DACA protesters

There's a DACA protest going on in my town right now, Sup Forums. What should I say to them?

Other urls found in this thread:


"apply for citizenship"

"you have to go back"

"la raza! viva mexico!"
"viva la reconquista!"

I'd rather not get beaten up by a bunch of bluehairs though. should I try to debate them

you know what you have to do

tell them to get a fucking stream and riot

sorry, have too much to live for. 2 years from now will be making big bucks as a programmer

Join the protest but say CACA.

Tell them it was already overturned so they are protesting nothing, I'm sure that'll get them to go home. It isn't like they'll riot and destroy property for no reason, right?


They're chanting "si se puede"

go say RING TING TING TING TING with your gun fagggot

tell them they are gonna get amnesty and a nice big beautiful wall to look at and shut the fuck up

"Hold Congress accountable"
Before you all jump on me for saying this but, if you think about it. DACA is now on the DNC's doorstep and any failures to deal with it will be on them. That means any attempts to delay other motions such as healthcare, tax reform, and etc will only hurt them since they now have a deadline before Trump swoops in and basically fucks any chances of redemption the Democrats could have. They either can try to compromise passing the things that Trumps want or face a shit show during the 2018 primaries for not doing anything to help the poor DACA kids


just throw tacos at them

Incite a riot. Ensure you're martyred and they are exposed for the lawless savages they are.
Their existence in the US is predicated upon lawlessness as it is.

tell them violence is the only way people will listen.

>What should I say to them?
"Please not the face!"

Take pics and post them so we can dox them and make their lives miserable.

>What should I say to them?

Get a boombox or megaphone and blast Ice Ice Baby

They don't want to debate, they want to lash out emotionally. It'd be a waste of your time.

make a fake petition in favor of DACA and have them sign and state status as documented or undocumented, something like that then report to ICE or just fucking shoot them all.


"niggers tongue my anus"

This x10

Let me guess, Portland?

Go there with a sign that says 'I LOVE ICE' and then really small 'cream' and see what happens.

Get 12 tacos at Taco Bell, eat them all at the protest.



Find one that isn't obese.
Rape her.
Tell her you identify as having undocumented consent and if she complains about it she's a racist Nazi Drrumphpff supporter.


>save muh avocados
>You deserve to be paid less than minimum wage

i keep hearing leftist say "dont punish the children cause a mistake the parents made 20 years ago"
I begin to think "dont crucify every white person cause a few owned slaves a hundred years ago"

checked and kekd

>What should I say to them?
Just enough to get their names for data mining later.

Bring some food to the protest and put bleach and poison in it.

Just call ICE.

this is a shitty argument because you're setting your saying you either have to confirm or deny both. You cannot tell someone else they have to believe both while you only believe one.
When in reality those two statements have VERY little to do with each other.

This (X) 6 billion

If you're afraid of bluehairs beating you up go inside and start lifting pussy

Yell out if a apartment building that ICE is coming. Just make sure to turn the lights off inside.

nazi bantz bast bantz

>literally approving of slave wages

Speaking as someone from a wealthy family that owns an agriculture corporation, if I can't pay niggers $0/hour to pick my crops I'd prefer to pay wetbacks $2/hour to pick my crops. Cheap shitskin labor is why I always vote Democrat.

O shit!

2 years from now you will be drowning your sorrows with meth paying 5k a month for a studio apartment in Silicon Valley

Guy in OP's pic is cute. Would rub beards with/10. :3

Hasta la bye bye



Blast this on repeat

Make a sign that says you're from a fake but real sounding country, it cannot be Kekistan. Then speak total marble gargle as if you are speaking an actual language and mix in a little English here and there. They will welcome you with open arms.

Me and some friends are planning on doing this when they predictably protest it on our campus and filming us among the protesters while speaking our fake language and getting pats on the back for it. If people do this and post the videos on YouTube it will further prove how stupid these people are.

God that's disgusting.
pls don't ever again post this.

>Anything other than adios amigo is pointless.