Tell me again why they think they are better than niggers?
Tell me again
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Fascism is a gay subculture. Prove me wrong.
How would I know?
Fuck off, canuck.
They're not. Neo-Nazis are trash. National socialists are fine.
Prison gang members with a Nazi theme. They're not better. Almost the same. And they're not nazis.
Imagine the smell...
Wet garbage in an hot day
Because they have to attach any self respect they have to what others have accomplished or try to accomplish. They have never contributed to western society or America other than running drugs in their community. These people are a sad joke.
they're white
they're my people. they might be do stupid shit, but they are my people. biologically they are my people. i don't know why this is so hard to understand. it doesn't necessitate a cultural bond. i feel more affinity toward these literal nazi strangers than i do toward my actual-factual real-life friend who is half black. this is UNIVERSAL and everyone feels it because it'sm hardwired tribal biology
now this is just shaming
Being ugly and having lots of tattoos doesn't mean you're not better than a race of unintelligent, violent criminals.
Why does everybody want to immigrate into our system so badly?
Do they like the way white people dance?
Do they think European and American soil is magic?
We ARE niggers, nigger-faggot.
> AyeeayeeeKillTheKikes!!!!
intelligence of offpsring tends to regress to the mean of your ancestors
so even if you are stupid, if your race isnt, your kid could end up being even kinda smart
nice redpill. saved.
holy shiet they look like fucking orcs from tolkien books
The Nazi flag really represents gay black guys having sex on a UFO over a sea of fire.
The worst white is better then the best nigger
Nazism is for weak desperate men. Really men are conservatives
Because homosexuality displays the superiority of Aryans.
>Those eyes
That's meth. A lot of meth, smoked very recently before this pic.
No dildo-like poodick. Probably uncut
How are they not?
must be an albanian subhuman rape baby
That is not true, there are a lot of high quality blacks in the world and there are a lot of low quality whites out there, obviously the numbers of high quality whites outnumber the blacks..
It takes nothing to be a "conservative", you just have to defend what allready, talking purely of the positive aspects, theres nothing truly controversial or something that demands strength to uphold.
Only the strong can defend NatSoc, you will be hated you will be slandered, people will believe you to be evil incarnate, it is a revolutionary movement, one that is a threat to the every day comforts of people, there is nothing weak or desperate in supporting something that will make your life harder for the good of your people.
Why americans so retarded?
Say what you want about them at least they're not niggers.
cuz were retarted
Jewish approved education, and fluoridated water
Not going to read your rambling nazi bullshit, faggot. Go put it on your blog
I chuckled. Thanks.
They aren't, they're literally mirror images of niggers
because all our teachers are leftists
Neo-nazis & skinheads are to national socialists what the marines are to the US military. They're just there to bolster our numbers and be frontline fodder.
k, read this though
That nipple tat is pretty faggy
This is all Crumpf's fault, he didn't safe America
Donald Blampadumpf is a fuck failure fat man with small hand
Dolan Frumpf must be take out of OFFICE NOW AMERICAN NOT SAFE PLACE!
Canada is a gay sub country. prove me wrong
>These are the people insulting Trump
>These are the people who insult white men who date asian/latina/arab girls
>These are the people begging for national socialist gibs
I love that you retards still use that name, pray tell my based conservative friend what exactly have you conserved ?
precious aryan gene incubators
>They don't wear crisp as fuck ss uniforms
>Aren't contributing to a more safe a better white world
>Aren't disciplined and well oriented
>Don't swear allegiance to the white race only their gang
Yeah they're not Nazis. The Nazis prized their selves on being the most presentable people out there
You're not wrong.
Nazi = faggot
she looks like a coalburner
>nazis were "white" power HURRR
Daily reminder that 99% of Nazi LARPers are subhuman and want socialism because they are inferiors who wish to leech money from successful people to feed their methamphetamine habits.
nah, lol, i'm smarter than the average nigger
because they dont walk around blowing people up at random, they dont eat human bodyparts, they dont steal jobs, they're not associated with sjw's, they never caused political problems because they have very little political representation and they dont flood into countries by the billions.
Anglos are not white
Bet none of them shave, would love to climb on a pile of young aryan bush with 1940s hygiene
They aren't.
their genes can be brough up to standard in 1 generation. niggers will take thousands of years of quality breeding to catch up
do posters and lurkers here look like this?
Daily reminder, you wouldnt feel so bad about socialism if you weren't giving your money to niggers and latinos
Have you been to jail? It's not a pleasant place for whites.
nice saved
these people are niggers, being a nigger doesn't have anything to do with skin color, it just so happens that a lot of black people are niggers too
i think nazi elites wanted be something they are not.
theyre not
>t. white nationalist
Compare the amount of drugs peddled by nigger gangs to the amount of drugs peddled by neonazis, then look at where they sell them and who they sell them to.
Niggers in Chicago have fucking trashed my side of town, and I hope to fuck each one involved gets a fucking cop's bullet in the skull.
But yeah, you really made a point, posting a picture of two guys in ink clasping hands.
>ITT. Reddit tries to force a meme
A failure as always
at least i put something, unlike your verbal diarhea.
>that pic
First things first, Nazi LARPS are retarded. With that said, Motorcycle gangs have been known to get swasticas tattood just to strike fear in non-whites. I know a few 1%ers who truly care about nothing (in terms of political ideology) but love being brazenly anti social if nothing else.
they are not. They adore the guy their grandfathers fought against, have most likely no historical knowledge and the way the look, they would have been executed for in Nazi Germany. Charge: Self mutilation.
Nazis also did not wear tattoos.
>Fascism is a gay subculture. Prove me wrong.
Every male subculture is, especially when it has a focus on training, and physcial improvement.
I guess that is also a thing from the stone age. Men had to go hunting together and defending their tribe. That affords cooperation and male bonding, to see them as brothers or comrades instead of just rivals or enemies. And that affords certain levels of bromance
doesn't hit the nail on the head but good video
Go back to your cuckshed sven
It is. Does that mean Adolf did not hate gays? Let me know.
They're not. These are prison tier Nazi's. Those guys are not exactly Rommel or Von Braun tier NatSo.
A fucking leaf
>Verbal diarhea
You wanted a reason why one group is worse than another. I gave you one. Black thugs destroy communities. Neonazis just tickle your sensibilities the wrong way.
those crazy assholes will be the guys on the front lines of our revolution. we need all white people united. Unity or Death. WE decide.
>they are muh people
>they are muh people
>Guyz they are muh people
Sauce? Asking for a friend.
I'm not a leaf, I'm Chinese and only here for College.
My grandfather didn't die fighting the nazis, so that i could be called one for believing in the same things he did.
Wonk wonk wonk....
They aren't. Skinhead niggers are uber degenerates that only follow the nazis for the edge value. They're more of a subculture than political movement.
They aren't redpilled at all.
Cuz they can still smell jooz garbage
That's why
I knew lots skins when I was a teen, thankfully go out of that shit before I turned into one of those retards. All of them were niggers and they played life by nigger rule #1: if at first you don't succeed, quit and blame racism. It had moments where straight nigger shit went down like a room full of people fighting eachother over a short dimebag.
The people who are like OP pic are losers. If they won whatever they think the war is tomorrow we wouldn't be any better off for it at all.
>These are the people who insult white men who date asian/latina/arab girls
>I'm not a leaf, I'm Chinese
Either larping or a literal cuckold.
PS. IDs do not change with flags, newfag.
Its not "your" system, 99% of white people had no hand in created that western system. the 99% is leeching off of the 1% of whites that actually create. Those 99% are literally no different than niggers to the white elite
those guys probably became Nazis in prison
Criminals are not good people but they have it pretty rough in the United States, due to the racial diversity, they have to join race based gangs to survive
In many Western European White countries prison was much more humane and safe prior to the influx of migrants, so people didn't need to affiliate with gangs to survive, and there was more of a focus on rehabilitation.
What are you guys doing?
These are prison gang tier Nazi's. They're not really Nazi's some of those pics are Aryan Brotherhood. But before you go trying to make that look like everyone who ever voted Republican will you denounce the former prisoners who showed up to counter protest? There were prison gangbangers on both sides at CVille.
I mean real life experience with such individuals prove it?
These people also look degenerate. You'll find all sorts of nasty looking people in prison.
and this is the root of the problem. in an age where whites are a global power AND minority, the elite whites abandon their brothers and sisters
This old nigga is out of his mind. I'm 8 minutes in and he hasn't made on understandable point yet but I keep listening to him. It's fascinating watching negroes try to be philosophical.
>white/spic alliance
really activates my almonds, i guess every group needs a sub division.
Can you handle the truth?
Here is another prison gang pic. Are these people superior?
nice digits microscope man
but check these
that's exactly what im driving at, big rig. what's the problem? make your point