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>Monsanto/Bayer are part of agenda 21.

Just wait. Trump said he had a plan. It was
>the best
>something special
I'm sure he will reveal it any day now.


because the easiest way to win 2018 and 2020 is promise to repeal obamacare but say they need more republicans to do it first

its like democrats flooding the country with spics for votes

>more republicans
When was the last time a party in power gained seats in the midterms? That is an incredibly risky bet they are taking.


Obama took over a year to pass Obamacare you retard

>September 2009


With an even more favorable congress too. Why do left wing retards have such short term memories?

Don't you cunts have like a majority in every level of government to pass whatever the fuck you want?

I don't remember the democrats promising healthcare on day 1, though. For all the talk, republicans were full of shit.

1. he was a little busy saving the American economy from a 2nd Great Republican Depression

2. Republicans have had 7 years.

3. Trump said he had an amazing plan. Where is it?

yes and so far all they've done is sold off internet privacy data and imported more foreign workers

Thank you, Obamaleaf. Make us proud and collect (You)s, Master Shitposter.

>be at literal rock bottom
>have nowhere to go but up
>economy enters boom cycle like it always does
>literally slowest recovery in history

Retard detected

>Republicans in charge for 8 years.
>economy hits rock bottom

really makes me think

>republicans have had 7 years

Wrong. Never had a veto proof majority. They got it through on multiple occasions and Obama just vetoed it


Republicans have had 7 years to come up with a plan to replace Obamacare u fucking moron

Yeah but why tho?

>republicans control congress four of 8 obamas term.
>democrats in control of congress during the first two years which was the period of the shittiest recovery

Really makes you think

>he was a little busy saving the American economy

Why don't they vote on it 1 more time then?

Obama created a healthcare plan that is so bad it's collapsing on itself ahahahahahaha

So just, ya know, get it through again...
Or was that all just bullshit posturing?

You're in a bait thread
You're in a bait thread
You're in a bait thread
This leaf is fishing

Republicans called it the Obama economy.

Obama economy is so amazing, Trump's only accomplishment is trying to take credit for it

Really makes me think.

RINOS. And the fact that the one who killed the vote last time literally has a brain tumor.

I like how you're dancing around the fact that it was the slowest recovery in history. He could have done nothing his entire presidency and it would have been a better recovery.

Republicans are deliberately sabotaging it actually.

This is what Obamacare sabotage looks like

and yet it's way more popular than any plan the gop has

>have 8 years to make an "amazing" economic growth
>never happens
>Trump does it in 1
never seen a president so btfo in my life hahaha

Let's archive it unvis.it/vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/5/16240282/obamacare-sabotage-trump

>Obama leaf already has 11 posts in his own thread

Keep on posting Obama leaf

It wasn't the slowest recovery. It was the longest recovery because it was the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression.

How about u incompetent fucking right wing retards stop crashing the economy so hard every time you're in charge, then u can stop bitching that Democrats take too long to clean up your mess.


It objectively fucking blows and as usual democrats can never take responsibility for their actions like the losers they are.

>i swear guys it's sabotage and not socialism naturally failing

Maybe if trump didn't bant McCain so hard.


Lol u retards are bragging about 3% quarterly gdp growth?

Ok great Obama had 5.2%.

Now do u see what fucking right wing retards you are?

You love getting btfo by me don't u?

Democrats want to fix it.

and implying that Republicans ever take personal responsibility for their fucking failures


A lack of cruelty by several republicans.

bitching about a source because u can't challenge the facts is literally not an argument

>when your propaganda fails and you get BTFO


I can't find a chart that actually has him listed at 5.2% GDP growth. Obamaleaf is literally fake news

are u full blown fucking retarded?

you're bragging about 3% quarterly gdp growth Obama had 5.2% you're so fucking retarded u don't even understand what we're talking about do u?

i just gave it to u

pull up us quarterly gdp growth on fred u absolute fucking morons

You mean they want to keep sucking insurance donor cock and rape the middle class by pumping more money into their failure? Hahahahahaha

>i swear guys he just needed a few more years to hit it

Maybe because Trump has been busy with other priorities.

McCain and Graham are establishment cucks. They belong in a trash compactor.

any day now


You're such a lying little faggot ahahaha

obamaleaf plz go


retard this isn't complicated


thx for posting my badge of honor

every 1 of those represent right wing retards getting btfo

5.2% in 1 quarter. get triggered bitch


There's only one correct answer.
BONUS ROUND - He's been a traitor on more than one occasion!

that wasn't even an obamacare repeal vote tho was it

>"The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over. We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It'll be something else. And there'll be all kinds of fights, and there'll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”
>Steve Bannon

I'm afraid Trump will have to wait for his second term to do everything he promised. Bannon's tone clearly suggests the things Trump will have to fight are far greater and darker than Obamacare. He'll have to fight deep state, pedo circles, MSM, Hollyweird. It's sad, part of fixing America involves going to war with these groups first. May God help that man, he'll need it.


Clinton caused 9/11 not Bush.

There is no end to GOP dinduism. Republicans truly are the biggest fucking dindus on the planet.

>and implying that Republicans ever take personal responsibility for their fucking failures

I fucking nailed it.

Bush kept us safe btw

>62 replies
>22 posters
>23 posts by this ID

Leaf shill is workin' overtime!!

>that wasn't even an obamacare repeal vote

Ya know, for someone that acts like they know a lot about American politics, you really don't.

Obamaleaf always makes us canucks proud

>repeal parts of

>all these compliments from my fellow leafs

by the way hey retard, u realize that according to your own link, trump did not have 3% growth in Q2 17

Wasn't blumpf suppose to be impeached by now?