Sweden to outlaw peeing standing up

Sweden Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men

Take a stand — and sit down for what you believe in. Males in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.

The Left Party's Viggo Hansen, a substitute member of the county council and the man responsible for the proposal, wants the office toilets to be genderless and as a result, is pushing for the "sit-down only" requirement.

"We want to fight sexism and to give men the option of going into a clean toilet," he told Sveriges Television (SVT).


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Is Viggo a male name or a female name?

That's fully sexist. my dick hits the cold inner rim. I will piss on the floor instead of your useless swedish toilet if so be it.


>Sweden to outlaw peeing standing up

Nope. I'm sure you can read the article yourself, and figure out that's not the case.

The local leftist party in one county, out of twenty-one counties, made a proposal re this - FIVE FUCKING YEARS AGO. And guess what, it didn't pass.

That party was formerly known as Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna - The Leftist Communist Party, btw.

Then maybe you should work on your flacid length a little bit so it dangles down before hitting the rim.



>How to breed a miserable race
>Sit for work, sit at home, sit while pissing/shitting
>hemorrhoids the new normal
>tyrone fucking your wife at work, maybe even your mom on the weekends

yet your average swede cucks will sit by and agree with this fucking mess

it's not flaccid when I poop >:D


>June 2012

Hey swedebro,

can I ask ya a question? I have a chance to do a phd in philosophy in sweden. Do the swedish people like americans?

Then circumcise it. You'll barely feel that it's knocking in to the rim, cold or not.

I speak from personal experience.

In Sweden males are legally required to tuck their penis with tape at all times

you want me to de-goy myself cus it's uncomfortable pissing sitting down? Fuck I hope this is ironic.

>jewing your dick
>on purpose

It's cleaner, too. You won't get toilet germs caught inside your goyskin.

Sure. Most of us know your language. You'll be more popular than most other immigrants/visitors.

I can't really recommend Sweden in general though, due to all kinds of states of the nation. Where would it be likely for you to end up doing your PhD?

I knew this was from 5 years ago before I even opened the link.

Confirm that you're asking me to amputate part of my penis so when I am forced to sit to pee I don't physically sense what should be an internal organ rubbing on the inside of a public toilet bowl.

In Sweden, men are given estrogen through the tap water and they import with their own money African "bulls" as they say to replace them

That is correct. I almost never notice that it's caught on the underside of the rim. It feels similar to shuffling in my underwear or something like that.

Not sure actually. I hear lund is really good. But Im also looking at denmark. Basically I want to study continental European philosophy but I only speak English, so I don't have many options in that regard. Just for reference, I am from the midwest (Missouri) and its pretty boring here. I think Sweden would be cool, but why do you think its a bad call? Is the mass migration really affecting Swedish society?


I feel like your dick is going to be dirtier than mine. and it feels so good after all the... cheesy jokes.

I shower daily? Never once had dick cheese. Maybe it's because I'm not a filthy animal.

I have nothing to compare it to but getting head with this sensitive of a dick is never boring, fighting climax for 15 minutes to explode like a .50 round against fucking watermelon is beyond words

No, that's the thing. It's much cleaner. I've been rubbing it on the toilet off and on for decades and it's never got infected.

>OP's info is old as hell
Surely Sweden has come up with some crazy shit lately
>OP confirmed for lazy faggot

do you guys sit and masturbate to these cuck fantasies or what?

Yeah, Lund is one of our major student cities (tied with Uppsala). Uppsala is nicer, since it's closer to Stockholm and further from Malmö. If you're into continental philosophy, wouldn't Germany or France be ideal? Sweden doesn't have many philosophers, and Denmark only has Kierkegaard afaik.

Mass migration is one thing, but there's also a crisis within our judicial system, healthcare system, education system, et c. Lot's of things aren't the way they should be. A lot of it is caused by the infrastructural stress from immigrants, but also just pure mismanagement and incompetence.

15min? Boring. You can still bust in like only a minute or two without even thinking too much about what it feels like.

Even if this were real it's unenforceable. Are they going to bug every bathroom in the country like some Orwellian nightmare? Are the Peepee police going to bang down your door and haul you off as soon as you finish?

I want to be concerned about your lack of moral directive, but I also see your flag is starry and stripey so there's little I can do.

I was under the impression, all the European countries specialize in Continental. I didn't know other wise.

>says the flag with literally stars and stripes on it
k live like an abo i guess

Do you think there will be a rise of the right in Sweden? Do you honestly think it could devolve into civil war? Or is that just larping?

Yeah. But if you're looking for top-tier universities for Continental, then you should probably go to the where Hegel/Kant/Schopenhauer/Heidegger/WIttgenstein/Nietzsche (for example) were based. Have you considered learning any Euro languages?

We already have a rise of the right in Sweden, at least judging by the votes for the Sweden Democrat party. There's been a minor rise in extra-parliamentary activity, too, but nothing major.

No indications of civil war here. We only have a few hundred extreme right-wingers, too. Russia seems to target the US more when it comes to that kind of subversion right now, anyway

This is Sweden we're talking about, so probably yes. Maybe they can hire refugees to monitor the genderless bathrooms

Does SD advocate genital correction surgery?

I have considered learning German, but you gotta understand where I come from. I'm from The midwest and if you go 500 miles or 800 kilometers in any direction. It's basically all English speakers. The only language I've studied are latin and ancient Greek. But yea, I guess If I want to read the best minds works, I should try to learn the language they wrote it in.

I just can't believe its getting bad in Sweden. When people here think of sweden, we think of very progressive and "forward thinking" but I guess you could say, that was the start of its downfall?

Let me ask you man, do you ever seen runestones in the forest? Does the average swede know the history about the written runic language?

I don't know if they've brought that up, but they're probably highly against it. They're quite socially conservative. No same-sex marriage, no adoption for poly-amorous/same-sex couples, et c

I get the feeling Sweden isn't really ready to confront young girls getting mutilated left and right, so that's a wise decision for now. That's the kind of issue that has to come bottom up.

Right. If you're not going to live in Germany for any longer period of time, then you probably don't need to learn it - especially considering that most of the major works have been translated. You would really need to understand German properly before reading any of their great philosophers though, since they're written in quite old, strange, and unusually complicated ways.

>its getting bad in Sweden
Yes and no.

We have rune-stones out and about. I grew up close to an area where we had a settlement in the 11th century, and I actually discovered part of a cliff down by a lake that was covered in runes (younger futhark). But average Swedes don't know that much about them, nor do they care that much about the cultural viking heritage given the Christianization

So this is what they meant when they said I'd be doing a job that hasn't even been invented yet when I grow up.

I will be Pee Police, officer of the pisstake

But just think of how many cocks you'll look at :3

So I live near Saint Louis, and let me tell yea. Saint Louis city is full of black gangs and crime. I'm pretty sure its the highest murder rate in the entire country. (because of the black gangs)
It is super segregated for the most part.

I have been to Paris and seen the tons of Muslims there, and it just didn't seem as bad as my city in Missouri. So essentially, I think I would rather have Muslim gangs then black gangs. Many parts of my Saint Louis, is just in complete shit. Vacant buildings and such.
The whites, in response to this just move way out into the country.

So is there a type of white flight going on in Sweden as well? Would you say this is a common occurrence?

does this law only apply to non migrants? I mean otherwise it would be bigoted, right?

Yeah, we now have several "separate societies" in Sweden that are immigrant-dense. Arabs and Somalis, pretty much. Low rent, high crime. Semi-lawless and high levels of gang activity. Seeing all kinds of sexual attacks going up throughout Sweden, and the main perps are the immigrants. Immense amounts of shootings. We even have our own Wikipedia article for grenade attacks.

There is some white flight from Sweden - most people seems to be going to Norway. I'll probably go there - or to the US/NZ/Iceland. I'd rather watch this society collapse from a distance. I'm also quite concerned about Russia, so I'd like to go somewhere that's a bit more geopolitically stable.

vast majority of swedes celebrate diversity and reject racism

>or to US
m8 they've been telling us to be more like Sweden for decades. Sweden is the future. Why don't we have the utopia of Sweden?

Are Swedes even allowed to come to the US anymore?

Holy shit. Well, I think we all have that feeling somewhat you know? In america I feel like its getting bad here too ya know?

So, I don't think you should come to the USA. Because many parts are shit, but the places that are still predominantly white European are still good. Such as the Midwest.

If I were you tho, I'd say NZ/Iceland....those places are beautiful from what I hear. and Safe as well.


I'd argue that something more like Denmark or (or maybe even Japan) is the future. A balance between social security and a free market (the Scandinavian model) seems to work perfect, ONLY IF immigration and postmodernist ideologies are kept to a minimum.

>Are Swedes even allowed to come to the US anymore?
Sure. We even have the quick Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) thing. Super-simple.

Is this because sweden is a giant flaccid penis?

Also, Vermont and Maine are pretty nice and white. Though it is expensive.

>I'd argue that something more like Denmark
That's one of the most sternly worded statements I've seen from a Swedish flag in recent years. I think you're systemic weak cucks from personal experience, but I'm a decent enough person to want to see you thrive. I might even have Rus' blood in me.

>We even have the quick Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) thing. Super-simple.
Does that mean you can visit or stay and be an American?

Let's suppose Russia annexes Sweden

They kick out all the immigrants and they invite all the ethnic swedes back - under the condition that Sweden remain a geopolitical Russian protectorate/vassal

would you move back?

Sweden is NATO and not an irrelevant or irritating member. That's an unrealistic scenario unless one side or the other is ready to make it HAPPEN.

...sweden isn't in nato

Well, I've specifically been looking at the Pacific Northwest, and more conservative/white places like Montana/Idaho/Wyoming. Feels like good places to start a family. Western Oregon could be nice, too

Cheers, yeah, it's just a bit too close to the clusterfuck that is the US East coast though. Beautiful forests though, and the Appalachians are stunning - but I prefer the Rockies

>I think you're systemic weak cucks from personal experience
>but I'm a decent enough person to want to see you thrive
appreciate it.
We have grown weak, to some extent. I'm 6'4" and my family has lived here for generations. As I've grown stronger physically during the last couple of years, it's been quite disturbing to see how far removed the modern Swedish male is from their "true" potential in terms of strength/power/self-realization. Some hardship will hopefully be able to straighten them out.

Due to the ocean being a natural geopolitical barrier, they're hopefully mostly just interested in our unsinkable battleship in the middle of the Baltic Sea - Gotland. By using that island they'll be able to exert full sea-and-air superiority over the region, completely blocking NATO reinforcements to Estonia/Lithuania/Latvia. They could then easily block of the Belarus-Kaliningrad corridor and fully reclaim the Baltics (possibly even Finland).

But if they were to occupy mainland Sweden I would really not be interested in staying here, or going back. Living in a de facto totalitarian regime that's corrupt, and also shitty at state finances, doesn't sound very attractive.

04:45 AM here gents
if any of you Ameribros are down on the SW coast, then I hope you're safe from Irma
It's been real.
catch you later

I think you are going to find yourself a serf in a totalitarian state in any case.

*SE coast kek

take care man

We already do this in San Francisco. There's no problem with it.