DEAR Sup Forums

DEAR Sup Forums

I'm sorry I broke the law when I was brought to the United States Illegally, I'm sorry I'm taking someone else's Job, I'm sorry I'm costing y'all tax money for going to school... so you say.
Let me just rant for a bit.
I'm one of the 800,000 that are protected by DACA. I pass a background check every 2 years and pay a lot of money just to renew. But that isn't enough, I get it. Well did y'all know my job Is always hiring? Like we are just almost always short, I post on Facebook all the time asking people to apply. Nurses, med techs, servers, caregivers & etc. My manager always says "people just don't apply, and we have so many ads out" so who's job am I stealing? Can someone please answer me that question? People walk out ALL THE TIME, they can't handle the work. I work at a memory care where I work with veterans and so many wonderful older people! Today one of the residents says "Jose, I just want to tell you that this world needs more people like you, thanks for everything you do to help me, nobody helps me as much as you do". Little does he know that I'm actually not wanted. Last year at 20 I made 60k working my ass off! With that money I paid off some debt I was In & enrolled Into college to pursue a nursing career. (I didn't use FASFA WHAT SO EVER) all money straight out of my pocket. I pay taxes, none of my my family members have ever been on food stamps or on any kind of government help. I also started my credit at 18, I just got qualified for a 200k HOUSE @ 21 YEARS OF AGE! I'm all ready to purchase but guess what? I will lose EVERYTHING If daca gets taken away. I may not be American by blood but I am by heart. I admire this country & the opportunity It has given me.
Thank you.

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I wish Trump had the balls and ability to deport you and the other 800,000. America for Americans.

I can't wait to fucking behead you. My machete is hand itching already!

Spbp, also "look at this one black guy, he isn't hurting anyone.png"

You would not be living this nightmare if your parents had some national pride and worked to improve Mexico. Enjoy the nation your inadequate parents abandoned.

Based. Get him Paco.

If you're as smart and responsible as you claim then why isn't " I applied for citizenship" part of your story?

Really makes me think.

Either become a legal citizen or get the fuck out of my country you parasite

How am i a parasite? The NEETs on this board contribute far less and consume far more.

DACA kids aren't getting deported

Trump is just making theater. Congress is gonna pass an act resembling DACA and Trump gets to gloat to his base about giving up presidential power to the legislative branch.

>I'm sorry I broke the law when I was brought to the US illegally

Unfortunately for you, this is the only thing in your blog that matters. Your intentions, how much good you've done during your illegal stay, all means very little because your very presence inside our nation is a flagrant violation of our national laws.

You can't break into someone's home and clean the place up and build them some new shelves and then when they try to kick you the fuck out of their home, you argue that you're helpful and cleaning and built new shelves so you should be allowed to stay.

You should take responsibility for being here illegally, go to your home country, and apply to come here legally and follow the laws. If you actually respected and admired our nation you would adhere to the rules.

Instead you're just cheating trying to game the system while claiming patriotism. You only like the nation and laws when they suit you and pander to your needs. That kind of "patriotism" is the downfall of a Republic.

You have to go back.

Cry me a river,faggot.

Democrats are angry they are going to lose their slaves for a second time.
They don't want to pay White Americans (or even Black Americans) a LIVING WAGE to work in agriculture, construction, landscaping, matinance & housecleaning etc.
They need an underclass of illegals to provide surplus labor to undercut & depress wages for working class Americans.

Dumb subhuman

Oh by the way

Spoiler alert

All these kids are gonna get pathway to citizenship.

Now you have 800,000 new republican voters in California and Texas

>The NEETs on this board
I'm not a NEET fucktard. /pol isn't one person. FUCK YOU FOR ASSUMING.

>Let me just rant for a bit.

No, fuck you, get out

Go do something productive in your native country but stay the fuck out of here

What's so hard about getting citizenship? If you've already lived here for a long time it shouldn't be that hard.

get out i don't care about your sob story

You took my cousins place in line. You have to go back.

>I'm one of the 800,000 that are protected by DACA
Guess you shouldn't have been born to sub-humans.
Fuck off.

>Thank you.
Fuck off.


I like you.

good shit paco, kill as many chicanos going back as you can


Sorry my friend but if you want to stay legally in a country you must follow the procedures if you do not follow them then stick to the consequences. Also return to the piƱata land you belong orale bato.

Your abhorrent parents were human traffickers for bringing you to a country where you have no rights against your understanding.


You and your greasy illegal friends have cost us billions in taxes
Go up to your illegal 3rd world shit parents and smack them in the face for breaking our laws and putting you in this position

WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR SHIT FROM YOU PEDRO - whine to your parents

Remember, they all think theyre better than you and are horrified that theyll have to live around you

>I'm one of the 800,000 that are protected by DACA
your not any more. later beaner. tell el orange inspector that you will be a good boy and work for chiclets and maybe you will get to drink mouth wash with him at sunset in mexico

Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.

dickhead if you loved our country so much you should have applied for citizenship


I mean, nothing is stopping him from applying now...

>people aren't applying
Good for the current workers. They have more leverage against their employers.

How come Amnesty Don can't just pardon anybody who fought in the military and send all the economic migrants back home?
Imagine being such a cuck that you can't even wedge an issue properly.

Anyways... there is a need to deport the 40 million chicanos, only 800k wont do much considering those niggers birthrate.

buh bye.

Chingas a tu madre puto

hurr durr durr I dindu nuffin and do all these great things and love USA. Why haven't you applied for citizenship then you fucking faggot parasite?

It is illegal for farmers to pay someone $5/hr to pick vegetables. They most likely are not paying the medicaid taxes either.

It's simple user.

Other less productive shitty Mexicans ruined it for you and got put on blast and republicans hate that your family and other mexican families have the ideal family household and actually fallow through with the American dream while their kids are shoving dildos into eachother and becoming niggers with nothing to show for all the parents hard work.

Sorry you might get fucked over.

Cheer up, watch easy rider.

Your life can't crumble to pieces fast enough. This is my country. Gtfo.

-=- Important Information -=-
Report all illegal immigrants and individuals or companies hiring and supporting illegal immigration to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Didn't read at all, I hope you kill yourself before you're deported nigger skin sage

If you love it so much leave and immigrate properly. DACA is not law even if we did want to keep it Trump is letting an illegal order lapse. If congress chooses to make it law ok but it is not law just because obama wrote shit on some paper that is not how it works.

I don't care about your strugglez. You have to go back.

It's called "deferred" action, not permanent action. Did you expect to stay forever? Why aren't you mad at your shit parents for fucking up your future?

Don't you read the internet? OF COURSE thats how it works.



Only to the looney left and entitled assholes who want Gibbs

Seriously.... nobody is deporting you. Most of them here will not admit this. Trump just pushed it off, and everyone will continue to float in limbo.

They're citizens, you're not. Get citizenship, you can stay. Fuck off nigger.

Do it, we'll be all cheering (except for the lesbians, soyboys, and fake conservatives).

Legal White Spic here why do you cry on Sup Forums ? I waited did my time paid my fees and became a legal American citizen . Fought in two wars killed sand niggers , went to college , married a white women and have perfect beautiful smart white babies . So what is your excuse for not being a citizen FAGGOT ? Also MAGA

bye spic, fuck you, we prezidente now

This is how It is done

go back lol

I am better, you could say..hmm..superior!

this btw almost santanic

>I will lose EVERYTHING If daca gets taken away.
But America gains everything. It gains it's law, which is it's sovereignty.

You must go so America might live.


Adios, beaner

Well done user. There is a place for people like you in the world, anywhere. Come to Canada one day.

>i had a chance to get citizenship but trusted liberals and their bs promises, instead

The reason no one applies to those jobs is simply because the pay and working conditions are bead. The reason it is that is because those companies simply have such a large immigrant work pool (and workforce in general) to work with that they don't need to increase the wages or conditions. American workings simply can't compete. So when there are less people in the country.

>Now you have 800,000 new republican voters in California and Texas

>inb4 Los Zetas kidnaps you and skin your face off and behead you for you looking like a feminine faggot on the streets after you posted on a mongolian pottery board about how you're virtue signaling and wanting to dickride honkey as you self hate on your race like a good ole honkey in america does.

Welp guess you should ave at least started the path to citizenship. I hear Mexico is way better than America. Every Mexican says that so it must be true.

This, as a proud Legal Hispanic (entire family is legal as well) from South America, I say we deport all illegal mexicans, they try to live here the easy way while all the hard working legal hispanics have to put up with their shit.

Thanks user, I love fairy tales

You aren't going to get deported and nothing bad will happen to you. Sup Forums didn't start calling republicans "cuckservatives" for no good reason.

Trump ended king niggers executive order and passed the next stage to the cuckservatives who won't do shit.

Personally, I'd have you hung in a public square with your parents watching but I know I'm not getting what I want here, so lettuce b reality.

>Now you have 800,000 new republican voters in California and Texas

Keep dreaming. You'll be lucky if 1% of those vote R while another 25% vote D and the remaining 74% don't bother. Worst case is over half of them vote for the D cause gibs.

You have no excuse.

My buddy who used to be illegal took the long and hard route to becoming an official citizen and was able to do so after years of effort and landed a salary-based job just months after getting his citizenship.

>haha every two years I've paid a lot of money and did paperwork
>haha I won't file for citizenship tho

no one is american "by blood" maybe you should have succeeded in getting a green card.

boo fucking hoo


We don't want you here. Use the wonderful job skills and work ethic we taught you to make your homeland great again. Brown and blacks and women are a net drain. White men pay for everything and you punch us in the face and wave your Mexican flags around. Just go.

You're mistaking our kindness and patience for weakness Pablo.

>I'm one of the 800,000 that are protected by DACA
not anymore your not.


Can't wait until you're deported straight into a mass grave.

You've literally had your entire life to become a legal citizen.

Why didn't you get citizenship while DACA was in place instead of putting it off all these years?

If you behead too many of the valedictorians headed home, Mexico won't achieve greatness.

DACA recipient here too.
You're a FAGGOT.

For every citizen like you how many work in fastfood and don't contribute anything?

You can blame your fellow countrymen. If they were as responsible as you were we would be encouraging it. Your country was not as good as ours so you left it. When a population of people are in shit conditions they act shitty, you don't get the best group of people. Despite there being honest hardworking people, if that was all that was in your country you wouldn't be here. End result is our country gets blended with your country. It's a country you loved enough to leave. You won't even want to be here after it becomes like yours with your people's high immigration rate and high birth rate here.





This. All these DACA people had many years to seek a legal path to citizenship. Hell, even application for resident alien status. What were all these people doing during this time? They really thought DACA would just give them a perpetual free pass to violate law?

>broke the law when I was brought to the United States Illegally
How about not being a fucking criminal and doing it the legal way, if youre so god damn worried apply for citizenship taco taco burrito.

Classy Mexican bantz. I like it.

My sides

Those people are not hiring because people like you cause the wages to go down. As long as they're offering are minimum wages (due to being able to employ people like you), they won't offer competitive pay

>Let me just rant...
No thanks. Shut the fuck up and get out. Not reading, don't care. Have fun in Mexico you entitled shitstain. Bye. You couldn't shut the fuck up and kept whining, protesting, tearing shit up. Don't be surprised now that you've created the intolerance you claim to hate yourself. No backtracking now that you're fucked.

>You can't break into someone's home and clean the place up and build them some new shelves and then when they try to kick you the fuck out of their home, you argue that you're helpful and cleaning and built new shelves so you should be allowed to stay.

Actually this is exactly how adverse possession works by law.

If Trump is actually concerned about illegal immigration and this isn't wholly symbolic why does he not go after the companies that literally bus migrant workers and tenant farmers over the border in droves?

Go back

Mexican Indians lived here long before whites did. They ARE in their native country.