little coal for the excitement but generally pretty racist. a shame, they could have been good partners if they didnt taint themselves.
>because nazism and racism are true and the truth always wins out
that's exactly what she's saying.
Closest thing to nazi's we have are your local edl or the chavs that hang out by your local job centre
idk man
why are you bringing race into class warfare
>the burger knows
it's either them or the chinese billionaires currently buying out canada and australia.
in multicultural societies there are overlaps between race and class.
Also South London is black
i have seen like zero blacks in her pics
dats classist
real people don't care about this tho, only the right-leaning tabloids have run with it
>idk man
Yes you do
>nazis want to overthrow democracy and are using the democratic loophole of free speech to accomplish it
Freedom of speech is a right, not a loophole. You need to use your free speech to try disprove the ideas you disagree with.
Oh that's right, you can't. Your arguments are shit and your ideology is rejected by every sane person. So you have to try to censor opposing views.
KYS maggot
i mean she looks mediocre in the pic i poisted and she's a pro photographer so most of this could just be good angles
are you retarded, of course fascists are going to get rid of free speech and overthrow democracy
i have 13 GCSEs - mostly A grade
and t b h GCSEs don't mean shit
Mediocre ain't ugly though. Plain girls are my bread and butter.
If America ever actually loses free speech on account of these 'muh feelings' genetic wastes it will be the darkest day in your nation's history
this is england
and the argument makes sense, i just don't think it overrides the need to criticize the paramilitary wing of the german communist party
Then they should be killed.
So should commie faggots.
Their two sides to the same totalitarian coin.
Gonna be fun when she gets islamified.
Eh. America sets the pace, airstrip one. Even though it's not legally enshrined, there's still a reasonably large leeway for what you can say in UK/AUS. If America moves away from free speech protection, we'll also move even further ourselves.
No idea what you're on about with German communists.