
Anyone else live here? Is this state done for? Can it be saved?

Illinois pt 2. Get out while you can. There are other blue states that are whiter, and have less regulations/restrictions on rights. Go there instead.

I always find those big red and white gates on the interstates amusing.

We literally have zog's hq on our doorsteps. Of course we're done for.

I fear for Monticello. Too close to that horseshit in Charlottesville

Literal capital of the confederacy

Ignore college drones
Ignore niggers
Ignore government shills
Best state, any other would have fallen apart long ago

The Northern Neck has some uncuckable people

I'm still patiently waiting for antifa to show up at Yorktown battlefield.

Its not hopeless, but youd need a cataclysmic event such as a hyperinflation or at least a significant rise in interest rates to even have a chance at dislodging the DC tumor.

Sadly though whats left of the Tidewater culture probably wont make it another century.

But there are so many fucking hood niggers here

I don't pay attention to local news anymore, but if that ever happens be sure to post a thread here, I'd love to be a part of that.

The moment they begin tearing down Monument Avenue is the moment I abandon this state. Lee is one of the few things I look forward to seeing on my daily commute.

>this state
It's a Commonwealth you faggot

Im going to be taking a motorcycle trip through Virginia in october. Definitely going to Monticello, but any other sites I should see on my way to DC?

who /nova/ here

I'm skeptical that there are really people living in Northern Neck. I've never met a single one.


don't tell anyone but west of 77 is comfy as fuck

meh Western North Carolina is better

agreed, but this is a VA thread

I drive down monument ave reasonably regularly. Started seeing police cars or vans stationed, especially on the weekends. There were people taking pictures of and with the statues.

Nothings going to happen to those statues, especially since we don't have white hating vice mayor like Charlottesville does.

I live here... its fucking awful, nkthing but farmland, nearest Walmart is 45 fucking miles away

I was told by some people living down there to never even consider moving down there.

I can only recommend where not to stop
Don't stop for any reason, period

Mount vernon and colonial williamsburg are must sees.

Richmond here
Shit is boring

Northern Va and Richmond are pretty cucked but the rest of the state is nice. Home of the NRA so there's that

When will Virginia unify like Germany did?

It only took Germany 50 years after their war, why is it taking Virginia so long?

If Virginians are smart the next wall needs to be built along the Potomac

fair enough

Bingo, most West Virginians were against leaving the mother state

I do. It is arguably the best state in all terms in the united states.


Needless to say I kind of enjoy living in Virginia but I think there are few too many liberals moving into the state.

Hell over 50% of the state lives in the red.

Fuck off you hicks need to get out of my state. This is Democrat territory now.

Because fuck West Virginia, that's why.

Southern Virginia is pretty great if you can ignore nothern virginia.

Also we have the fewest incidents of cops going nuts. Our cops are pretty great.

There is hope in the south minus Danville

757fag here.
NOVA is ruining it for the rest of the commonwealth. This gubernatorial election is critical. We need maximum participation. Hopefully there isn't a "libertarian" shill candidate to steal votes from the "R" voters like last time.
The commonwealth is worth fighting for.


be 47
grew up in FFX County
Used to hunt back in the 80's
Now a melting pot of the shit races and an industrial/suburban eyesore

I hope the jews die for ruining my state

heeey thats where i live

I live in Scott County in SW VA. Very comfy, quiet, and cheap. There is nothing to do but better yourself or slowly kill yourself.

Was Fairfax Co. really a good place? I only remember this place being cucked.

Martinsville here. Danville is overun with niggers.

You're close to Grayson Highlands, yea? That land and sprawling hills is enough to not KYS user

will do.

Grew up in Roanoke. Was pretty comfy and good scenery. I hate NoVA cucks and all the pakis along with them.

Hampton roads kneegro

Lincoln freed you and you moved literally 0 miles from where you picked cotton

I moved in between Tappahannock and King William from Philly. The whites in Tappahannock seem like retarded rednecks.

Used to go hunting south of Ft. Belvoir now wall to wall houses

spics everywhere, niggers running around of their leashes

MDfag here, can I move down there?

you talk to fast yankee douche

try letting your words lean on each other

no satan you cant

:( but you have cheap cigarettes and nicer weather
Tbh everytime my state beguns to uncuck itself, more northern yuppies move in

I don't know, I just moved here earlier this year. Live about 10 mins from the devil's bathtub. Not planning on offing myself, just what I have noticed in people in this area.

idk what that is

Yea I'm probably going back to Philly. Never been pulled over there but got caught speeding three times here in a riots speed traps. At least in philly, cops are busy with niggers. My home got robbed a few months after moving here too.

Family still owns 72 acres in Mustoe VA

Its like GOD touched the earth here

Hunting season soon too, will lose myself there for a few weeks

Apparently my dad's dad grew up somewhere outskirts of roanake. Kinda wanted to stop by and take a look.

I'd be coming from the west so I could probably see it on the way to Monticello and DC

Right here boi. Dont get wet out there tonight

Just leave a carton of smokes by the front door

the kneegros will grab it and run off and leave the TV alone

Live in Chesapeake. The virtuous citizens from Norfolk and the VB cucks are closing in.

My family owns 94 acres near Montross. It's a great getaway place to have some relaxation from the shit that happens in NoVa.

pic related is my back 17

Just spent a weekend in Hampton for a massive party. Beautiful town and the people were very nice. Lots of darkies but they weren't as bad as south florida's hood rats.

What are you fuckin talking about.... one of the least cucked states in the entire nation. Sure, you have Yuppies and Liberal minorities in NOVA around Alexandria, Ft. Belvoir, etc. but go a little south and WWWEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWYYYYYYYYY freedom mother fucker. Confederate flags can be seen at least every other mile on every interstate, and every other truck has a confederate flag and "welcome, now leave" sticker.

Sure, the rest of the state is not only gorgeous but really conservative, however in the statewide elections, the people in NoVa ruin it for the rest of us. It's the reason we have McAuliffe as governor, and may have Northam come November.

I still think Sarvis was a dem plant.

I would honestly not be surprised. The republicans only lost by 56,435 votes, all because people think that the libertarians can win anything.

Whats wrong with virginia? I was honestly planning on moving their to escape the west coast.

Mostly the northern part. The rest of the state is pretty nice.


You must rid yourselves of DC scum


Me unfortunately.


stay out of the hellhole that is NOVA. It isn't Virginia, it's like a different state D.C......

yankees from maryland and the rest of the north have invaded the northern part of VA ruining the entire state, along with a myriad of coloreds.

Richmond area is pretty leftist and hipsterfaggish.

And of course towns like Charlottesville, Blacksburg, etc. are wannabe Ashevilles, which is a wannabe Austin, which is a wannabe San Francisco.

What kind of work is available?

Currently in month 3 of a 12 month lease in this shithole. The apartment is nice but damn i pray for a happening everyday. Let it all burn.

What kind of work are you looking for?

This. Except Asheville, of course.

nothin' nicer than Scott County. fellow native Duffielder. I live in NoVA now unfortunately. I go to the hob-knob/pals when I can. boy do I miss them hills

Daily reminder to those who live in the Fairfax area that Historic Occoquan is a gem of true white America surrounded by a sea of shit called Woodbridge.

do you recall anything about the western part of FFX co.? herndon, chantilly, centreville, clifton etc?


Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline drive=motorcycle paradise. Can ride it most the way through. Roanoke star overlook and downtown market are nice. Peaks of Otter lodge, Mayberry Mill, Monticello. Whole state is beautiful.

>Satan is from Maryland
I can believe it.

West virginia best virginia

You have a good point, however I think the pendulum is still swinging towards the right, despite the medias best efforts. NOVA is getting flooded with PG Maryland / DC-tier degenerates, we both agree. However, the towns deeper south are also getting flooded with conservatives white families leaving MD, PA, etc. for better gun laws and less crime.

Don't worry brother. The NRA chose your state as home base for a reason...


Who GMU here?

Corey Stewart was this states last chance, and he got within 1% of pulling it off.

Cuck establishment republican will not reverse the demographic slide, which must be done next term to even give us a chance at making this state red again.

pal's is good, haven't had hob-nob. I like to treat myself to the Front Porch every now and again. Also, Scotty's Market just opened back up again in Dungannon.

I can only hope user. I've grown up and lived my entire life in this state, and I don't want to see it turn into a hellhole like Maryland.

Even if Corey had won, NOVA and the infrastructure that brings transplants in wouldn't have gone anywhere.

I also don't think Corey Stewart would've had much of a chance in the general election against Northam.

Southwest va is the best va. Outskirts of Rural Retreat here.

Do you live near Bristol? I had some plans of moving there.

Less than 45 minutes. Pick a smaller town and commute. Trust me, its worth it.