Why do you do this to yourselves?

I used to be like you guys before I asked myself how it benefited me. The answer is, it doesn't.

You guys can make of race as you wish, but the truth is that even if, hypothetically, your idea that you are overall genetically superior to those with different skin, religion, sexuality or gender, that doesn't mean that there aren't people like that that aren't better than you.

The fact of the matter is that you're limiting yourselves from amazing people, some of whom could be great friends, simply because they don't fit into your ideals. Assuming you think white men are the only superior people in the world, you are automatically excluding about 6/7 of the world's population from your life.

>"We don't even want to be around people like that anyways"
Your impression of these people are broad and generalized, or based on anecdote. If you try to wipe your preconceived ideas of a group of people and then try to befriend one who you consider to be smart and kind, you might see your opinion change.

>"Shut up, you're probably a 'shitskin'"
No, I'm white and used to agree with you before I came to my senses.

>"I'm doing what's right in fighting to defend my race. Our opposition is trying to end whiteness and are thus a danger to me."
There will always be people who want to end some group of some kind, but even so the alt-right tends to pick and choose what it allows its followers to see, so most of what you see as opposition wanting to "end whiteness" is a very rare case. Plus, isn't it hypocritical that many of you support the killing of Jews in WWII/don't condemn a man killing an SJW with a car but you get angry when a few black people say they want to kill white people?

I know I'll get shit for saying what I said, but that's inevitable. Try to read it with a clear head; maybe you'll change your views. After all, you're just beating a dead horse.

>Everyone who is against my global stance on issues is automatically alt-right because I say so, you nazis!

Movements like neonazis and the alt-right are for losers. It's that simple. They are accepting of anyone regardless of merit. You only have to be white, or even just believe the same things they do. You can be borderline retarded. You can be a murderer and rapist. Hell, you can be a terrorist like Breivik but if you do something they like, they will worship you.

These movements are for people that are insecure with themselves and try to blame the world for the failures in their personal lives. That's why their memes are so bad. That's why every thread is the same topic over and over again, and the raids on other boards are the same thread over and over again. They live off of the outrage and self pity.

Ok rabbi, whatever you say.

this and sage.

You faggots made it "us" vs "them" and get surprised when the enemies you created crack your skull open

tl;dr LOL

People like you need to be shot

But you can easily make a list of things that defines those labels: the belief in racial superiority a belief in some form of fascist nationalism, belief in conspiracies especially ones involving jews, hatred for moderate and liberal views

Those are just a few, but 99% of the alt right and Sup Forums fit the bill.

It's kind of bad logic. Of course people who benefit from the current world order are going to support it, and those adversely affect are going to rail against it.

Your logic is bad. A sane person would realize their faults, not believe in conspiracy theories, and try to improve themself.

>i'm not hivemind
so you're like millions of others who aren't, either and you're Sup Forums expecting a pat on the back or what?

There are some things greater than friendship. There are some things worth dying and fighting for. A white ethnostate is one of these things.

>conspiracy theories

I agree. You no get sex woman like me if racist trump vote

Off your meds again?

You need another vaccination against liberal cuckoldry. Go live around section 8 apartment niggers for a year and come back and revisit your opinions.

You will find a very strong correlation between proximity to blacks and racism. It's oddly uniform across all geographic and cultural parameters.

Very odd..

>pissing ocean piss
why is your memé so weak?

Hate not being able to trust my black coworkers bc of affirmative action. Or to not offer the Mexicans a beer bc I know they are working for slave wages.
Fact is everyone thinks I'm racist bc I'm white, so I can only trust white people.

>Right wing conservative
Pick one. And look up the definition of leftist politics if you are stuck, try again

>You guys can make of race as you wish, but the truth is that even if, hypothetically, your idea that you are overall genetically superior to those with different skin, religion, sexuality or gender, that doesn't mean that there aren't people like that that aren't better than you.

Can't believe there are losers who with a history of losing that war, are still clinging on to it as if it will somehow change.

It's funny, because white people as a whole benefit from globalism more than than anyone else. We exploit the resources and labour of brown and yellow people all across the world so we can afford their cheap oil, cheap consumer electronics and other goods.

If corporations and banks owned by white people didn't economically oppress brown people globally, the standards of living in the US and Europe would be significantly lower. The US wouldn't be able to afford its huge military, Europe wouldn't be able to afford socialism, etc.

And now the "white nationalist" movement is claiming to want to "fight globalism" because it adversely affects them? All they really mean is "keep the brown people out", which they perceive as a threat. They still want the cheap resources and consumer goods that globalism grants them, since that is how they benefit from it.

Don't make excuses. It's got nothing to do with 'fighting world order' or 'fighting globalism'. It's just about racial elitism.


made up anecdotes from the DOJ.

This. If alt-rightists would just admit that they're in it solely for the racism, at least you could respect them for being honest among all the other shitty things they are.

Anyone who supported Trump for his non-identity-politics-related policies hasn't been a supporter of his for a long, long time; unless, of course, you're retarded. Oh, wait...

>that doesn't mean that there aren't people like that that aren't better than you.
One Thomas Sowell isn't worth the other 99 Michael Browns.

Do you think racism is a goal in itself? That people are racist just to be racist? How does that make sense?

There is an infinite amount of reasons to do any given thing. My entire point is that this entire movement was built on stupid people who need - for personal reasons - someone to tell them that they're better than someone. The alt-right movement will be fruitless and is is detrimental to the lives and well-beings of those who follow it.

I'm not saying that everybody on Sup Forums can say the same, but I can certainly say for myself ang guess that the majority of Sup Forums is racist simply because they like the idea of being better than someone else, and to them the disadvantages of hating the vast majority of the world simply does not outweigh the benefits of how this false sense of superiority makes them feel.

I was a fucking loser when I first started on the whole alt-right thing. I had literally no friends, no girlfriend, and I did badly in school. In hindsight, I realize that the reason I became a Trump supporter was because he and his supporters were the only ones that convinced me that I was better than everyone else, even if it was because of something I could not control.

This is what this entire movement feeds on.