I have tried by saying how is it wrong I want my kids to look like me and be Anglo like me but people just get cranky and say why should it matter if I race mix.
How do you justify wanting to continue your race?
How do you justify wanting your kids to be the same race as you?
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Just tell them you want to provide foot-soldiers for the 4th Reich.
Genetic degredation leading to detrimental health problems that systematically get worse with each generation.
You don't need to justify it. Do birds need to justify having offspring of the same species?
scrambled eggs all over my face. what is a boy to do?
user has left the building
>How do you justify wanting your kids to be the same race as you?
I have no intent on being a single parent, and loading my half-nigger spawn onto the backs of others. These unholy chimeras are the product of sexual fetishes and jewish shaming.
Start telling niggers that they need to racemix and they can't have pure black children anymore then
>How do you justify wanting your kids to be the same race as you?
Selfishness and a lack of compassion.
I want to play this game
>people just get cranky and say why should it matter if I race mix.
Tell them you've already told them. You want your kids to look like you.
>How do you justify...
You do not need to justify anything to anybody, unless required by law. Don't be afraid to be more of an asshole. It solves many of life's problems.
That game was great when I was a kid. The dinner party level is hilarious.
>How do you justify wanting your offspring to carry on your genes
I don't know man, biology?
Oh boy, I wish there was a Frasier SNES game. I picture something like the Wayne's World game.
So it's easier for them to blend into the snow
She burned the coal and wants others to pay the toll. That's not how it works.
There's nothing wrong with wanting a kid who looks like you.
Just say you don't want ugly mutt children and that you have an obligation to tens of thousands of years of your Nordic ancestors not to trash their legacy.
Marty would be the most OP character
>single teen mom needs transpertation
I've got just the thing. A free voucher for a one way transpertation to Auschwitz.
There is nothing to apologise for. I want my children to look like me. Full stop.
Why? Because it is what I want.
>Why don't you date ugly people?
I am attracted to who I am attracted to.
We have a beautiful thing in Western Civilization. Those values aren't merely our physical characteristics but our culture, ideals, and traditions. Why should we invite, and therefore eventually intermarry, large numbers of people who are opposed to that values of that civilization. Also, it's only in Western Civilization where "diversity" is considered a good thing. Every other civilization is extraordinarily tribal and xenophobic.
>needing reasons to justify furthering the existence of your race
mixed kids often suffer with mental issues like depression and don't identify with any racial groups, feeling like the odd one out etc.
but ultimately tell them it's your choice and to fuck off for questioning it.
I don't want my genetic contribution to be nothing other than one to the global mud population.
>why should it matter if I race mix
Why should it matter to them if that's not what you want? You have agency to determine your life how you choose without justifying it to anyone. They're you're fucking kids.
I'm Asian, I want to leave mixed children after
Why are you explaining this shit to anybody? Just do like I do and say you want to find a wife with good genetics from upstanding culture.
>How do you justify wanting to continue your race?
Why is it wrong to want your kids to look like you? Tell them to go fuck themselves, faggot
Somehow it's ok for white girls to say they only date black guys but a white guy can't say he only dates white girls... this pisses me off.
Its a good question OP, I think the truth is its one of those questions where they will just ask 'Why?' to every answer you give. They will want you to explain the very basis of the most basic beliefs we have, because they think everything including race is a social construct. They are post modernist rats.
This is the disgusting materialistic shithole of a world we live in. People don't care about anything not put directly in front of them or advertised to them by the kikes. If Nazism were mainstream Antifa would be saying the 14 words. No conviction in race, religion or country. The fact that you want your kids to look like you should be more than enough reason to have white kids. Animals breed for the sole purpose of passing down their genes and making sure they survive in their offspring. In an interracial marriage white genes are recessive to the BBC, that's why mulattoes look like ugly niggers, with the added defect of a rough biological offspring due to all the differences in bone sizes, IQ and hormone production. Mulattoes also suffer from identity issues, feeling rejected by both races, leading to problems with school, vices like alcoholism and suicide. Needless to say, making your children mixed is a great disservice to your kids.
I said it like this: I have my grandmother's eyes. Every time I look in the mirror, I see her reflection and I'm reminded of what a beautiful person she was. I want to pass this on.
This is all bullshit since I have my father's eyes, but you win arguments with morons through emotion, not logic.
I've always wondered why the snes games have a bowling ball in the corner
that's not a bowling ball, it's an image of the buttons on the controller.
>I have my grandmother's eyes
>you win arguments with morons through emotion, not logic
I like your thinking user
i dont want a mixed kid i want a healthy kid
a single man produces 500 billion sperm cells in his life time.
If people want genes to make them beautiful smart and healthy, they can get a hold of them. There isn't much danger to good genes, if we change how society views reproduction.
thats a kinesin protein walking a lysosome to the cell membrane
not really genetics, just cell processes
Would the result be the same if the child is half Asian?
results usually not very good
I know, I just needed to come up with a quick, easy-to-remember filename and that one worked.
I only find White women attractive. The brownest I'm capable of finding attractive are like...Tan Italian women.
snes had some weird adaptations. lawnmower man, home improvement... i'm sure theres more
Oh, and if my kids ever need a bone marrow transplant, I'd like a larger list of potential doners instead of dooming them to a guranteed early death.
Blue eyes are objectively prettier. I wouldnt even mate with a brown eyed white girl.
Sexual isolationism.
Sexual isolationism is how new species emerge because positive mutations are spread and contained in the previously different population. If they mixed with the same population, those positive new genes would be lost. The different races exist as starting nods on the branch of what could have become new species of men if they were left alone for longer and didn't interbreed.
You're continuing that work with your children. They already have those gene's basic structure and you want to build them on the foundation you've observed that is working, namely how your race is smarter and more responsible, which are traits needed for survival in this world. You want to guarantee their future, not get them involved in the identity politics of another race and hold them back.
And this. Staple this in my argument above somewhere. I'm arguing the same thing just in other direction. You're already incompatible with those genes. Your body has moved on. It's like mixing a horse and zebra. It can happen but the resulting creature can't fit in anywhere, too small to be useful horse, too different to fit into the herd of zebra for camouflage in the wild....
Don't doom your offspring.
I could not look at a swarthy or slant eyed son and say "he is me". I'd always be wondering what is going through its head, what kind of alien mental wiring/hormonal production is present. No fucking way I would ever, ever, EVER have a non-white child.
read pic related and learn
Is it RACIST for a Chinese man to want to marry a Chinese woman and have Chinese children?
Is it RACIST for a black man to want to marry (ha) a black woman and have black children?
Is it RACIST for an Arab man to want to marry an Arab woman and have Arab children?
Is it RACIST for a Hispanic man to want to marry a Hispanic woman and have Hispanic children?
Would even asking them the question and forcing them to justify it be RACIST?
Why the fuck would a White man have to justify it to anyone? Grow some balls, Bruce. You don't need to justify it to *anyone* - it's the most natural thing in the world and if someone doesn't understand they can fuck right back off to Israel.
Ignore the haters and idiots. Marry White.
"Because I actually care about diversity."
Anyone Got any fraiser memes? I'll trade rare Ben Garrisons or Spurdos of equal or greater value
>bone marrow transplant
This is happening in my family. Family member is a race-traitor and her child will die because there is no one on the planet who is a genetic match.
Race-mixing is a disaster and cruel.
>A frasier SNES game will never exist
why even live
I want there to actually be a timeline in which there really is a game with this exact cover.
Niles: Look Frasier, he 'took the bait'. This is actually rather rewarding in its own way!
Frasier: Quiet Niles, I'm not resting until I've responded to every last one of these poorly written insults.
Martin: If only you boys were this interested when I taught you to bait hooks in real life.
thanks canada
There is *no single reason* the brainwashed kike slaves will accept as valid. Even by asking how one justifies it, you are already playing their game with the deck stacked against you. You don't need to justify yourself to your faggot liberal friends.
Be adamant, don't waver, stop waffling and trying to find "logical" reasons like a confused questioning liberal. In the end that's what you want.
GF tried starting a "discussion" with me about how racist the Cleveland Indians' logo is. I just said I don't care, and that I thought it looked cute. The conversation ended very quickly.