Did we just get btfo?
I don't even know how to cope with this reality?
>becoming a whore at an early age is the sign of a good person
this is what the left actually believes
idk m8 I lost my virginity at the age of 16,but how some people here act I won't be even suprised if someone is 30+ and still a virgin.
>being a whore is good
Are they saying that you can fuck the white ethnostate out of alt righters?
Has anyone tried?
I'm 19 and a virgin but I know for a fact I could have lost it at one point. I almost fucked some tinder whore but decided not to last minute
I lost virginity at 13
>vice news
Need we say more its just propaganda
According to most feminists and what not they lost their virginity when they were 11 because they were raped, so yeah I wouldn't actually doubt that study
>Their political views are invalid because of their sex life
Moral panic.
>Vice not understanding that these pollsters were trolling the fuck out of them.
Quality articles
Because you're a fucking Eastern European chad normal fag, your kind isn't welcome here, you'd best be glad Sup Forums is full of retarded southerners and third world filth or you'd be laughed back to Albania.
> Being a useless slut young is a sign of success.
Guess i'll just be a happy failure.
>HAHA [insert opponent] IS AN (select one:)[impotent][dickless][virgin][creepy] LOSER!! xD
These people act like sexual degeneracy is a plus. Besides the fact that this is an impossible and absurd number to state.
I know right? I was getting laid every weekend by the time I was 10 years old. Sex got boring fast and I don't even bother going for women anymore.
>sex shaming is awful! respect everyone's sexual autonomy!
>lol these disaffected white males are all fat and virgins lmao also probably poor
liberals are pure cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy
>"alt right" doesn't yearn to lose their virginity to some slut asap
>this is somehow bad
If this is the level they're at, then the alt-right is more of a threat to them than I thought.
I lost my virginity at 10 to my dog.
Being progressive is another word for hypocrite.
AHHAHAHAHA vice sure is trying to.
What is propaganda for $300, Alex?
>vice tells us that they embrace r/k selection and race realism without realizing it
They're almost to the redpill.
source: Vice, Columbia (extreamly left leaning) University poll of self-described "Alt-Right".
How many people took this Poll?
None of these groups want to actually discuss the argumentative points of the alt-right. They want muh dick answers.
>it's the magic pussy argument
Why does anybody think sticking your dick in some cunt somehow makes you a better man, or can solve the worlds problems?
>lost virginity at 17 to THICC white QT
>Later fingered inidian broad
>Fingers stank for 3 days, soap couldn't save me.
Now in stable relationship with white girl. Don't let the kikes get into your head.
National average is 11?
God damn niggers and spics
Dogs are the easiest to get consent from.
>a recent poll at Colombia University
Nigger, are you for real?
What's the average?
>Waiting for marriage with a conservative qt 3.14 to blow your hot, sticky load into another person for the first time
>In missionary position, holding hands, for the sole purpose of recreation
Fukn based
>“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.'”
>muh virginity muh dick
Waiting till marriage is just and right in God's eyes.
casual sex is degenerate
I see virgin shaming guys is still fine while slut shaming girls has become taboo for the left.
Theres also a correlation between Higher IQ and age of virginity lost.
>Tfw I lost it at 19
>Tfw it could mean guys have lost it at early as 12
All these triggered virgins.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>valuing chastity and traditional values is bad
Oh yeah of course this is the left we're dealing with here.
I waited until I was 23 until I lost mine because all earlier opportunities were with fatties or uggos. Glad I waited desu
Leftists think that fucking is the most important thing because deep down they don't really like themselves. The only way to determine if they have any worth is if other people want to fuck them.
Sad, really.
heh heh heh.
>tfw I am 26 and still a virgin
virgin/ dick shaming every chance they get
>sexual intercourse makes me intelligent.
This is only embarrassing. Ive seen what's on the left.
There is also a correlation between autism and iq.
is this even suprising. more people on the right are religious or traditionalist people who save sex for marriage to build a family and not get stds.
>National average is 11?
>American education
No, you did not get blown, read the damn article.
>Good people have sex early
26 is still really fucking young, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin at that age.
The implication is either that having sex means you're a "real man" who can seduce women into sleeping with them, which is very much counter to everything the left preaches near constantly, or that you have been in love with someone enough to have sex with them, which is something that can happen any time that no one has openly disagreed with.
So what's the logic?
I only come to Sup Forums to laugh at mad Westerners how they fall for obvious bait threads,but loosing your virginity is probablly way more easier for you then it was for me because all Western women are sluts in general.
How the fuck is this even measurable? hahaha. They asked a few sock puppet accounts that were ran by jews on twitter?
Didn't they learn that calling us fat weaboo virgin NEETs doesn't work?
We already call each other that daily.
Because they're not manwhores looking to fuck around with degenerates.
I lost my virginity at 14 with a highschool sweetheart. Thanks for proving leftists are all retarded because they are traumatized by being raped as kids.
The wizards are really dragging the average up.
Occasional isn't bad, for a man.
Have they took into account there seems to be a shit load of people in the alt-right with extremely conservative views on sex? You know the kind who want actually have a family and are religious?
oh, it's bullshit.
>Are they saying that you can fuck the white ethnostate out of alt righters?
Lol no i lost my virginity at 16 and i live in New England so my GFs have been pretty left wing still want an ethno state
>believing in these "polls"
It's like the dick size polls by ethnicity. When was the last time you guys got your dick measured by a pollster or your doctor? Whens the last time you, your family, your friends were "polled" by newspapers? Polls and graphs are some of the dumbest things people fall for.
Idk about all you NEETs and outcasts n shiet but I was having sex regularly by 16, all with girlfriends ofc.
>26 is still really fucking young, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin at that age
Keep telling yourself that faggot! hahaha
If you still have your virginity going into junior high you're a disgrace. Start fucking people you losers.
Why is this board filled with low test beta males ?
Fucking KEK, there's no way that's a real article
VICE writer literally drink cum. They have male VICE writers jerk doff into a bowl, throw some alcohol in there, and then they all communally drink it.
Think I'm joking or exaggerating?
there's also a correlation between niggers and crime.
alt right isnt degenerate and less likely to have stds
>this is (((shameful)))
Take off you proxy leaf
>i don't like ur political ideology so that means you're a VIRGIN lmao
Jesus. Just when you thought VICE was the bottom of the barrel, they start digging out the bottom.
no this is too funny
Fucking your hand pussy doesn't count.
Lost mine at 16, have had sex with 30+ women. I stopped counting at a certain point. I have now settled down and have a newborn
They lose there virginity by age 8?
Yeah that's really going to calm down people on the right, make the world look even more degenerate, I'm sure they will respond positively
Alt Right would be family men and very loyal ones if they had the right woman.
If it's based on morals and values I could respect that. But at some point you're just missing out, you're only in your 20's once.
It's because women have no sense of self worth so they can only judge people in relation to themselves; women are only wanted for their looks and sex so they try value men on the same aspects. Try as she might, women will never be equal to men.
So true
who are you trying to fool? all your women are sluts
>hurr durr what losers, probably dont even have herpes or AIDS
>probably aren't even deadbeat hurr durr
pol BTFO
1 Corinthians 6:18
>Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Reddit better get to work and gather us up a big group of thots to make sex with if theyre serious about stopping the next Hitler.
>Ever not being degenerate filth
>>sexual intercourse makes me intelligent.
Back in the day when pussy was hard to get you had be ubermensch to get pussy before marriage with out paying for it. Nowadays its as easy as buying a drink at a bar its really nothing to be proud of
Alt Right = Marriage Material
Angry virgins are angry
I'm 26 and still a virgin. Plenty of blowies though, though I'm not proud. Been dating my 19 year old Christian gf for a year though. 1 more year and I'll pop the question. Gonna have 5 kids.
cuz im a religious traditionalist.
Why does the alt-right even exist in America?
So when they got married?
solipsism. CLASSIC
I can't imagine any poll of the altright not being wildly off kilter. At least half are going to troll the fuck out of them for a laugh.